Computer Science

Instructional Labs

The Computer Science Department laboratories are located on the ground floor of building 8 and the second floor of Building 3. All workstations in CS labs are dual-boot and run CentOS 7 Linux and Windows 10 Professional images.


Operating System Software
CentOS 7
GCC, Eclipse, Stage/Player, MATLAB client, openJDK, Python 2.7, Perl, QT, openssh, mysq
Windows 10 LogicAid, PCSpim, JSDK 8, PathSIM, WiniSCP, PUTTY, VirtualBOX, Eclips, Netbean, Visual Studio 2008, MS Office 2010, Python 3.4
software engineering lab in building 8 room 51

Software Engineering Lab
Bldg 8-51

The lab is configured for use by up to nine four-student teams. Each semicircular team table is equipped with a dual-boot workstation running CentOS 7 Linux and Windows 10 Professional images. Each table has power and data connections for three additional portable computers. The lab has wireless internet access, and is equipped with a ceiling-mounted projector and electronic screen that can display the instructor's screen for demonstration purposes. The lab is open to the public when classes aren't using it.

windows workstation in building 8 room 52

Windows Workstation Lab
Bldg 8-52

This lab has 35 dual-boot workstations running CentOS 7 Linux and Windows 10 Professional images. There is a Videodidact Classroom Control System installed that allows the instructor to access and control student workstations. The lab is open to the public when classes aren't using it.

linux lab in building 3 room 2636

Linux Laboratory
Bldg 3-2636

This lab is used for the Computer Science courses to learn the fundamental concepts and implementation of UNIX-based operating systems and programming languages. Courses utilizing Linux as a core operating system use this lab, and a variety of programming languages and software packages provide an optimal environment for Computer Science courses. The lab is locked when classes aren't using it.