Student Innovation Idea Labs

Cal Poly Pomona's Startup Challenge

Fall Fast Pitch Competition

Application Due Date: November 15, Midnight

Competition: November 21, 2024, 5pm - 7 pm (Library 2nd floor Community Space by Maker Studio)

 Prizes: TBA

Spring BSC Competition

Application Due Date: April 11, 2025, Midnight

Competition: April 16th, 2025 Bldg 162 Rm 1002

Sign Up Here!

CSU Sunstone Startup Launch

Application Due Date: TBA (Spring 2025)

Competition: TBA (San Francisco State University)

Prizes: TBA

 Previous Participations

The Bronco Startup Challenge includes a series of workshops, networking events, and business pitch competitions, on and off campus throughout the academic year. The ecosystem is designed to challenge and support students from different backgrounds, specialties, and interests to create a unified vision and bring their ideas to life. From ideation to a solid business plan, the ecosystem facilitates student growth and innovation. 

It's also an opportunity to connect with fellow entrepreneurs, receive mentorship from successful business leaders, and gain valuable feedback on your ideas. The competition is open to all Cal Poly Pomona students, regardless of major or background. Students can participate in all 3 competitions throughout the academic year or choose which events to participate in.

So, whether you have an existing business or just a great idea, we encourage you to participate in the Bronco Startup Challenge. You'll gain valuable skills, make connections, and have the chance to win prize money to help fund your venture. Don't miss this chance to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality!

 Sign Up Here!

2023 Fast Pitch Competition Results

1st Place: Way 2 Go
Founders: Sharon Chen, Lucky Hughes, Chris Peacock, Angel Solano, Larissa Wellman
2nd Place: Invent and Venture Yourself
Founders: Rosa Martinez, Yvette Cardenas, Sophia Ha, Kimberly Camargo
3rd Place: Unified School Ride Share
Founders: Alyssa Even, Julia Burton, Sydney Daruwala, Sucre Herrera, Aubrey Moran
Crowd Favorite: Lotus Energy
Founders: Summer Tauch-Hubbard, Josue Ibarra, Jayden Aggers, Amir Samuel, Mike Bernal

2023 Judges and Participants

2023 Fast Pitch Judges

 Judges: Nitin Dvivedi (SCORE Mentor), Maha Ghosn (CPP International Business and Marketing Professor), and Jesus Bermudez (CPP Administrative Analyst)


Fast Pitch Team Photo

Fast Pitch Presentation


Date Event School(s)
March 2024 Applications Open for Spring Pitch Competition    ---  
March 31, 2024      Applications Due for Spring Pitch Competition    ---  
April 18, 2024            Spring Pitch Competition     Cal Poly Pomona
May 2024 CSU Startup Launch Competition California State University, Dominguez Hills

Challenge Grading Criteria

PROBLEM: What is the significance of the problem/issue being addressed?

SOLUTION: How adequately does the product/solution address the problem?

MARKET: Is the target customer market significant, well-defined, and growing?

COMPETITION: Is the solution clearly differentiated from its competitors?

VALUE: Is the potential for sustainability (revenue, profits and/or measurable social/environmental impact) clearly articulated?

INVESTMENT: How will the prize money be used to further develop the next steps of the concept?

TEAM: How believably or credibly have the presenters demonstrated their ability to actually execute the concept?

PRESENTATION: How is the overall organization and passion of the verbal pitch?

Additional Resources

The Entrepreneurial Workshop series is offered by SIIL during the Spring semester to all students. In this series, we guide you through the foundations of launching your own business and help you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. You can view the recorded webinars HERE.