Retention & Graduation Specialists
Your Retention and Graduation Specialist (RGS) will help you stay on track toward graduation. If you have an at-risk, probation, or probation with contract hold, you may be required to meet with your RGS to develop a plan to improve your GPA and continue to be enrolled at CPP.
Contact your RGS as soon as you see that you have a hold. This will help to you to get back on track faster, as well as help you to avoid long lines during registration periods.
Make an appointment with your RGS using CPP Connect.

Raquel Alva
College of Business Administration
Building 164, room 1039B

Berlinda Crawford
College of Education and Integrative Studies
Building 94, room 275

Michelle Martinez
College of Environmental DesignBuilding 7, room
Maria Anzaldo
College of Letters, Arts, and Social SciencesBuilding 5, room
Lorena Roman
College of Science
Building 8, room 306