Graphics Communications Services

Desktop Publishing and Pre-Press

Graphic Communications Services' staff are ready to assist you with the most challenging desktop publishing situations. We offer a wide range of both in-house and contracted state-of-the-art electronic composition services to meet your every requirement in a cost effective and expedient manner. These services range from traditional typesetting through laser imagesetting. 

Our qualified design and layout staff will assist you in either adding a finished look to your supplied design and layout or create an original design and layout from your prepared text that will convey your intended message to your target audience. In consultation with your staff, Graphic Communications Services will prepare draft design layouts and offer recommendations regarding the use of ink color(s), paper, fonts, photographs and artwork, publication dimensions and folding, and binding options. 

To begin planning for your project at the initial meeting it is helpful if you are prepared to discuss and provide the following: Target Audience (e.g., prospective students, campus faculty and staff, alumni, etc.) Project Theme (if applicable) Publication Purpose (e.g., information, marketing, data collection, etc.) Publication Due Date, Anticipated Project Funding Source, Special Budget Considerations. For additional information regarding publication design, please contact: Gabrielle Miani, Administrative Support Coordinator, Graphic Communications Services.

Ext.: 3296