Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory

Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory
The Musculoskeletal Research Laboratories (MRL) is comprised of two distinct lab spaces, 43-108B and 43-109.
43-108B lab is a wet lab for biochemical and molecular analyses of human tissue. The purpose of the lab is to investigate molecular aspects of exercise adaptations on both normal and pathological functions in cardiovascular and skeletal muscle physiology. Some of the equipment includes state of the art instruments of cellular and molecular biology analysis such as cell culture cabinet and incubator, water baths, autoclave machine, refrigerator, two freezers -20° C and -80° C, icemaker, spectrophotometer, and polymerase chain reaction machine.
43-109 is the applied arm of the MRL and houses a Holigic Discovery Dual Energy Xray Absorptiometry (DXA) machine for comprehensive body composition and bone health assessments. There are licensed DXA technicians that utilize the DXA machine for research and at times teaching.