Clubs and Organizations
The Black Resource Center works in collaboration with, provides resources to, and/or advises the following organizations:
Sigma Rho Chapter
In 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority became America's first Greek-letter organization established by black college women. Its roots reach back to Howard University in Washington, D.C., where the idea for formation was conceived by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle of St. Louis, Mo. After its incorporation as a perpetual body in 1913, Alpha Kappa Alpha gradually branched out and became the channel through which selected college-trained women improved the socioeconomic conditions in their city, state, nation and the world.
The national program "THE SPIRIT OF ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA" embodies five target areas: education, the black family, health, economics and the arts. In addition to these five targets, the Ivy AKAdemy serves as a comprehensive center for all the educational and human resources development experiences for most community services programs provided by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Participants are youths and adults from the entire community.
The mission of the Black Alumni and Friends Chapter is to assist alumni in continued educational, cultural, economic and social growth within the black community. Black Alumni and Friends aims to maximize alumni resources toward the attainment of education and charitable goals established by the chapter. For more information or to become a member of the Black Alumni and Friends Chapter, contact Teresa Eoff or the African American Student Center.
The Black Men of Excellence cohort is committed to the retention, graduation, and nurturing a sense of belonging for all students at Cal Poly Pomona. While our program is designed to bridge the graduation and retention gaps for Black Men at Cal Poly Pomona, we welcome any individuals(s) who wish to positively uplift and support students, regardless of how they identity, in those efforts.
Through programming, mentoring, and networking with on-campus and off-campus partners our goal is to ensure that the Black Men of Excellence cohort serves as a model for all students to be prepared for their future career path.
The Black Faculty and Staff Association works to support students, staff and faculty on the campus of Cal Poly Pomona by providing programming, scholarships, monthly general body meetings, scholarships and resources.
The Black Faculty and Staff Association at Cal Poly Pomona works to:
- Promote public interest in and understanding of the unique needs of black faculty, administrators, staff and students.
- Provide appropriate forums for black faculty, administrators, staff and students to ensure equal access and opportunity and to promote human values in higher education.
- Aid in the development of a black perspective on educational policies and procedures among faculty, administrators, staff and students in the general community.
- Encourage access, participation and retention of black faculty, administrators, staff and students into the university community.
- Advocate for continual career enrichment for black faculty, administrators and staff.
- Foster development of informational networks for members concerning courses of study, job opportunities and innovations in the field of higher education.
- Advocate for equal access to educational opportunities for all historically underrepresented, underprivileged and low-income people.
President Contact Info
Ami Rollins -
The Black Student Union is an organization focused on and dedicated to the personal and academic advancement of the African American student. Through various charitable, political and social university events, BSU reinforces and promotes the standard of excellence upheld by Cal Poly Pomona that is necessary to survive, grow and succeed in a rapidly changing world. The Black Student Union exists for the betterment of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Associated Students, Inc., as a whole to:
- Promote the virtues of productivity, discipline, general and academic excellence, work ethic, kujichagulia (self-determination), ujamaa (cooperative economics), nia (purpose) and umoja (unity).
- Develop dynamic leaders who will impact the campus community, and subsequently the world, in a positive manner.
- Provide an awareness of the heritage of African Americans and their contributions to the building of our nation.
- Strive for equal educational opportunities for minority groups in the community.
- Dues for this group are $20 per academic year.
Xi Xi Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was founded on Jan. 13, 1913, by 22 women at Howard University. These students wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence and to provide assistance to persons in need. The first public act performed by the Delta founders involved their participation in the Women's Suffrage March in Washington, D.C., in March 1913. Delta Sigma Theta was incorporated in 1930.
Since its establishment, Delta Sigma Theta has clearly established itself as a public service organization that strives to confront the problems of African Americans and, hence, all Americans. A wide range of programs addressing education, health, international development and strengthening of the African American family have emerged and evolved over the years. In realizing its mission, Delta Sigma Theta provides an extensive array of public service through its Five-Point Program Thrust of physical and mental health, educational development, economic development, international awareness and involvement, and political awareness and involvement.
Kappa Omicron Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi was founded on the campus of Indiana University on Jan. 5, 1911. The fraternity's fundamental purpose is achievement. Early in the last century, African American students were actively dissuaded from attending college. Formidable obstacles were erected to prevent the few who were enrolled from assimilating into co-curricular campus life.
This ostracism characterized Indiana University in 1911, causing Elder W. Diggs, Byron K. Armstrong and eight other black students to form Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, which remains the only Greek-letter organization with its first chapter on the university's campus. The founders sought a formula that would immediately raise the sights of black collegians and stimulate them to accomplishments higher than they might have imagined.
Fashioning achievement as its purpose, Kappa Alpha Psi began uniting college men of culture, patriotism and honor in a bond of fraternity.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) at Cal Poly Pomona comprises three sororities and two fraternities (sororities: Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta and Sigma Gamma Rho; fraternities: Alpha Phi Alpha and Kappa Alpha Psi).
Becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority is based upon the aspirant's possession of specific qualifications. Individual chapters are guided by standards that promote the building of strong and effective chapters. Students that are interested in Black Greek Letter organizations can learn about the history, aims and national programs of each organization by visiting the National Pan-Hellenic Council.
These historically African American organizations hold social and philanthropic events, incorporating the participation of their alumni members in citywide chapters. All nine of the national organizations (five are currently chartered at Cal Poly) are very active in community service activities. The membership intake procedures for NPHC chapters take place during the fall, winter and/or spring quarters.
President Contact Info
Aaron Afful -
In 1971 on the campus of Purdue University, six young men formed an organization with the purpose of assisting in the retention of black engineering students, as well as providing a support group that would allow them to succeed together.
The Society of Black Engineers (SBE) was formed. Since the number of African American students at predominantly white institutions during the time SBE was formed increased and the graduation rate of these students did not increase, the Society of Black Engineers became a national body in 1974. Our mission:
- To recruit, educate and graduate successful and culturally aware black engineers and scientists.
- To strive to encourage, stimulate and develop the interests of minority students in the community in the pursuit of an engineering and/or science-related degree.
- To represent students on issues and developments that affect the careers of blacks and other minorities.
- To develop the technical and professional skills of our members to better prepare them for industry and graduate studies.
- To promote within our members a sense of community, enabling them to have a positive impact on industry and the world at large.
Pi Rho Chapter
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority aims to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are hallmarks of the organization's programs and activities. Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impact society educationally, civically and economically. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was organized on Nov. 12, 1922, in Indianapolis, Ind., by seven schoolteachers: Mary Lou Allison Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Dulin Redford, Bessie M. Downey Martin and Cubena McClure.
The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on Dec. 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to Alpha chapter at Butler University. Soaring to greater heights of attainment around the world, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., as a leading national service organization, has met the challenges of the day and continues to grow through sisterhood, scholarship and service.