
Creating a startup is a complex process requiring many essential steps to achieve success. Mentors can help guide you through your entrepreneurial journey as a helping hand, a sounding board, and a source of counsel at critical points in the development of a business. The iLab offers students experienced mentors to help them with their entrepreneurial endeavors.
Find a Mentor
The iLab uses the TrustedPeer platform for mentorship. The platform is a private network of vetted faculty/staff/industry mentors to support students and student startup teams. The platform enables easy access to mentors, online appointment management, and documentation of mentoring sessions. It provides students/student teams access to a wide-variety of talents and industry expertise.
TrustedPeer Portal for Students
Become a Mentor
The Rewards of Mentoring- Be a part of building our future innovators
- Stay connected with new ideas
- Grow your network
- Show your support for Cal Poly Pomona
TrustedPeer Portal for Mentors
Being a Good Mentee
Mentees must make sure that they:
- Are timely and professional
- Follow up with their mentor on a bi-weekly basis
- Learn from your mentor’s experiences (successes and failures)
- Experience and learn about entrepreneurship opportunities through their mentor
- Put as much time, effort, and thought in as desired with the mindset that “more IN-results, more OUT”
Being a Good Mentor
Becoming a Mentor entails participating in various activities with your iLab Startup Team throughout your relationship. These include:
- Having a positive initial contact meeting
- Communicating with your student team at least bi-weekly (email, Skype, telephone, face-to-face)
- Finding ways to directly involve your team into your world by allowing them to “shadow” you at a business meeting, attend a networking event with you or just grab a meal together
- Providing honest advice, leadership, and business knowledge
If you are unable to access this service or any portion of the service, please contact the iLab at or 909-979-6378 for assistance.