Kellogg Honors College

Kellogg Honors College Sophomore Application

Welcome to the Kellogg Honors College sophomore application. This application is for current CPP first-time freshmen students who started CPP in Fall 2023. Applicants should be on track to achieve a minimum 3.30 CPP GPA and earn at least 24 units at CPP by the end of the Spring 2024 semester. The application consists of a cover letter, essay, and resume. The application closes on May 15, 2024 at 8:00 AM.

Click here to access the KHC application

Frequently Asked Questions

Students must maintain the following requirements every semester:

Honors courses are CPP courses that are limited to a maximum of 20 KHC students. The small class size facilitates richer interaction between students and faculty. Most honors courses are discussion based and students receive greater attention from faculty.

The majority of honors courses are General Education (GE) courses and are not available as major core courses. If you completed many GE courses, you should carefully consider applying to the Kellogg Honors College. The five honors course mimimum requirement cannot be substituted.

No. Application and membership in the Kellogg Honors College is free.

Please contact Won Choi at 909-869-3209 or

No. Once you're admitted you must maintain good standing in the Kellogg Honors College.

This application requires a cover letter, resume, and essay. Below are the requirements for each section:

1. Cover Letter: The cover letter should be addressed to Kellogg Honors College Reviewers and include the following information.

  • An introduction and personal statement
  • Your career goals and aspirations
  • A statement about why you want to be part of our inclusive community of lifelong learners

2. Resume: Address the following sub-sections (sample template doc).

  1. Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees
  2. Student Involvement (clubs, leadership positions, memberships to organizations)
  3. Awards and Recognitions (Academic, Citizenship, or any other recognition)
  4. Community Service
  5. Employment and/or Internships
  6. Other Important Activities or Special Skills (languages, technical skills, interesting hobbies etc.)

3. Essay: Please choose ONE of the following questions and write an essay response of no more than 750 words. Only write on one. Extra essays will not be reviewed.

  1. At the Kellogg Honors College we center community as a way of supporting our students to achieve their highest potential.  What does an inclusive community look like to you, and how would you contribute to building and strengthening such a community?
  2. Describe a significant experience, achievement, risk you took, or ethical dilemma you faced. Then evaluate this event's influence on you, your choices or your path from childhood to young adulthood. In other words, what did you learn from this experience that helped you grow as a person, and how would you apply these lessons in your future path?
  3. Describe a cause or concern that spurred you to be civically engaged. What did you learn or gain from the experience? How did you contribute?