CPP-WesternU Linkage Program
CPP and Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) established a number of linkage programs in the past. We are currently in the process of renewing these programs to better serve CPP students interested in joining the Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Dental Medicine (DDS), Optometry (O.D.), Pharmacy (PharmD), Physician Assistant (MSPA) and Physical Therapy (DPT) programs at WesternU. Any finalized linkage program information will be announced by email and posted on this site - no email or phone call inquiry for programs not posted here yet please.
As of Nov. 2019, CPP and WesternU have renewed the following Linkage Programs to help facilitate the admission of CPP students into WesternU programs.
CPP-WesternU/COMP-DO-Linkage Program: This linkage program is designed for students at CPP who wish to matriculate as candidates for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (D.O.) at WesternU/COMP.
CPP-WesternU/CHS-MSPA-Linkage Program: This linkage program is designed for students at CPP who wish to matriculate as candidates for the Master of Science in Physician Assistant degree (MSPA) at WesternU/CHS.
CPP-WesternU/CHS-DPT-Linkage Program: This linkage program is designed for students at CPP who wish to matriculate as candidates for the Doctor of Physical Thearapy degree (DPT) at WesternU/CHS.
CPP-WesternU/Optometry-Linkage Program: This linkage program is designed for students at CPP who wish to matriculate as candidates for the Doctor of Optometry degree (OD) at WesternU/School of Optometry.