I AM FIRST Faculty & Staff Profiles
Many CPP faculty and staff self-identify as among the first in their families to go to college or be the first to graduate. Click on the profiles of CPP faculty and staff below to learn more about their experiences as first-generation college students and the advice they have for CPP students.
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Maria Anzaldo
Retention & Graduation Specialist
College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

Diana Ascencio
Advising Center Coordinator, College of Science Advising Center
Dr. Estela Ballon
Professor, Liberal Studies
Brandi Blair
Financial Aid Counselor, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Won Choi
Academic Coordinator, Kellogg Honors College
Wendy Córdova
Associate Director, Centers for Transformation, Retention, Equity and Empowerment
Berlinda Crawford
Advisor/Retention & Graduation Specialist, College of Education & Integrative Studies

Dr. Amy Dao
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Ariana Estrada
Student Identity Development & Education Coordinator, Centers for Transformation, Retention, Equity and Empowerment
Dr. Jack Fong
Professor, Sociology
Amber Freeland
Lecturer, Animal & Veterinary Sciences Department
Dr. Claudia Garcia-Des Lauriers
Professor, Geography and Anthropology
Dr. Carol Gonzales
Associate Vice President, IT Security & ComplianceChief Information Security Officer

Dr. Mario Guerrero
Chair and Associate Professor, Political Science
Elizabeth Hernandez
Reference Librarian, University Library

Patricia Higuchi
Director, Student Accounting & Cashiering Services
Linda Hoang
Early Support Specialist, Bronco Advising Center
Paul Hottinger
Reference and Instruction Librarian, University Library
Dustin Johnson
Coordinator, Reading, Advising, & Mentoring Program (RAMP)
Thavery Lay
Coordinator, EOP Admissions & Enrollment Services Student Support and Equity Programs (SSEP)
Dr. Sunny Lie
Associate Professor, Communication Department
Armida Lopez
Lead Accountant, ASI Financial Services
Paulina Lopez
Clinical Practice Placement Coordinator, College of Education & Integrative Studies
Michelle Martinez
Retention & Graduation Specialist, College of Environmental Design
Mireya Martinez
Academic Advisor, Student Support and Equity Programs
Tracy McDonald
Director, Learning Resource CenterLecturer, Mathematics & Statistics

Alberta Miranda
Lecturer, English & Modern Languages
Sam Moore
Director of Development, University Advancement
Patty Mutz
Administrative Support Coordinator, Apparel Merchandising & Management
Dr. Phyllis Nelson
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dr. Lideth Ortega-Villalobos
Clinical Psychologist, Student Health and Counseling Services
Sally Romero
Reference & Instruction Librarian, University Library
Maria Angelica Ruiz
EOP Outreach & Admissions Counselor, Student Support & Equity Programs (SSEP)
Marilu Salcedo
Library Services Specialist lll
Dr. Cory Scott
Lecturer, Management & Human Resources
Stephany Soria
Manager, Talent Acquisition and Classification/Compensation
Nancy Mejia Terriquez
Interim Senior Coordinator, Bronco Advising Center
Dr. Jason Turcotte
Professor, Communication Department