Division of Student Affairs

Campus Police & Safety Advisory Committee

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The purpose of the Police & Safety Advisory Committee is to ensure the University Police Department (UPD) aligns with both the university’s mission and values of inclusivity, community engagement and social and environmental responsibility. It serves as a voice for the various stakeholders it represents (students, faculty, staff and the UPD).

The Committee Will...

  • Discuss campus climate issues related to policing and law enforcement on campuses.
  • Review UPD policy, procedures, and practices at regular intervals.
  • Identify recommendations for engagement.
  • Support community outreach efforts.
  • Provide training and education for UPD and the campus community with a focus on addressing issues of inclusion, equity, and access.

Importantly, as the needs of the campus community change, the Committee will have the ability to shift its priorities to meet those needs.

  • Develop a sustainable community policing framework that values the safety, education, and accountability of all campus stakeholders.
  • Build a campus community that fully integrates students, faculty, staff, and UPD through consistent engagement opportunities and meaningful collaborations.
  • Improve transparency and trust among UPD, students, faculty and staff through education and communication of policy, practices, procedures, and protocols related to campus safety.
  • Collaborate with different campus organizations to develop mechanisms of community accountability among UPD, students, faculty, and staff to ensure all community members feel safe, welcomed, and a strong sense of justice and belonging at CPP when interacting with university police.

Ongoing Priorities for the Committee:

  • Bring together all campus stakeholders (faculty, students, UPD, staff, and administrators) as one CPP community to improve trust, communication, and transparency.
  • Identify strategies for UPD to bridge the gap between traditional policing and a community policing model that aligns with a university environment, so UPD is more aligned with the educational mission of the institution through a balance of educational approaches with accountability and meeting compliance with state and federal laws.
  • Educate students and other campus stakeholders about engagement with law enforcement.
  • Engage in further research about community needs and UPD data collection practices.
  • Continue the UPD complaint process review.


Current Board Membership

Dr. Jonathan Grady: Committee Chair

Megan Shadrick: ASI Representative (representative chosen by the ASI President) 

Damien T. Winfrey: Student, Black Scholars in Residence

Lori Inarda: Staff (representative chosen by Staff Council) 

Erick Guandique: Staff, Environmental Health and Safety (representative chosen by Administrative Affairs)

La’Keisha Beard: Black Faculty and Staff Association (President or designee) 

Joel Gutierrez: Division of Student Affairs (representative chosen by the Vice President for Student Affairs) 

Dr. Phyllis Nelson: Division of Academic Affairs (representative chosen by the Provost)

Jesus Avalos: Division of Administrative Affairs (representative chosen by the Vice President)

Damien Deocales: University Village (representative from University Village) 

Lt. Rob Brock : University Police Department

Lt. Jose De Jesus Plasencia Jr.: University Police Department


Peter Hanink — College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

Steven Lee — College of Business Administration


Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Meeting Agenda


Background and Charge of the PASC

Roles of the Committee Members

Group Expectations  

Next Steps

  • Timeline of events (January retreat)
  • Readings:
    • PATF Report
    • Pres. Barack Obama 21st Century Policing; 6 pillars
    • USC Campus Policing
  • Use of Microsoft Teams


Police Advisory and Safety Committee Meeting Agenda

Welcome / Charges

Overview and Expectation
Introduction of Chief of Police or update on search
Getting to know the Committee
Ice Breakers
How we got here – review of PATF
Defining Terms
Student Perspectives                       
What can we achieve this term?

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Meeting Agenda


Expectations, Remarks and Q &A on Community Policing 

  • Christina Gonzales, Vice President of Student of Affairs
  • Interim Chief of Police, Erik Munzenmaier

Cal Poly Pomona – Title IX Presentation

Review of Recommendations – small group projects 

  • UPD Open House
Housekeeping and Marketing next steps 
  • Website Development
  • Next meeting

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Meeting Agenda


Updates from Chief                                                                                                                     

Follow up Open House / Tour                                                                                                    

Review of PASC Website                                                                                                       

Review of Compliant Process                                                                       

Additional Topics                                                                                                                                 

  • Coffee with a Cop Spring Event

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

Present Committee Members
• Megan Stang
• Christy Orgeta
• Joel Gutierrez
• La’Keisha Beard
• Daniel Foncello
• Phyllis Nelson
• Thomas Malone
• Lin Dinh
• Peter Hanink
• April Jimenez

Guest Attendees
• Brenda O.
• Soraya Coley
• Christina Gonzales
• Ysabel Trinidad

I. Preliminaries
a. Call to Order – Chair
b. Roll Call – Chair

II. Discussion and Actions Items
a. Review of the formation of the Committee / Charge and what was accomplished last year.

b. An overview of the foundations for the Police Advisory and Safety Committee was given. The goals of the committee were reviewed. They include continuing to address campus concerns and improving transparency of the University Police Department (UPD) to the Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) community. The committee expressed their appreciation for actions being taken by UPD to connect with the CPP community and expects to continue to collaborate in those actions.

III. Goals/Ideas for 2022/23 year
1. Compile a list of what was accomplished last year to compare with what still needs to be worked on.
2. Conduct a climate survey to understand how students perceive UPD
3. Implement a way for individuals to reach out to the committee about concerns and feedback
4. More outreach toward the community as a whole
5. Improvement of the UPD website to help connect the community and make information easier to access
6. Making UPD more accessible to the campus community
7. Bring UPD into campus events such as orientations or new employee onboarding
8. Town Halls with Students
9. Focus on what are some barriers that restrict the community from reaching out to UPD

IV. Next Meeting
• October 13, 2022 - Virtually, Zoom

V. Adjournment

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

  1. Preliminaries
    1. Call to Order – Chair
    2. Roll Call – Chair

Present Committee Members

  • Megan Stang
  • Christy Orgeta
  • Joel Gutierrez
  • La’Keisha Beard
  • Daniel Foncello
  • Phyllis Nelson
  • Thomas Malone
  • Lin Dinh
  • Peter Hanink
  • April Jimenez
  • Srikanth Venkatesan

Guest Attendees

  • James Bradford
  1. Discussion and Actions Items
    1. UPD Updates
      1. Chief Dinh, UPD Representative, provided updates on activities.
        1. Members of his team are investigating a carjacking case with the LAPD. Proactive measures from that event resulted in officers patrolling parking lots.
        2. There was a challenging incident in Library. The Chief has reviewed the body cam and other footage to understand what actions were taken. All the involved officers followed established procedures for such situations. The Chief held a debrief session with the officers involved to review footage and provide feedback.
      2. Chief Dinh provided updates on topics from the previous meeting, such as outreach and communication. A campus outreach event, Coffee with Cops, was held recently which included members of all teams within UPD. UPD added a comment or concern submission link on to their website, allowing community members to voice their opinion to UPD.
  • Questions –
    1. The committee expressed confusion on behalf of students about Police “obligation,” duties, and timely warning. Asked why there is often a delay in communication about situations that are happening on campus. The Chief explained that there are specific legal procedures for issuing such announcements.
    2. A committee member said they had not heard about the outreach event and asked where this event was advertised. The Chief recognized that the event was last-minute and was not well advertised. His team is working on improving their communications for outreach programs and other events.
    3. Another point brought to attention was that students tend to find out information about current incidents from club communications before the UPD puts out statements. UPD is aware of that situation. The victim chose to report it to the club before informing the UPD.
  1. Committee Discussion/ Reviews/ Timelines
    1. Members got into breakout groups to review goals and accomplishments created last year. Committee Chair Stang asked for groups to review the list of goals and bring back their top 3.
    2. Group 1’s outcomes and reflections
  1. Officer Bio on website
  2. Chief communicating positive ideas and updates
  3. Communication team for UPD to promote/communicate clear and timely information.
  • Group 2 outcomes and reflections
    1. Coordinated PR outreach updates. Helps with clear communication to the campus community.
    2. Video information from Chief; help with regular communication from UPD outside of crime alerts
    3. Town hall on campus policing led by students or CPP community, not by UPD.
    4. The biggest issue to address is to create trust and connections. Creating stronger relationships will help with getting the campus to work with UPD
    5. Having officers visible on campus and not always in their car
  • Group 3 outcomes and reflections
    1. Communication cannot be in one format. Identify who can best connect UPD with the students (ASI, Student leaders, SELS).
    2. Both students and UPD need to understand each other’s challenges and needs.
    3. Create UPD Ambassadors, Department or Organization communicators, or a Public Information Officer. This group is to be considered a neutral party. More of a liaison between UPD and all stakeholders.
  • Next Meeting
    • November 10, 2022
    • In Person
  • Adjournment – 2:30pm

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes – (Remote)

Present Committee Members
• Megan Stang
• Christy Orgeta
• Joel Gutierrez
• Daniel Foncello
• Phyllis Nelson
• Thomas Malone
• Lin Dinh
• Peter Hanink
• April Jimenez
• Lawrance Edwards
• Carlos Callejo

Guest Attendees
• Kris Suber

Absent Members
• La’Keisha Beard
• Srikanth Venkatesan

I. Preliminaries
a. Call to Order – Chair
b. Roll Call – Chair

II. Discussion and Actions Items
a. UPD Updates
UPD created a comment/concern tab on the website, which is currently available for use.
Working with CAPS and Bronco Cares. Having regular meetings with these departments in their regular “Student of Concern” Meetings
Working with Health Center and IT to secure the safety of the individual who will be utilizing health services, due to recent social concerns.
Two parking officers will be starting Monday to help supervise parking lots. Also working to add more officers to the team within the next few months.

b. Clery Presentations
A brief overview and background of the Clery Act were given to provide more information to the committee. The purpose of the Clery Act is to disclose all crimes on a college campus. Clery Act is an institutional responsibility to contain compliance. The act has numerous reporting obligations under federal law. The data collected consisted of information from UPD and the local police department regarding a report of students who live off campus. Clery at CPP continues to integrate compliance into regular business processes.

Also, promoting a culture of reporting and holistic support/supportive measures. The presentation was followed by questions from the committee. The main topic was how to make the clergy information accessible to students and families of students.

c. Communications/Open Discussion
The Chair shared with the group that our next meeting conflicts with the Black Thriving Initiative kick-off event. The group was encouraged to attend the kickoff instead of the Police Advisory & Safety Committee.

d. Discussion
The group touched on the importance of communicating the UPD extension to the campus community. Numerous members of the committee are willing to help promote the extension of 3070.
A committee member suggested training for students and staff to help promote a better understanding of how to lessen the chances of risk on campus at night.

e. Student Views
The student touched on nighttime parking supervision. The chief informed them the goal is to widen the hours of patrol once the new officers are onboarded.

III. Next Meeting
• December 8th, 2022
• Black Thriving Initiative Kick-off Meeting

IV. Adjournment - 2:30 pm

Meeting Minutes

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Agenda – (Remote)

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM - Welcome & Introductions

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM - Presentation

9:45 AM - 9:50 AM - Stretch Break

9:50 AM - 10:00 AM - x3070 Campaign Ideas

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM - Presentation

10:45 AM - 10:55 AM - Stretch Break

10:55 AM - 11:15 AM Academic Year Timeline & Engagement

11:15 AM - 11:45 AM - Circles of Influence

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Closing

12:00 PM - Adjourn

Meeting Minutes

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Agenda – (Remote)

9:00 AM  - 9:10 AM           Welcome & Introductions                          

9:10 AM - 9:20 AM            UPD Updates                                               

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM            Active Shooter Presentation                             

9:40 AM - 9:50 AM            3070 Campaign                                           

9:50 AM - 10:00 AM          Safety Fair                                                         

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM       Committee Updates                                         

10:30 AM                          Adjourn  

Meeting Minutes

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Updates

This memo is intended to provide an overview of the Police Advisory and Safety Committee (PASC) meetings including topics, agenda, meeting overviews, and meeting frequency. 

Monthly Meetings / Events

The committee meets monthly and attends or hosts an event on campus.  Attached are the detailed agendas of the meeting. Chief Dinh or a UPD representative and student concerns (if there are any) have time dedicated to each meeting. A brief overview of meeting topics: 

  • September 2022 – Welcome and Overview of Committee, Goal Setting
  • October 2022- Committee Members Attend the UPD swearing-in ceremony.
  • October 2022 – Discussion of Recent Campus Events
  • November 2022 – Clery Presentation
  • December 2022 – Attend Black Thriving Initiative Symposium
  • January 2023 – Half day retreat
    • Faculty Presentations
    • ‘3070’ Campaign
    • Academic Year Timelines and Opportunities for UPD presence
    • Circles of Influence – how PASC members can be ambassadors for UPD.
  • February 2023 – Active Shooter
  • March 2023 – Outreach Event

Outreach Event

On Thursday, March 16th, in conjunction with University Police Department and Clery Compliance, the PASC hosted a campus safety fair in University Park during the U-hour. 12 partner departments including Title IX, CAPS, and Parking and Transportation also participated. 

Several UPD officers were at the event to talk with students and the campus community.  PASC and UPD also launched the “3070” campaign where students could program their phones to the direct line of UPD versus calling 911 and being dispatched by the highway patrol. 

Committee Website:

The committee website is updated monthly with committee goals, membership, agenda, and meeting minutes. https://www.cpp.edu/student-affairs/updcommittee.shtml

Meeting Frequency & Upcoming Meetings:

The committee meets or host/ attends an event monthly for 90 minutes.  The upcoming meetings are scheduled as follows:

  • April 20th from 1-2:30 pm. Virtual, Zoom
  • May 18th from 1-2:30 pm, In-person, MPR 1963


Meeting Minutes

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Agenda - (Remote)

1:00 PM - 1:15 PM                             Welcome & Updates 

1:15 PM - 1:30 PM                             UPD Updates & Outreach Efforts  

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM                             Survivor Advocacy Presentation    

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM                             Future Agenda Topics                                  

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM                             Closing and Adjournment

Meeting Minutes

Police Advisory and Safety Committee Agenda

1:00 PM - 1:15 PM                            Welcome & Updates                  

1:15 PM - 1:30 PM                            UPD Updates & Outreach Efforts      

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM                            Academic Year Timeline         

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM                            Student Membership Outreach  

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM                            Yearend Wrap Up                                                          


Meeting Minutes

Members Present (via Zoom): Megan Stang (Chair), Lt. Brock, April Jimenez, Joel Gutierrez, Jesus Avalos, La Keisha Beard, Peter Hanink, Diane Rivera, Damien Deocales,
Naman Pandadiya, Chandler Saenz, Jesse Hofer, Phyllis Nelson

Megan Stang, Committee Chair, welcomed the committee members and called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM

UPD was present at the new student orientation in October. Also, they participated in a campus meet and greet near the library to interact with faculty, students, and staff on campus to let people know that UPD is present, what they do, and how to reach them.
UPD is working on improving its partnerships with the local law enforcement agencies. Recently they had a successful joint training with Pomona PD, as well as exchanging control alerts to keep everyone informed.
Megan Stang commented about the WASC campus visit in October. WASC is the organization that accredits the university. The visiting team requested specifically to meet with the PASC and to discuss the intentions of the committee. A couple of the questions asked were “How do you know if the PASC is effective” and “Does the campus know the PASC exists”?
The PASC members and UPD have a direct hand in educating and building a campus community with events that integrate faculty, students, UPD, and staff. PASC will continue to discuss different ways to be effective on campus, continue to develop campus partners; and track the effectiveness of initiatives and campaigns implemented by the PASC.
Staff Council Toy Drive in partnership with Pomona PD
Please check out the website for more information. https://www.cpp.edu/staffcouncil/toydrive/index.shtml

After an off-campus incident that resulted in multiple student injuries; a group of students inquired about providing a safety resource card for students to access campus resources. The purpose of the safety resource card is to provide the campus community with a list of resources and help after an emergency.
LT. Brock will check to see if a safety resource card already exists. If not, does UPD have funding for any of the following: the safety resource card, creating an app listing resources, a wallet-size resource list, a digital card, and a QR code that could be used to access the resources on their phones?

BTI is a campus-wide initiative that recognizes and responds to anti-Blackness as an existential threat to our mission as a public university. Anti-Blackness stifles our ability to educate, discover, create, heal, and thrive. As a result, this campus-wide strategy recognizes that our future as a university must be linked to the success of Black communities and demands racial healing, building capacity and consciousness, and accountability of all.
How does the campus community and PASC support the BTI initiative? What are the next steps for PASC partnering with BTI?
PASC's first step in building a partnership is to invite a representative from BTI to talk to the committee members about their current plan of action and the next steps in engaging with the campus community. In that meeting, discuss spring planning and potential campus outreach events with PASC and BTI.

Jesse Hofer suggested creating a program or safety measures for e-scooters on campus, in hopes of creating a safer environment for the riders and pedestrians around campus.
LT. Brock suggested placing speed limit signs for the scooters around campus and establishing a program where the university can provide helmets and possible outreach training on how to properly ride the scooters. The committee agreed to research and continue the discussion on this issue, and possibly invite the Director of Parking and Transportation to further the conversation.
Naman Pandadiya commented that the students appreciated UPD’s presence in the past couple of weeks at student events and protests surrounding the mid-east conflict. Many of the students felt safe to protest.
Chandler Saenz asked about the communication of an active shooter on campus and what measures are in place. How would a student know what is happening on campus? How are the professors notified of the situation? Is there protection in the classrooms? Are the professors aware of and trained in those protections?
LT. Brock's responded to the questions that the campus is on the RAVE system and everyone on campus with a phone is connected to it. In case of an active shooter incident, the campus community will be contacted through their cell phone.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:06 PM.
Next meeting: Peter Hanink will survey the campus to measure the awareness of UPD on campus.
Planning of an outreach for this committee and Black Thriving Initiative.

Meeting Minutes

Members Present (in-person): Megan Stang (Chair), Lt. Brock, April Jimenez, Joel Gutierrez,
Jesus Avalos, Peter Hanink, Diane Rivera, Phyllis Nelson, Damien Deocales
Guest: Jonathan Grady, Chardonnay Marquez, Sociology, Vivian Martinez, Criminology

Megan Stang, Committee Chair, welcomed the committee members and called the meeting to order at 1::10 p.m.

No updates.

The Campus Police Climate Project presentation by Dr. Peter Hanink, Sociology, and CHARDONNAY MARQUEZ,
Students Chardonnay Marquez, Sociology, and Vivian Martinez, Criminology. VIVIAN MARTINEZ

The Problem
What is the present climate of policing on campus? How do CPP students feel about the police?
First, the campus administration has recognized there is an issue with the police. Once the administration
recognized the issue the Campus Police Advisory Committee was formed. The efforts within the PAS committee
and UPD havebeen to focus on information and communication to the campus community.
With these efforts, campus administration does not know how CPP students, faculty, and staff feel about the police.

What Influences Perceptions of Campus Police?
• Past Interactions with Law Enforcement – Negative, Positive, Lack
• Campus – Students, Faculty, Staff
• Identity – Gender, Race, Home Community, Sexual Identity, Immigration Status

The Scope of the Project
• Survey will consist of Mixed Methods, 10-15 minutes, 30-40 questions, a survey sent by Qualtrics,
to the Students, Faculty, and Staff
• IRB approval
• Incentive (raffle $50 gift cards)

Our Commitment to Inclusive Excellence presentation by Jonathan Grady, SAVP EQUITY & BELONGING
Through our commitment to inclusive excellence, Cal Poly Pomona demonstrates our commitment to the
urgent and ongoing work of creating and sustaining an inclusive campus climate in which all are welcomed
and respected, and our diversity is valued.

What the data tell us
• Climate Concerns
• WSCUS Recommendations
-WSCUS recommendation #1: address issues of diversity and inclusion as a core value identified in the Strategic Plan with an urgency
• Enrollment Challenges
• Budgetary Challenges
• GI2025 Goals and Objectives
-Limited Progress: 6 years URM, 6 years PEL, and 6 years FRSH
• Knowing out students: 77% of CPP students are Generation Z

Descriptors of CPP Racial Climate
• Passive, No Trust, Fearful, No Accountability, Fake Promises, Toxic, Fearful, No Good

Community Feedback
• Values – Honor, Excellence, Unity, Humanity, Love
• Reality – CPP does not live up to its DEI rhetoric.
• Listen to Black voices, Anti-Blackness harms all communities.
• Campus Community members need tailored educational experiences.
• The improvement of the Black Experience improves equitable outcomes for all.
• Institutional accountability without personal accountability will not work.

• Proactively address CPP racial climate
• Increase education, training, and workshops around racial justice.
• Make policies, practices, and procedures more equitable and culturally relevant.
• Increase and retain black students, faculty, and staff.
• Provide black students, faculty, and staff with equitable professional development opportunities.

Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC)
Monocultural Mindset – Denial – Polarization – Minimization – Acceptance – Adaptation – Intercultural Mindset

No student discussion.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.
Next meeting: Discuss the AED’s

Meeting Minutes

Members Present (via Zoom): Megan Stang (Chair), April Jimenez, La’Keisha Beard, Joel Gutierrez, Phyllis Nelson, Jesus Avalos, Chief Linh Dinh, Damien Deocales, Peter Hanink, Chandler Saenz, Lt. Rob Brock

Guest Speaker:  Erick Guandique, Director, Environmental Health & Safety


Megan Stang, Committee Chair, welcomed the committee members and called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m.

II. UPD UPDATES & OUTREACH EFFORTS                                                 CHIEF LINH DINH

Bike Registration Event: The University Police Department held a Bike Registration Event in February, where students can register their bikes with UPD.  UPD used this time to interact with students, who asked questions about different types of locks and how to get their bicycles registered.

Campus Events: UPD monitored several protests on campus. Some of them were pro-Palestine and others were against some companies presenting at career fair-type events.  Chief Dinh interviewed with Poly Post last week regarding the shooting at an off-campus warehouse party in the fall.  Chief also provided some safety tips for those going out to similar types of venues.

Bronco Spring Safety Fair: UPD will be co-hosting the Bronco Spring Safety Fair, collaborating with the Clery Compliance Unit, Student Health and Wellness.  The Bronco Spring Safety Fair will be held on March 28, during u-hour.

Active Shooter Training: UPD conducted an active shooter training and collaboration with the Pomona Police Department a few weeks ago, In the next couple of weeks UPD has scheduled active shooter response training with the LA County Sheriff's Department.  A few UPD officers attended the training and has proved very beneficial as far as the collaboration in responding to campus events.

Parking and Safety Measures: To ease congestion in parking lot C, UPD and Parking and Transportation moved the drop-off and pickup locations from in front of SSB.  A new area by Voorhis Circle was created, which is working very well.There is plenty of curb space, and is in the interior of campus. UPD partnered with Campus Parking Transportation on an outreach event to discuss parking and safety tips.  Also, they took the opportunity to recruit more CSOs or student assistant workers to help us in our efforts to provide service to the community. 

A parking permit design contest is taking place and the winner will get a free parking pass for the semester.

Foothill Transit:  Chief Dinh attended a Foothill Transit meeting to discuss rider safety and emergency response and talk about ways that we could collaborate with our partners at Foothill Transit.  Currently, Foothill Transit offers free bus passes for qualifying students; Silver Streak has seen an increase in usage from our campus.


Chandler commented on a topic from last month’s meeting regarding the skateboard, and e-scooter safety on campus. Recently safety signs have been posted throughout campus.                                             

IV. MEETING DEBRIEF                                                                                 ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS

Emergency management website for best practices in an emergency; see something say something.


Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)                                                PHYLLIS NELSON AND ERICK GUANDIQUE

AEDs can save lives when they are used.  Each year, experts estimate, more than 18,000 Americans have a shockable cardiac arrest that occurs in public with witnesses. “We estimate that about 1,700 lives are saved in the United States per year by bystanders using an AED,” says Dr. Myron Weisfeldt of Johns Hopkins University.  “Unfortunately, not enough Americans know to look for AEDs in public locations, nor are they trained on how to use them.”

Best Practice Roles and Responsibilities

AED Program Coordinator

  • Develop and maintain a written program for the University’s AED program.
  • Annually review the University’s AED program and make appropriate recommendations for improvement or remediation.
  • Approve requests and purchases of newly authorized or replacement AED units.
  • Publicize an annual list of AED locations.
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Maintain updated AED information on the EH&S website including:
  • AED program
  • AED locations
  • Ensure quarterly inspections of AEDs and related response equipment.
  • Ensure that necessary information is posted next to any installed AEDs.
  • Ensure Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) are made available to all building occupants.
  • Maintain compliance with all initial and recertification training for authorized users.

Building Occupants – Department

  • Inform EH&S of any malfunction, abuse, or vandalism of an AED.
  • Notify EH&S of any cardiac arrest incidences and the use of an AED.
  • Maintain a copy of this program for all building occupants.
  • Maintain a copy of the user manual/instructions for the AED.
  • Notify tenants of the location(s) of AED(s) within the building.

 AED Equipment

The Zoll 3 AED has been approved for use in the AED program. Supplies and accessories will be provided and maintained for all AEDs and must remain with the unit. Only equipment approved by EH&S may be used.

Each AED shall include the following items:

  1. One set of adult/pediatric defibrillation electrodes, connected to the device.
  2. One AED response Kit: two pairs of gloves, one disposable razor, one pair of trauma shears, two gauze pads, one antiseptic towelette, and one pocket mask barrier device.

 AED Locations

AEDs are in all State Buildings, Enterprise Buildings, and ASI Buildings

Cal Poly Pomona has AEDs

What’s still lacking:

  • Community awareness that the campus has AEDs.
  • Ease of Locating - not in the Pulse Point app
  • Training in CPR including the use of an AEDs.

Possible next steps:

  • Add all AEDs to Pulse Point
  • Produce Publicity
  • Provide CPR Classes

The American Heart Association course for Adult Hands-Only CPR with Breaths/AED/Choking takes about 39 minutes.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:25 pm                               

Next meeting topics: See something, say something, a possible campaign opportunity.

Next meeting: Thursday, March 21, 2024, In-person

Meeting Minutes

Members Present (in-person): Megan Stang (Chair), Police Chief Linh Dinh, Diane Rivera,  Naman Pandadiya, April M. Jimenez, La’Keisha Beard, Joel Gutierrez, Phyllis Nelson, Jesus Avalos, Damien Deocales, Peter Hanink, Lawrance Edwards, Srikanth Venkatesan, Chandler Saenz Jesse Hofer, Lt. Rob Brock

Guest(s): Liz Herrer, Business Continuity Coordinator, Arlett Carmona, EM/BC Manager, Mike Hillman, Special Projects Coordinator


Megan Stang, Committee Chair, welcomed the committee members and called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.


Evacuation Drill, the scheduled campus-wide Evacuation Drill was successful. The evacuation coordinators had additional training before the scheduled drill.

MSI Open House, Chief Dinh and Lt Brock attended the Male Success Initiatives (MSI) open house, met, and talked with students, and faculty members.

The Office of Inclusive Excellence Launches the New Speaker Series, Free Speech: What Everyone Needs to Know: A Conversation with Nadine Strossen on March 19, 24. UPD provided security and safety planning for this event. 

Bronco Spring Break Safety Fair held on March 28, University Park. Students received information on alcohol safety, fentanyl & Narcan, sexual health, vaccines, and more. The event was sponsored by UPD, OEC, Wellness Center,

CPP Enterprise, Clery Compliance, and Office Equity and Compliance.

Fake Bike Operation, the fake bike operation was initiated due to bikes and scooters being stolen around campus, and will continue this effort to ensure that property is kept safe.

Internal Staffing, Lieutenant interviews are scheduled to start in April 2024.  Recently, promoted an Officer to Sergeant, and Officer Adrian Lopez was promoted to Corporal.  With the interest in promoting from within UPD, has launched a cadet position. UPD will sponsor a candidate through the police academy.


ARLETT CARMONA                                                                                                                  

Responsible for the development and implementation of the university's strategic Emergency Management and Business Continuity, Emergency Operations Plan, and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) plans for a range of potential disasters.

Emergency Management Overview – Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

Why Do We Conduct Drills & Exercises?

  • Legal requirement
  • Identify any weaknesses in the evacuation strategy.
  • Test the procedure/plan, especially following any recent alteration or changes to the working practices.
  • Familiarize new occupants with procedures.
  • Test the emergency notification systems
  • Rave/InfromaCast/Alertus/social media

What is the Goal?  Identify strengths/weaknesses, areas of improvement, or training needs.

Evacuation Coordinator Program

  • Responsibilities
  • Familiarize yourself with:
    • Emergency exits
    • Evac Chairs
    • First-Aid kits
    • Fire Extinguishers
    • AEDs
  • Participate in the planning and execution of drills, exercises, or other practical exercises.
  • Identify building occupants who can provide special assistance, during an emergency.
  • Complete Evacuation Coordinator Training annually on CPP Learn
  • Maintain Building Emergency Response Plan

Mike Hellman, Special Projects Coordinator • University Police

Responsibilities include administrative duties, police dept website, how to get the information you need, safety information, small events, daily guest parking, campus tours, and outreach events.

Rob Brock, Police Lieutenant • University Police

Lt. Brock oversees the patrol officers and detective bureau, dispatch, active shooter training, and First Aid and CPR training.  Coordinator with Pomona PD and local partners on large-scale events on campus.

Liz Herrera, Business Continuity Coordinator, Business Continuity                                  

Business Continuity Program is dedicated to preparing the campus to continue its services in the face of disruptive events. To accomplish this effectively, we are committed to assisting the campus in understanding, anticipating, and planning for events that threaten the campus' mission.


Student representative Naman Pandadiya shared his concern about possible protests planned on a larger scale in the near future.                                 


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.


Meeting Minutes

Members Present (via Zoom): Megan Stang (Chair), Police Chief Linh Dinh, Diane Rivera, April Jimenez, La’Keisha Beard, Phyllis Nelson, Damien Deocales, Peter Hanink, Chandler Saenz, Lt. Rob Brock

Guest Speaker: Weston Prisbrey, Interim Associate Dean of Students, Student Wellbeing & Support

Marysol Mendoza, Director of the Care Services


Megan Stang, Committee Chair, welcomed the committee members and called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.


Lt. Brock gave an update on UPD campus events.  The Bronco Open House last week had a great turnout. UPD is preparing for safe commencements, working with local police departments and the sheriff’s office to secure personnel for security, including canine units and drones.


Chandler Saenz expressed student concerns about the university potentially moving away from its “Learning by Doing” mantra, especially in hiring and curriculum.  Several speakers acknowledged this in ongoing discussions.

4. The Care Center & Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)                                  WESTON PRISBREY / MARYSOL MENDOZA

National Landscape                                                                             

  • 39% of students experience a mental health issue.
  • 67% of 18-24 with anxiety or depression don’t seek treatment.
  • 75% of mental health issues begin by age 24.

Cal Poly Pomona’s Student Demographics - Top “Serious & Compelling Reasons” for Withdrawal AY 2022-2023

  • 35% Mental Health Reasons
  • 21% Family Issues/Crisis
  • 12% Basic Needs Issues

Mental Health at CPP

  • 50% reported Psychological Distress
  • 3% Not Lonely, 53.7% Felt Lonely
  • 3% Stress, 2% Suicide Attempt; 22% Concerning Suicidal Behavior, 1.9% respondents included Cis Women, 1.8% Cis Men, and
  • 3% Trans/Gender Non-Conforming

Students of Concern Team (SOCT)

  • Trained team that meets weekly and provides early intervention for at-risk students through collaboration with campus departments, community services, faculty, and staff.
  • Consults with faculty and staff on concerning student behavior.
  • Presents on how to respond to students of concern.

The Care Center

The Care Center is the first place to send students who are of concern or in distress. We connect students to resources they need to succeed (both on and off campus), support them through crises, provide advocacy, and offer basic needs services.

Non-Clinical Case Management

  • Mental Health Support Coordination
  • Support students who require non-clinical interventions (i.e. anxiety, neurodivergent)
  • Connect students to CAPS or off-campus providers as needed.
  • Campus reintegration support for post-hospitalization
  • Medical Support

Absence & Withdrawal Support

  • Assist students who miss class due to serious and compelling reasons.
  • Provide letters of support for students going through the withdrawal process
  • Refer to Bronco Advising Center (BAC) as needed.

University Navigation

  • Assist students in navigating university processes (i.e. withdrawals, fees, tuition, COVID)
  • Provide warm handoff to a variety of university partners. 

Basic Needs Resources

  • Housing, Financial, Food and Clothing

Services Provided

  • Access and Education, Engage and Develop, Resilience and Support

Continuum of Care

  • Care Center / CAPS / Community Agencies (i.e. Tri-City Mental Health) / Assessment by CAPS Follow-up care by Care Center/CAPS

What are we asking from the Campus Police & Safety Committee?

  • Collaboration to assist our diverse student population in their MH needs
  • Understanding of the specialized and skilled work in our respected areas 
  • Continued partnership in the management of MH crisis situations
  • Engagement in the development of new and innovative MH case management services

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

September 6, 2024 Retreat Minutes

Committee Purpose & Goals

  1. Discuss campus climate issues related to policing and law enforcement on campus. (3 yellow dots*)
  • A negative interaction with Police reporting link was not available, committee reviewed and updated


  1. Review UPD policy, procedures, and practices and regular intervals (3 yellow dots, 1 blue*)
    • How have they changed over the years?
    • How much training are the officers taking (reviewed)
      • Officers participate in continuous trainings


  1. Identify recommendations for engagement – 2 yellow dots
  • How do we provide students with engagement opportunities to do restorative work


  1. Support community outreach efforts – 8 blue dots
  • UPD is supporting and presenting to students at Univ. Village
  • Public Safety fair – committee members showed up
  • Fac/Stud new student orientation
  • 3070 (909-869-3070) UPD dispatch campaign – don’t call 911 from cell phones
  • Who are behind the Dispatch office
  • Continuous education is needed to new incoming students
  • Redesigning the UPD website and social media updating
  • Developing a module for students to review before class registration (Orientation)


  1. Training, Procedures – 3 yellow dots, 1 blue dot
    • Responded as they were trained but what about transparent communication to the campus community
    • Police may want to inform campus community however UPD has a procedural campus approval process.
    • Does this committee get to recommend on procedure changes
    • RAVE Alert – imminent threats will go out to campus via all formats immediately
    • Reaching faculty in all tenure, part-time, industry evening lecturers
    • Politics

(*Blue – UPD doing well; Yellow – UPD opportunities)


Presentation by Dr. Peter A. Hanink - What Influences Perceptions of Campus Police?

Data suggests that past individual’s experiences will influence current perception and is unlikely to change


Where do we go from here? (Committee Suggestions)

  • Tracking and reviewing data – how many positive/negative referrals UPD receives
  • Building social media campaign – utilizing the CSOs to build the campaign and socialize
  • Open house to allow the public to become familiar with building 109
  • Office hours/resources – support community
  • Workshops or resources on how new laws apply or are to be executed


2024-2025 Actions

  • Open House at UPD
  • Build and strengthen social media for UPD
  • Townhall – opportunity for community dialogue, relationship building
  • Engage in community dialogues on mutual respect, starting Sp 25
  • Campus leaders to review, augment and implement a campus safety/ER communication strategy by Sp 25
  • Opportunities to interact with students
    • Safety workshops
    • Outreach events
    • Orientation for new incoming students
  • Opportunities to interact with staff
  • Provide training and education for UPD and the campus community with a focus on addressing issues of inclusion, equity and access
  • Office hours at neutral location and info sessions (Clery Act, Title IX)
  • Utilizing Student Employees (CSOs) to engage in the community and help w/ social media.
  • Take the time and opportunities to interact with different populations on campus specifically groups that you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with.
  • Who are the people behind x3070?
    • Create a video showing the human side of x3070
    • Post on website and/or social media during Orientation
  • Review types of complaints of UPD
    • Who complains?
    • What types of complaints?
    • Are there trends over the past few years?
    • Are there thank you’s and positive feedback?


Police & Safety Advisory Committee

October 4, 2024 Minutes

  1. Update: 10/3/24 - Coffee with a Cop event went well
    • UPD has a new Community Relations Officer and helped organize the event
    • 300 engagements w/student, staff, faculty
  2. Review of retreat 9/6/24 meeting topics for new committee members and opportunities for this year
  3. Report@CPP: A new campus reporting hub
    • Reviewed the website’s content, layout, and reporting options
    • The hub offers detailed description of the type of forms available to different stakeholders
    • EHS will also be linking Cal OSHA related forms to include sexual harassment as a reporting requirement
    • Suggestions to add Report@CPP:
      1. Incorporate into AskBilly
      2. Link the Police & Safety Advisory Committee website
  • A video module to include in the student/staff portal
  1. Restart the x3070 campaign also
  2. Put up posters/signage about the (909) 869-3070 campaign
  3. Could faculty add it to their class syllabus
  • Partner with CAFÉ to provide faculty info and sharing out
  1. Future meeting presentation: Time, Place, Manner Policy
  2. Experiences/feedback from students
    • Cameras – lack of or not working. Students would like to see cameras in less traveled paths like behind the BSC, Marketplace, CLASS building, English building
      1. UPD in agreement, need a new campus camera system
      2. Need better security, though it’s an open campus and creates challenges
    • Regulation of vehicles driving through central campus pedestrian lanes
      1. Seeing near accidents happen, maybe it’s due to lack of lanes, or regulations
        1. PTS can help enforce
        2. Raise awareness; sometimes people/vendors don’t know
        3. Color coding permits to drive through campus and provide the rules on speed, locations, education is needed
        4. Add signage – Service Vehicles or Permitted vehicles ONLY
        5. Add arm gates on Eucalyptus service access roads by SSB and Centerpointe
  • Students don’t feel they can depend on campus police
    1. UPD Officers are certified
    2. Anonymous reporters are asked: do you want police contact? If they say no, there is no way to make contact back and provide an update.
  • After the crime has been investigated, persons can request to have an update.
  1. Opportunity to educate community about reporting and updates – Awareness Campaign
  • Student perspective - Awareness campaign needed
    • We are more than just reporters, make human connection, opportunities to build community and have engagement programming to get to the bottom of issues
    • Topics: Why do we have police, why do they have guns, a lot of people don’t want to be a part of the community, strengthen the community, residents are a priority
    • Restorative justice practices, some people can be triggered by Officers in full uniforms with guns; can be threatening, people are coming from different walks of life, we have to do more training and reinforcement
    • UPD is part of the CPP community
  • Traffic Accident on Temple Ave
    • CPP dispatch was not able to send a unit to a student involved car accident on Temple Ave because it was in city of Pomona jurisdiction
    • Was no response adequate? What should students expect from UPD?
    • UPD to follow up with department, enhance and how they can grow and provide better customer service experience
    • Discuss with Pomona PD jurisdictions
    • Appreciation for the open dialogue, honesty and response
  1. Areas of focus from Retreat
    • Raising awareness – Open House
      1. Highlight relationship building and connection
      2. Who are the Officers as people
  • Maybe moderate dialogue in groups to build community and come up with tangible solutions for different topics
  • Communications Strategy related to safety
    1. Maybe office hours with neutral locations where folks can ask questions
  • Training, capacity building and procedural review
    1. Could UPD take the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a tool used to view cultural differences, notions of bias
    2. Provide training to the community and UPD with a focus on equity and inclusion
  • Review types of complaints that UPD receives
    1. Commonalities, themes, highlight positive kudos around policing on campus


Free Speech at CPP Presentation by Jason Lu, Interim Director, Bronco Leadership Center   

  • Q&A discussion

UPD Updates:
Planning an Open House in Spring

  • Open House Planning committee will lead the effort in organizing the event and various activities to interact with UPD staff; Chief Linh to provide community message

UPD to provide upcoming student sessions:

  • Where to report a crime and seek information
  • RAD program – self defensive sessions
  • AED training

Upcoming Events:

  • Pink patch project – cancer awareness month; engaging in community conversations and promote awareness
  • UPD participating in “Movember” to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues– baby blue patch mustache
  • Fundraising – charity/events on social media started last month, and carried out
  • Pins – handed outs (100) to community, created stories and highlighting on social media


Student Rep, student concerns Updates:

  • Depending on where an incident takes place, Pomona PD may not be responding promptly
  • Random people coming to campus and harming the students and that’s a worry
  • Dispatch didn’t respond as would have been expected
  • Students don’t know anything about UPD
  • Perception – their truth is their perception

Response: UPD is learning and growing from the dispatch call; staff has been provided updated direction to provide higher level of customer service; assist in looking for resources and asking if medical services are needed. Provided coaching, prioritized higher level of customer service.
