Ink & Clay 45 First Place Awards
November 7, 2021

Jurors’ Choice 1st place Clay Prize Award
Jason McCormack
A Marked Man, 2018
sculpted in clay, casted in aqua resin,
ink hand-lettering.
30 x 19 x 17”
Image use courtesy of the artist

Jurors’ Choice 1st place Ink Prize Award
Sarah Bryant
The Radiant Republic, 2019
letterpress on paper, housed in wood,
glass, cement
11 x 7 x 5”
Image use courtesy of the artist

Jurors’ Choice 1st place Combination Ink & Clay Prize Award
Joy Nagy
‘Give me your tired' from the The New Colossus series, 2020
white porcelain clay and paper QR code, sixteen translations
in various languages
approx. 11 x 7.5 x 0.25” each
Image use courtesy of the artist