Free Speech


Free Speech Policies at Cal Poly Pomona

Systemwide Policy

Frequently Asked Questions, a link to all campus addenda, educational resources, and an informational video on the policy for students are available at the CSU Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy website.

View the CSU Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy.

Chancellor's Directive on Prohibited Activities

To: Faculty, Staff, Auxiliary_staff

From: University News

Date: September 3, 2024

Dear Employees,

As the fall 2024 term is underway, we want to remind you that the California State University (CSU) is committed to free expression, free speech and free assembly as an essential component of its educational mission, while maintaining a safe and peaceful campus climate. To support and achieve this mission, the CSU must maintain an environment where its work can be conducted without disruption, in accordance with the highest standards of institutional integrity, safety, and with recognition of the rights, privileges and responsibilities of all university community members and members of the public. We must constantly strive to foster healthy discourse and bring campus community members together, where all are welcomed and included, even when viewpoints are ideologically different, to best promote the educational mission of the CSU in a safe and peaceful manner.

To that end, the Chancellor has issued a directive that the following activities are strictly prohibited on university property:

  • Encampments and camping. No person shall camp, occupy camping facilities, use camping paraphernalia, or store personal property for camping, whether indoors or outdoors. No one may erect a tent or other temporary housing or occupy any tent or temporary housing structure. No person shall set up a campsite, or bring, leave or maintain furniture or other large household or camping items.

  • Unauthorized structures and barriers. No person shall build, construct, erect, place, set up, move, deliver or maintain any temporary or permanent tent, platform, bench, building, building materials, wall, barrier, barricade, fencing, structure, sculpture, bicycle rack or furniture.

  • Restricting free movement. No person shall restrict the movement of another person or persons by any means, including blocking or obstructing their ingress or egress, or otherwise deny a person access to normally unrestricted areas.

  • Masking to conceal identity with intent to violate laws or policies. No person shall wear a mask or personal disguise for the purpose of concealing their identity with the intent of intimidating any person or group, or for the purpose of evading or escaping discovery, recognition, or identification in the commission of violations of the law or policy.

  • Occupation of buildings and facilities. No person shall occupy buildings and facilities or engage in trespass or any other violation of applicable law.

  • Vandalism and other damage. No person shall vandalize, damage or destroy university property.

This directive is in effect immediately for all students and employees, and all other members of the community, including represented employees. Violation of these directives (or any other illegal activity) is a violation of the law and will be enforced accordingly. As the largest university system in the state of California and the country, it is incumbent on us to lead the way, protect free speech, and make sure that all members of our campus community feel safe and are safe.

Free Speech Policies Specific to Cal Poly Pomona

Christina Gonzales, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students is the University administrative employee designated to serve as the Designated University Official for California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) with responsibility for oversight, implementation and enforcement of the Systemwide Time, Place, and Manner Policy, and this Addendum, including oversight of a training program for responsible Employees and the broader university community (including Students and Employees).

Jason Lu, Interim Director of The Bronco Leadership Center, is the University administrative Employee designated to serve as the Designated Law Enforcement Liaison between University law enforcement and Students exercising rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 2 of Article I of the California Constitution, or both.

Rob Brock
Police Lieutenant, Administrative Affairs
Linh Dinh
Chief of Police, Administrative Affairs
Keith Forward
Interim Associate Vice President, Academic Planning, Academic Affairs
Christina Gonzales
Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Hallie Lewis
Associate Vice PresidentWellbeing & Support Services, Student Affairs
Jason M. Lu
Interim Director, Bronco Leadership Center, Student Affairs
Amon Rappaport
Senior Associate Vice President Strategic Communications and Chief Communications, Administrative Affairs

Ysabel Trinidad
Administration and Finance Vice President and CFO
Matthew Whinery
Seniorr AVP, Facilties, Planning & Management, Administrative Affairs
Helen Yniguez
Director of Events and Special Projects, Administrative Affairs

No one shall enter or otherwise remain on University Property between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., or at such other times as published or posted by university housing and residential programs, and other similarly specialized University programs. This prohibition shall not apply to persons possessing valid written authorization from a University official, persons on legitimate University related business, or persons attending a specific University sponsored event. Those persons with legitimate University business reasons, valid written authorization, or attending a University sponsored event, shall be allowed to remain and access University Property as allowed in their authorization or through the duration of the specific event, after which time they shall leave University Property without any appreciable delay. This prohibition shall not apply to persons transiting on a roadway or path designated as open to the public.

For purposes of this Addendum the following terms shall apply, as set forth in the CSU’s Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy:

A. Public Areas
Public Area is University Property that is available for public assembly, marches, demonstrations, protests and debate. Right of access and equality of access are provided in these areas, so long as activities are lawful and do not disrupt University operations. Content-based restrictions are prohibited, but reasonable time, place and manner regulations will be applied. Spontaneous activities may take place in Public Areas without pre-scheduling or reservations.

B. Limited Areas
A Limited Area is University Property available to the public but due to business operations, safety concerns, or other important University interests, is not open for assembling, marching, demonstrating or protesting. Activities in these areas may require scheduling and reservations with the University, and are available on a limited basis, subject to campus regulations that are narrowly tailored to address the University's legitimate business interests.

Access to and use of certain designated University Property must be scheduled and registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below. Certain uses of University Property may be subject to fees, require liability insurance, and/or an indemnity agreement which must be provided by those who seek to engage in such uses. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property. Failure to pay for damage to University Property may jeopardize future access to and/or use of University Property and can result in discipline for Students and Employees who are responsible for the damage, as well as civil or criminal action.

C. Non-Public Areas
Except for areas designated as Public Areas and Limited Areas, all remaining University Property, including the interiors of all buildings and facilities are Non-Public Areas. These areas are not open to the public and the University can restrict access to Non-Public Areas on a Content and Viewpoint Neutral basis.

If there is a university location not listed below, please contact the University administrator responsible for implementing this Addendum.

For the full list of University Properties, please go to the CPP Campus Addendum (PDF).

Posters, Signs, Banners, and Chalking

A. Time: Daily, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., except for current Cal Poly Pomona registered students, RSOs, staff, and faculty who may chalk at any time in conformity with this policy.

B. Place:
a. Chalking is permitted only on flat, horizontal, exterior surfaces, such as sidewalks and plazas. Chalking must be located at least 20 feet away from building entrances and may not be located under an overhang, canopy, or other cover.
b. Chalking is prohibited in all other locations, including but not limited to: stairs, structures, buildings, walls, fences, gates, steps, windows, posts, lawn areas, railings, trees, signs, traffic control signs, vehicular roadways, bike lanes, utility poles, construction fences, vehicles, in planted garden areas or flowerbeds, newspaper racks, campus directories, within ponds or fountains, or on trash or recycle bins.

C. Manner: The form of chalk must be washable with water. Spray chalk is NOT allowed. Requests to chalk must conform to the following procedures:

a. A request to chalk, including date(s), location, the name of the responsible individual(s) or organization(s) and a commitment to clean and remove the chalking (following university guidelines) must be submitted to The Bronco Leadership Center ( at least two weeks prior to the date requested.
b. Those who chalk, like those who post temporary signage, shall identify the organization(s), group(s) or individual(s) responsible for the chalking on the chalk-marked sign. Message content will not be considered in University or ASI reviews of requests to chalk.
c. Chalking must not unreasonably interfere with pedestrian traffic. A five-day maximum duration must be observed. Removal must be scheduled to avoid disruption of campus activities.
d. Should the responsible individual/organization chalk without permission or fail to adhere to the written removal plan, cleanup may be performed by the University and charged to sponsor(s).

A. Time: Daily, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Except for current Cal Poly Pomona registered students, RSOs, staff and faculty, who may distribute at any time in conformity with this policy.

B. Place:
a. General Use Public Bulletin Boards – Posting is permitted on any “General Use Public Bulletin Board.” Such boards are located in the hallways and public areas of most campus buildings. Check with the appropriate Dean’s office, department or division for questions on posting procedures and locations of general use public bulletin boards. General use public bulletin boards will be completely cleared off once a quarter. Posters and signs must not exceed 11”x17” and only one poster or sign per group or individual may be placed on any one general use public bulletin board. Material may not overlap other posters and signs, and must be fastened with tacks or staples – NO TAPE may be used.
b. Staked temporary signs are not to exceed 8.5”x11” and may be placed on surveying stakes, not to exceed 36” in height. Staked temporary signs are to be placed in shrub areas. They are not allowed to be placed on lawn areas. Violations will result in the removal and disposal of the signs without notification.
c. Signs, posters and flyers may not be wrapped around or attached to trees or any campus structures without prior written approval by The Bronco Leadership Center (
d. Posters and signage may not be placed on the outside of buildings (walls, doors, windows, roofs or steps) or on interior doors, windows, walls, floors or ceilings. Posters and signage may not be placed on trees, utility poles, traffic control signs, trashcans, fences, in planted garden areas or flowerbeds, non-general/non-public use bulletin boards, newspaper racks or hillsides. Posters and signage may not obstruct the entrances or exits of buildings or the line of vision to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Posting of signage on vehicles without the owner’s permission is not permitted. No posting is permitted on campus directories, within ponds or fountains, trash or recycle bins. Signs of any nature on any classroom chalkboard, bulletin board, dry-erase board, or any other surface are prohibited and violate this policy.
e. A Frames (or Sandwich Boards) maximum size is 4’x4’; A frames may not be placed on lawns or shrub areas; may not restrict access to sidewalks or building entrances; and signs may not be locked to buildings, handrails, or other fixtures or structures.
f. Banners (not to exceed 3’x6’) will require a Service Request submitted no less than two weeks in advance to Facilities, Planning, and Management ( The Bronco Leadership Center ( will approve all banners.

B. Manner: Signage (signs, posters, and flyers) may be posted on campus, subject to the following guidelines and limitations.

a. Temporary signage shall clearly identify the date of posting. To aid the University in maintaining an uncluttered and attractive campus, the organization or persons responsible for the posting of the signage shall identify themselves and provide contact information on the signage.
b. All posters, flyers, A Frames boards, and signs must include the name(s) of the organization or persons responsible for the posting and their contact information. All posters, flyers and signs without this information will be removed.
c. The organization or person responsible for placing signage shall be responsible for its removal no more than two weeks after its posting or, if it is advertising an event, when the event is over. In order to ensure maintenance of an uncluttered, attractive and safe campus, the University otherwise reserves the right to remove signage (non-commercial and commercial) if it is not in compliance with University policy, if it has been posted for more than two weeks, or if the event it advertises has taken place, whichever comes first. Signage may also be removed when damaged, displaced or weathered so that it is no longer legible. Organizations or persons who fail to remove signage in a timely manner may be held responsible for the cost of its removal.
d. Staked temporary signs may not advertise for longer than one week. Both stakes and signs must clearly identify the name of the organization sponsoring the activity. Violations will result in the removal and disposal of the signs without notification.
e. A frames boards for Rush Week and ASI Elections must be registered following University Scheduling protocols. No A Frames boards may be displayed longer than 7 days and must be picked up within one day after the related event ends. A Frames boards must be maintained in good working condition by sponsoring group.
f. All A Frame boards must be registered following University Scheduling protocols. Maximum time limit for display is one semester and signs must be maintained in good working condition by sponsoring group.
g. Posting of signage is subject to the following additional location-specific guidelines:
h. Residence Halls and Grounds – permission is granted consistent with on-campus Housing policies.
i. Library, inside bulletin boards – Dean of Library Services’ approval needed, following review for compliance with Library policy.
j. University Union – permission granted consistent with University Union Facilities policies.
k. Employee Relations Bulletin Boards in Various Buildings – As agreed through collective bargaining agreements.
l. Placement of signage is subject to review by Facilities, Planning and Management ( or The Bronco Leadership Center ( for interference with or disruption of university operations, and safety regarding size, format and placement.

A. Flying of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) (also known as a drone) from, on or around University Property without the express written approval of the University. Permission granted by Joe Encarnacion, Risk Management,

B. Use of University Property for commercial purposes unless prior written permission has been obtained from the University. Permission granted by Katelyn Wong, License of Facilities,

C. Use of University Flagpoles. University Flagpoles are reserved for official University use only. Flags flown on outdoor, permanently installed flagpoles located on University Property serve as a means of expression of the University’s official sentiments as determined by the University President or the Chancellor, as applicable. They are not a forum for free expression or expressive conduct by members of the University community or the public.

Completed Activities
Training on Free Speech and Title VI for Library Faculty/Staff - August 8, 2024
Training for Free Speech and Title VI for Library Student Staff - August 11, 2024
Training for Student Affairs MPPs - August 13, 2024
Briefing for Student Affairs Student Assistants - August 14, 2024

Planned Activities
Pamphlets on Free Speech @ CPP at New Student Convocation - August 20, 2024

Upcoming Activities
Student organization supplemental training on Free Speech - mid-September, 2024
Staff Free Speech and Title VI training utilizing interactive training sessions - October-November, 2024
Integrating Free Speech and Title VI issues with upcoming Title IX presentations for student organizations - late Fall 2024
Free Speech, Title VI, and additional resources in New Student Online Orientation modules - January 2025


Care Center (
Building 97, First Floor

(909) 869-5071 

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) (
Building 66, Suite 116

Main line: (909) 869-3220
Crisis counseling (24/7): (909) 869-3220, then press “2” 

Survivor Advocacy Services (
Building 66, Room 117C & 117D
(909) 869-3102 

Staff and Faculty
Employee Assistance Program (
For those in need of additional support resources, staff, their dependents, and permanent household members may contact CPPLifeMatters by Empathia.

CPPLifeMatters is available on a live basis, 24 hours a day/7days a week
(800) 367-7474