"Joan Kahn: A 15-Year Survey"
Opening Reception
Date: January 17, 2015Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: W. Keith & Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery

About the Exhibition
Mathematics, geometry, technology, graphic design, color theory, art, history, philosophy, spirituality, harmony, balance, transcendence are just a few words that not only describe but symbiotically function in unison to define the artwork of Joan Kahn. Upon first approaching her body of work, what comes to mind are the logical art historical connections to Barnett Newman's color field paintings and the harmoniously balanced abstraction of De Stijl. But it is Kahn's application of pigment to the surface of carefully-selected, lusciously-exposed woodgrain that makes her work distinctive and provocative. The combined use of the organic with the graphic creates visual illusions that bemuse the eye and raise questions of how the effects of color, texture, and transparency, affect optical dimensionality. The mind transcends what the eye cannot.
Check out the Gallery Exhibition Below
Gallery Exhibition | "Joan Kahn: A Fifteen-Year Survey"