Grants & Scholarships
One of Project LOGRAR’s goals is to promote affordability and access through financial support including financial literacy, financial aid and scholarships. College affordability is a primary barrier to college for Hispanic populations. Scholarships are an integral strategy for facilitating college access, maximizing success, retention, and graduation for postbaccalaureate Hispanic and low-income students. This program will offer greater flexibility to graduate students, thereby supporting retention efforts, and timely degree completion. Sufficient financial aid provides incentives for students to complete rigorous college preparation and to achieve academically at the postbaccalaureate level. Providing financial literacy training will help graduate students make informed decisions about financing graduate school and plan for their financial future. Facilitating affordability and access through financial aid/scholarship to support increases in Hispanic and low-income student enrollment, retention, and completion of postbaccalaureate degrees.

On-Campus Grad Resources
Bronco Scholarship Portal
The scholarships in this portal are CPP scholarships offered by donors, community organizations and departments throughout the university.Basic Needs
Serves students experiencing housing instability, food insecurity, and other emergency/crisis situations.Bronco Advising Center
The Bronco Advising Center (BAC) can answer your questions about general academic advising, graduation pledge, class registration, acadmic records, financial aid and student accountingChildren's Center
Provides quality preschool services for campus parenting students, faculty, staff, alumni and community. Cost of care is income based - visit the site to complete an interest form for childcare!Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Provides many services such as workshops, group or individual therapy, wellbeing coaching, crisis intervention, and a meditation room.Lactation Spaces
There are a number of lactation spaces located across campus. Familiarize yourself with them and check back for new locations.University Library - Family Friendly Space
The Library has a space for you to study with your children located on the 3rd floor! Coming soon: new children's books and activitiesWomxn's Resource Center (WRC)
Promotes gender equity through empowerment and conciousness raising, and strives to establish a brave space which encourages awareness and discussion of womxn's issues.Clothes Closet
Provides professional business and interview attire for students. Up to six items are FREE each semester.PolyTransfer
Ensures a transfer receptive culture by providing resources and programming that connect and support transfer students as they achieve their desired academic, professional and personal goals.Health Services
Student Health Services provides CPP students with affordable, accessible and high-quality health care. Most services are covered by the mandatory student health fee already included in tuition payments.CPP KARES
A site developed by CPP students providing parents/caregivers of children aged 0-12 with access to educational activities and resources.Kids University
Kids grades K-6th engage in age-approriate activities to assist with understanding and completing their school assigned homework; they'll have a chance to sharpen up their academic skills in areas such as math, english, history and science!Parenting Broncos Club
Looking to meet other Parenting Students at CPP, join the Parenting Broncos Club!Office of Undergraduate Research
Starting your research journey? The Office of Undergraduate Research provides greats support. Did we mention there's opportunities to fund presenting your work, check out the Conference Presentation Award section for details!CPP Connect
Your one-stop hub to make an appointment with a campus resource including advising, tutoring, career services, and financial aid.Career Center
Are you workforce ready? The Career Center has you covered! They provide resume, cover letter, mock interview, career counseling and more! In addition, view handshake to search a variety of employment and internship opportunities - including on-campus employment and federal work study positions.CalWORKs
The CalWORKs point of contact can provide general information, process documents and provide assistance for submitting verification packets.
Off-Campus Resources
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.Library Access
Many local and county libraries offer free children programming and resources.