Computer Science

Lab Use and Hours

Lab Use

As a student enrolled at Cal Poly, you are eligible for certain privileges, such as library cards and computer accounts. Along with these privileges come responsibilities.

You need to be aware of the guidelines regarding use of computer accounts on campus, and the penalties which may be imposed for violation of these rules.

It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the university policies which govern usage of all computing facilities on campus. In addition, the Computer Science Department has a code of ethics for use of the department lab facilities. These guidelines are posted in the lab, and are written in the CS 140 student handbook.

Lab Hours


Software Engineering Laboratory: Room 8-51

Windows Workstation Laboratory: Room 8-52

Open Hours

Monday - Thursday:  8:00am - 8:00pm

Friday:  8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat / Sun:  Closed

Workstations are reserved for classroom use at various times throughout the day.
Check the Reservation List which is posted next to the entrance to each lab area.

The lab may be closed for maintenance during breaks between quarters.