Chemistry and Biochemistry


Please pardon our stardust! Scholarship information will be coming soon. 

Chemistry Golden (Au) 50th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship

2500 open to undergraduate students. Preference will be given to those who are participating in a science-related club or activity either on-campus or in their community, those who have participated in an internship or are employed in a position utilizing their knowledge of chemistry. 

Chevy Axelrad Goldstein Scholarship

$2500 open to undergraduate and graduate students. Preference will be given to those who are participating in research on campus and are excelling in the classroom.


Dev/Zimmerman Family Chemistry Scholarship

$2000 open to undergraduate students. Preference will be given to those who have completed with a C or better, CHM 3150 [Organic Chemistry II] or CHM 3270 [Biochemistry I] and have a calculated financial need.


Dr. Earl Pye Memorial Scholarship

$1000 open to undergraduate students in their Freshman or Sophomore year. Preference will be given to students who displayed exceptional academic promise in CHM 1210 or CHM 1220.) 


Dr. Ernie Simpson Cooperative Education Scholarship

$2500 open to undergraduate students in their Freshman or Sophomore year. 


Erika B. Memorial Scholarship

 $1000 open to undergraduate students. Preference will be given to students who have documented experience tutoring K-12 students or in science workshop with college students.

Mario Sorci Endowed Scholarship for Chemistry

$1000 open to undergraduate and graduate students. Preference will be given to students who are working more than 20 hours a week.

Chevy Axelrad Goldstein Awards & Fellowships

These prestigious opportunities are available to undergraduate and graduate students due to the generosity of the family of our late colleague, Dr. Elisheva "Chevy" Axelrad Goldstein. Dr. Goldstein's passion for research with students is recognized through these awards.

Chevy Axelrad Goldstein Student Research Awards

This award recognizes outstanding student research efforts with Chemistry and Biochemistry Department faculty. Students must be nominated by a faculty member for consideration and will be invited to apply. A panel of faculty will review the nomination packages and make the award.


  • 2019- Israel Silva Jr, Brenda Henriquez 
  • 2018- Timothy Siu, Nathan Wagner 
  • 2017 - Phan Phu
  • 2016 - Nicole G. Perkins
  • 2015 - Zaid Sheikh
  • 2014 - Nicole Berry, Nicholas Dew
  • 2013 - Daudi Bogonko, Stacy Tuey
  • 2012 - Alyssa Martinez-Finkle, Anna Mkrtchyan
  • 2011 - Ivonne de la Torre, Nancy Kedzierski
  • 2010 - Alex George, Allen Mok
  • 2009 - Steven Dutz, Kevin DuPrez
  • 2008 - Marc Bell, Andy Lee

Chevy Axelrad Goldstein Student Research Fellowships

Fellowships will provide students, under the guidance of a Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Faculty member, with a $1,500 stipend each quarter (Su, F, W, Sp) to conduct their research projects. In addition, students may apply for a supplemental budget allocation to cover the cost of specialized items necessary to carry out the work. Applications consist of a written proposal developed in collaboration with the faculty research mentor in the Spring quarter preceding the first summer in which research will be conducted. Students will be given stipends upon recommendation of satisfactory progress each quarter.

Fellowship Recipients

2014-15 - Hassan Fakkhredine, Yue Zhou