Kinesiology and Health Promotion

Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization

The Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization (APEAA) is an authorization that is typically added onto a Single Subject Physical Education Credential. The authorization can be added to a Multiple Subject, Single Subject (non PE) or Education Specialist credential with additional course requirements to gain subject matter competency. The Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization permits candidates to teach physical education to students with disabilities. 

Courses are designed to ensure that candidates have opportunities to develop a broad education and philosophical background on which to base their Adapted Physical Education program decisions. The authorization may be added to an existing credential or earned concurrently with a credential.

The Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization is not a standalone credential, it must be added onto an existing Single Subject, Multiple Subject, or Education Specialist credential. Classes for the added authorization can be taken concurrently with credential classes.

In our program, you will participate in a specific number of hours in our Motor Development Clinic building your applied teaching, assessment, and behavioral support skills.


Driven by a strong commitment to Cal Poly's "Learn by Doing" mission, the APEAA is currently only offered through an in-person setting. However, classes are scheduled primarily during after-school hours to enable current teachers to pursue this added authorization.


(1) Passing Score of all the single subject physical education CSET

(Visit the CSET: Physical Education page for more information)


(1) Take and pass the following Kinesiology core courses as prerequisites to the APE AA program.

Courses Units Semesters
KIN 3030/L Physiology of Exercise 3/1 Fall/Spring
KIN 3040/L Introduction to Biomechanics 3/1 Fall/Spring
KIN 3620/A Motor Behavior 3/1 Fall/Spring
KIN 3550/A Physical Education Curriculum and Assessment 2/1 Fall/Spring

Courses Units Semesters
KIN 2460S/AS Introduction to Students with a Disability 3/1 Fall
KIN 4050S/AS Adapted Physical Education Fieldwork 1/1 Fall/Spring
*KIN 4310AS Student with Disabilities Field Experiences 1 (2x) Fall/Spring
*KIN 4310AS must be taken two times. Co-requisites: KIN 4330S and KIN 4320S
KIN 4320S Behavior Intervention and Support Plans in APE 3 Spring
KIN 4330S Motor Assessment Policies and Procedures in APE 3 Fall
KIN 4340 APE Program Development and Implementation 3 Spring
KIN 4360* Clinical Practice in Adapted Physical Education 3 Spring
*Not needed if completing single subject PE credential concurrently
KIN 4370 Adapted Physical Education Candidate Assessment 1 Fall/Spring

Additional Information

Please contact Dr. Laura Chase, Department Chair, with further questions:
Location: Building 66, Room 211

Information about the Cal Poly Pomona Motor Development Clinic can be found:

Visit these websites for further information:
Commission on Teacher Credentialing:
California Teacher of Adapted Physical Education:

Program Admission (Single Subject PE):

Clinical Practice:
For more information, please visit the  Credential Services Office