Contact Information
Chair: Dr. Erin Questad
Associate chairs: Dr. Juanita Jellyman and Dr. Jayson Smith
Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. A. Kristopher Lappin
Mailing Address
Biological Sciences Department
Cal Poly Pomona
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, California 91768
Department Office Physical Location
Building 8, room 119 (see Campus Map)
Geographic coordinates: -117.825 34.0585
Phone: 1 (909) 869 4038
Fax: 1 (909) 869 4078
Local time: Cal Poly Pomona is in the Pacific time zone, -0800 when daylight saving time is not in effect, and -0700 when it is. Here is the official local time to help you plan phone calls from other parts of the world.