Office of Student Success, Equity and Innovation

Academic Standing

Academic Standing is defined by your cumulative, Cal Poly Pomona and/or major grade point averages (GPAs). A GPA is a calculated average of the letter grades you earn. If you want to learn more about the letter grades CPP uses, visit the University Catalog (navigate to the Academic Policies section and click on Grading System). 

You can check your GPAs on your unofficial transcript or Degree Progress Report. Both are located in your BroncoDirect Student Center.

Your Academic Standing is updated each term after you receive your final grades. 

Read the information below to learn about the different academic standings at Cal Poly Pomona that reflect your current progress and may impact your future enrollment.

More About Academic Standing for Undergraduates

What It Means

Your Cumulative and CPP GPA are 2.0 or above.

What It Means

You have a CPP or Major GPA between a 2.0 and a 2.2.

What Will Happen

The At-Risk hold is placed on your account, and the hold will impact your future registration.

Next Steps

In order to remove the hold, you must complete a Canvas based module. Once completed, the hold will be removed automatically within 48 hours.

What It Means

You have a Cumulative or CPP GPA below 2.0, but it is above the level for Probation with Contract. 

The first time you fall into Probation with Contract standing (see requirements below), you will be placed on Probation.

What Will Happen

The Probation hold is placed on your account and the hold will impact your future registration. 

Next Steps

In order to remove the hold, you must complete three steps:

  1. Complete a Canvas-based module.
  2. Complete the Probation Worksheet linked at the end of the Canvas module.
  3. Meet with your Retention and Graduation Specialist. After this meeting, the hold will be removed.

What It Means

You have a Cumulative or CPP GPA below the following levels based on class standing: 

Table of Probation With Contract GPAs by Class Standing
Semester Units Completed Grade Point Average
Freshman Less than 30 <1.5
Sophomore 30-59 <1.7
Junior 60-89 <1.85
Senior 90 or more <1.95

What Will Happen

The Probation with Contract (PWC) hold is placed on your account and the hold will impact your future registration. You should visit this website to understand the specific impact for future terms.

Next Steps

In order to remove the hold, you must complete three steps: 

  1. Complete a Canvas-based module.

  2. Complete a Probation with Contract worksheet and contract linked at the end of the Canvas module. 

  3. Finally, meet with your Retention and Graduation Specialist. After this meeting, the PWC hold will be removed.

You can be placed on Administrative Probation if you are not making progress in your current major. You will receive a Student Success Milestone hold (SSM).  This hold does not prevent registration. The hold encourages you to schedule a meeting with your assigned advisor as soon as possible. In that meeting, you and your advisor will complete an Administrative Probation agreement. 

An example of Administrative Probation may include if you have not been taking courses in your current major for at least one term, which may include courses for a major you have not declared. 

If you do not meet the terms of the Administrative Probation agreement, you may be discontinued from the university or have a hold placed that will prevent registration for future terms.  

Please visit the University Catalog for details on Administrative Probation. 

What It Means

Undergraduate students can fall into disqualification in two ways:

  1. If you do not meet the term GPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of any term following your first Probation with Contract status (for as long as you remain on Probation with Contract status).
  2. If, after your first Probation with Contract status, you successfully raise your CPP and Overall GPA above the Probation with Contract threshold, but then your GPA falls below the threshold in a subsequent term, you will be automatically disqualified from CPP.  

What Will Happen

If you are academically disqualified, you will be discontinued from the university in the next term. This means that if you are enrolled in classes in the next term, you will be dropped from those classes. It also means that you will need to reapply to the institution if you want to enroll in the future as a matriculated student.

Next Steps 

Students who are interested in continuing their education after academic disqualification have a few options.

If you are interested in returning, visit the Returning Student website. Complete the form and a member of the Bronco Advising Center team will reach out to you to discuss options for readmissions. Options may include repeating courses through Open University or submitting a Retroactive Withdrawal petition, among others. Only after your CPP GPA has improved will you be eligible to reapply; however, improving your GPA above a 2.0 does not guarantee that you will be readmitted.

If returning to CPP is not an option, the Bronco Advising Center team member will also discuss options for applying to other institutions.

More About Academic Standing for Graduates

What It Means

Your Cumulative and CPP GPA are 3.0 or above.

What It Means

You have a CPP or Major GPA below a 3.0, but it's above the level for Probation with Contract.

What Will Happen

The Probation hold is placed on your account and the hold will impact your future registration.

Next Steps

In order to remove the hold, you must complete two steps:

  1. First, meet with your graduate advisor.
  2. After meeting with your graduate advisor, you must have your hold removed by your graduate coordinator, department chair, or designee.

What It Means

You have a Cumulative or CPP GPA below the following levels based on units completed: 

Table of Probation With Contract GPAs by Units Completed
Semester Units Completed Grade Point Average
8 <2.3
16 <2.7
24 <2.9

What Will Happen

The Probation with Contract (PWC) hold is placed on your account and the hold will impact your future registration. 

Next Steps

In order to remove the hold, you must complete these steps: 

  1. Familiarize yourself with university and college academic policies and procedures. Additional information regarding academic standing may be obtained from the University Catalog. For Catalog review, please scroll to the subheading in Academic Policies titled “Academic Standing – Postbaccalaureate Students.”
  2. Complete the Probation with Contract Worksheet and Probation Contract Agreement. Contact your graduate coordinator if you need assistance with filling out these forms.
  3. Meet with your graduate coordinator or department chair immediately for academic advising to determine how to regain good standing. The Probation with Contract worksheet and Probation Contract Agreement Form must be approved by your graduate coordinator. 
    After meeting with your graduate coordinator, you must have the hold removed by your graduate coordinator, department chair, or designee.

Academic Standing Resources