More Resources
Are you interested in nurturing and building ideas into solutions? There are many ways to achieve success, but properly understanding the tools available to you is fundamental. Before you embark on your journey, here are some resources to help prepare you.

The University Library has generously put together a set of resources for students in the iLab. Easily search for topics related to (but not limited to!) Prototyping, Finance, Marketing, Patents, Product Research, Law & Ethics.
Additionally, the University Library has many journal articles, books and other media available for entrepreneurs.
Visit the University Library (Bldg. 15) on campus or visit their website at CPP Library.
Startup with Google has a plethora of resources available for thinkers working on new projects.
How to Start a Startup
How to Start a Startup is a series of video lectures, initially given at Stanford in Fall 2014. It’s a vital resource to help answer all your burning questions about getting started! Check out the video series below:
How to Build a Startup
Our friends at Udacity have put together a course with 8 Lessons detailing topics such as Business Models and Value Propositions, in addition to an array of other resources for budding entrepreneurs. Check out the introduction below:
Ten Simple Rules to Protect Your Intellectual Property
So you’ve got a brilliant idea, and you want to turn into a brilliant product. Your intellectual property needs to be protected, otherwise, your brilliant plans may not remain yours for long.
Here’s an article on a few simple ideas to take into consideration when discussing your Intellectual Property:
Ten Simple Rules to Protect
Your Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property for Start-Ups | MconneX at Michigan Engineering
The University of Michigan has an in-depth video series explaining the ins and outs of Intellectual Property and how to protect your IP. The first video of the series is linked below:
The Business Model Canvas allows startup teams to categorize their startup’s value propositions, customer segments and create a business plan of sorts. Below is a 2-minute overview of the BMC:
How to form your team
Many student teams working on a business idea want to expand their startup by recruiting new team members who bring value to their project. Addressing what new members will do and making sure the terms are agreed to is vital for a healthy working situation. Below is a simple document, authored by Michael J. Roberts, Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School that helps make this process clearer.
Addressing Difficult Issues
of Role, Commitment
and Equity Ownership
How to protect your idea
After creating a concept, many students do not know the next step in protecting their intellectual proprty. Below is the Confidentiality Agreement and Intellectual Property Agreement that Cal Poly Pomona upholds.