Information Technology & Institutional Planning

Wireless Internet Access

Campus Wi-Fi For All Your Devices

Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) uses eduroam for Wi-Fi and internet access. We encourage you to prepare all your devices, including tablets, laptops, and computers, from home before arriving; this allows them to connect to Wi-Fi automatically when on campus.

For our guests without a BroncoAccount, please visit our CPPGuest guide for your device.

eduroam logo floating over earth

eduroam Wi-Fi Setup

  1. Use our Wizard Setup on all of your devices.
  2. Click or tap the Wizard Setup button; this guides your device through the eduroam configuration.
  3. Once completed, you will see a "Configuration Succeeded" message, and your device will automatically connect to the eduroam Wi-Fi network while at CPP.

Wizard Setup

Need More Help?

Contact the IT Service Desk @ 909-869-6776 or you can visit our eHelp tutorial.