Computer Science Career Interests
Software Engineering
- CS 2450 - User Interfaces Design & Programming
- CS 4350 - Database Systems
- CS 4750 - Mobile Application Development
- CS 4810 - Software Engineering Practice

Data Science
- CS 2410 - Fundamentals of Data Science
- CS 4200 - Artificial Intelligence
- CS 4210 - Machine Learning and its Applications
- CS 4230 - Social Computing
- CS 4250 - Web Search and Recommender Systems
- CS 4350 - Database Systems
- CS 4650 - Big Data Analysis and Cloud Computing
Game Development
- CS 2990 - Foundations of Game Development
- CS 2450 - User Interfaces Design & Programming
- CS 4450 - Computer Graphics
- CS 4700 - Game Development
- CS 4990 - AI in Games

Artificial Intelligence
- CS 3520 - Symbolic Programming
- CS 4200 - Artificial Intelligence
- CS 4210 - Machine Learning and its Applications
- CS 4990 - AI in Games
- CS 3800 - Computer Networks
- CS 4600 - Cryptography and Information Security
- CS 4640 - Network and Web Security
- CS 4660 - Wireless and Mobile Security
- CS 4670 - Software Security and Reverse Engineering