Free Speech Support

Because Cal Poly Pomona is committed to ensuring all members of our community have the same protections of expression under the First Amendment, this may also mean some expressions have the potential to hurt or offend.
While these expressions cannot be restricted, CPP offers many resources for community members looking for support.
Bronco Leadership Center (BLC)
The Bronco Leadership Center helps students organize and plan expression events with event scheduling. Reach out to the office if you are interested in hosting an expression event, or to learn more about Time, Place and Manner policies.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS offers quality mental health services including group or individual therapy, wellbeing coaching, crisis intervention and further connections to on and off campus resources.
The Care Center is the first place to send students who are of concern or in distress. We connect students to resources they need to succeed (both on and off campus), support them through crises, provide advocacy, and offer Basic Needs services.
Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OEC)
The Office of Equity and Compliance (OEC) oversees the University's compliance with Federal and State laws and regulations and CSU System policies. Part of this compliance includes overseeing reports and investigations of prohibited conduct, including:
- discrimination, including harassment, because of any protected status (PDF), (i.e. age, disability, gender, genetic information, gender identity or expression, nationality, marital status, pregnancy, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and veteran or military status;)
- retaliation for exercising rights under non-discrimination policies, opposing discrimination or harassment because of a protected status, or for participating in any manner in any related investigation or proceeding.
Additional Free Speech Links
- The Poly Post - CPP's Student Run Newspaper
- Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance
- Bronco Dreamers Resource Center (for the undocumented community)
- University Police Department (UPD)
Academic Freedom
Talking Across Differences