
Inter-Hall Council

Inter-Hall Council (IHC) is government body that is run by students and serves students. This organization plans events, programs, and workshops for residents living in University Housing. Aside from fun programming, IHC strives to create leadership opportunities through their Executive Board council, attending Regional and National conferences, and more.

Inter-Hall Council (IHC) is a recognized club/organization through Student Engagement Leadership and Success (SELS). IHC at CPP is affiliated the National Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) and falls under the Pacific region (PACURH) along with 20 or more Universities across Northern and Southern California.

Inter-Hall Council is a student lead organization which provides leadership development and community engagement opportunities. We advocate for our residents through inclusivity and being their voices to University Housing Services.


Eric Vercher

ASI Housing Senator-at-Large
nrhh logo

National Residence Hall Honorary

National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is a national honor society that provides social programming, community service events, leadership workshops, and more.

Learn More

suites exterior

Suites Council

Suites Council is formed from our Suites Community. If you live in Estrellas, Bonita, Sol, Montanas, or Luna, you can become part of the Suites Council. Programming is primarily focused on these five communities.

traditional hall

Traditional Halls Council

The Traditional Halls Council is formed by residents residing in Encinitas, Montecito, Alamitos, or Aliso. Programming is primarily focused on these communities.
secoya building exterior

Residential Halls Council

The Residential Hall Council is made up of our newest residential buildings, Sicomoro and Secoya. If you live in either of these buildings, programming is focused here for our Freshman.
students playing video games

Mario Kart Tournament

Inter-Hall Council (IHC) gathered to bring fellow gamers together to host a fun, social video game program. Residents met fellow gamers and played on the Nintendo Switch while enjoying snacks and socializing.
student and staff posing

Late Night Breakfast

IHC hosted their Late Night Breakfast event for Housing residents. This event is held each seemster where residents enjoy breakfast food at night, play games, win prizes, and relax before finals.
Visit our UHS Events page to learn more about other programs and events happening within University Housing.

IHC Eboard is elected each school year and falls under University Housing Student Leader positions. Any resident can run for an eboard position.

IHC President oversees the entire Inter-Hall Council which includes NRHH, Suites Council, Red Bricks Hall Council, and Residential Hall Council.

Position Requirements 

  • 2.0 or higher semester & cumulative GPA
  • Must be in good judicial standing with UHS & CPP
  • Must be enrolled as a full-time student at CPP for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
  • Must complete OSLCC Club & Organization Registration Education process

Also known as the NACURH Communications Coordinator (NCC), this position oversees conference planning logistics with NACURH (National Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls) and for regional conferences with PACURH (Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls). In this position the NCC represents IHC at monthly Regional Chats and ensures the council is up to date on all communications within NACURH.

Position Requirements 

  • 2.0 or higher semester & cumulative GPA
  • Must be in good judicial standing with UHS & CPP
  • Must be enrolled as a full-time student at CPP for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
  • Must complete OSLCC Club & Organization Registration Education process

The Director of Finance (Treasurer) oversees all budgets for IHC, NRHH, Suites Council, Red Bricks Hall Council, and Residential Hall Council. They process paperwork with ASI Financial Services and ensure councils are running within their budget.

Position Requirements 

  • 2.0 or higher semester & cumulative GPA
  • Must be in good judicial standing with UHS & CPP
  • Must be enrolled as a full-time student at CPP for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
  • Must complete OSLCC Club & Organization Registration Education process

The Director of Programming (Event Planner/Scheduler) oversees all programming efforts for Inter-Hall Council. They work alongside the DAA (Director of Administrative Affairs) to stay within their programming budget, reach out to campus partners for collaborative programming, and guide the council on program planning and initiatives.

Position Requirements 

  • 2.0 or higher semester & cumulative GPA
  • Must be in good judicial standing with UHS & CPP
  • Must be enrolled as a full-time student at CPP for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
  • Must complete OSLCC Club & Organization Registration Education process

The President of National Residence Hall Honorary oversees NRHH as their own organization/club. They oversee their own eboard and follow their core values which include Leadership, Advocacy, and Service.

Position Requirements 

  • 2.0 or higher semester & cumulative GPA
  • Must be in good judicial standing with UHS & CPP
  • Must be enrolled as a full-time student at CPP for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
  • Must complete OSLCC Club & Organization Registration Education process

The ASI Senator-at-Large of IHC is a representative that sits on the executive board and participates in eboard and general meetings. They serve as a liason between Inter-Hall Council (IHC) and Associated Students Inc. (ASI).

Visit ASI CPP for Position Requirements

If you are a University Housing resident, you can join your specific communities council (club). Within each council (club) there are several positions a resident can hold. Below is a brief overview of each council representative position.

There are three Community Presidents each overseeing either the Suites Council, Traditional Hall Council, or Residential Hall Council. The Community President of each council will be elected at the beginning of the school year by Inter-Hall Council. As Community President you will:

  • Oversee one of the three councils (Suites, Traditional Hall, or Residential Hall)
  • Work alongside the IHC Director of Finance to ensure your council remains under budget
  • Connect with campus partners for collaborative events

A Community Senator is a University Housing resident who represents their specific community whether you live in the Suites, Red Bricks (Traditional Halls), or Residential Halls (Sicomoro/Secoya). As a Senator you will:

  • Plan programs and events alongside your councils Programming Officer for your specific community
  • Table throughout the school year to encourage residents to join your specific council
  • Work with your councils President to ensure all semester program requirements are met

The Programming Officer is overseen by the Director of Programs. As a Programming Officer you will:

  • Plan programs and activities for University Housing residents
  • Attend all programs and activities held by your council and Inter-Hall Council
  • Assist the council in other areas

The Marketing and Social Media Officer is overseen by the Director of Programming. In this role you will:

  • Oversee Inter-Hall Council social media
  • Create flyers, social media posts, etc. for council programs
  • Take photos at council events