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Newly Admitted Credentials

Aid Programs

Costs  |  Aid Programs  |  How to Apply for Aid (FAFSA)  |  How to Apply for Aid (DREAM)  |  After you Apply  |  Award Notification  |  Getting your Aid  |  Keeping your Aid 


The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships at Cal Poly Pomona is your main resource for questions related to paying for your education.  We oversee the awarding and distribution of loans, grants, work-study funds, scholarships and coordination with external scholarships and fee waivers.   

There are many tools available to help you pay for your education - from student loans with lower interest rates that get paid back, to grants and scholarships that don't, to work study and student employment to help you earn funds.  Learn more about the options available at Cal Poly Pomona below. 

Students in the Credential Program are considered 5th year undergraduate students, not graduate, for Financial Aid purposes. The types of financial aid available to students pursuing a teaching credential are very specific and different from undergraduate or graduate aid types. 

Students who already possess an initial Teacher Credential are only eligible for scholarships, federal loan funds (at the 5th year undergrad level), or for private education loans.

Impact of Enrollment on All Financial Aid Awards for Credential Students:

In order to receive financial aid funding, you must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of credential coursework that is required by the State of California to receive a professional certification or licensing credential. Financial Aid is not available for prerequisite courses, courses that are suggested as beneficial, or elective courses.  It is also not available for Master's degree courses - unless you have been admitted into a Master's Degree (in which case you'll be packaged as a Master's Degree student).

Enrollment for Credential Students is reviewed at our Grant Recalculation Date each semester.  If you are enrolled in less than 12 units of eligible coursework at the Recalculation Date, you may be required to repay some, or all, of the aid you previously received for the semester.

Learn More

Scholarships are available to FAFSA and DREAM Applicants. 

Scholarships are considered gift-aid:  They don't need to be repaid!  There are thousands of them, offered by schools, employers, individuals, private companies, nonprofits, communities, religious groups, and professional and social organizations. 

A scholarship might cover the entire cost of your tuition, or it might be a one-time award of a few hundred dollars. Either way, scholarships are worth applying for as they can help you cover your educational costs, and reduce your dependence on loans. 

Our Scholarships page is your resource for information on a variety of Cal Poly Pomona, CSU Systemwide,  and outside scholarship opportunities.  

Federal Grants are available to FAFSA Applicants. 

Students in the Education Specialist Credential program are not eligible for Federal Grants.

Federal Grants are a form of financial aid based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA, and do not have to be repaid unless you withdraw from school or receive a grant you are not eligible for. Grants are released according to the number of units you are enrolled in each semester. At our Grant Recalculation Date (end of the Add/Drop period), financial aid grants are adjusted for enrollment that is less than full time. 

All grants are offered according to financial need, as determined by the federal formula that calculates your Student Aid Index (SAI) from the information you submitted on the FAFSA. Complete information on each grant is available on the linked pages. 

Federal Pell Grant

The largest federal grant program, the Federal Pell Grant is designed to assist students from low-income families. These grants are awarded to eligible credential students who have not yet exhausted their Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility. The Pell grant varies based on financial need, as determined by your FAFSA application; for 2024 – 2025 the maximum Pell Grant will be  $7,395.   

You may receive Pell Grant funds from only one school at a time. 

Review the Pell Grant page on for full details on the Federal Pell Grant, including how to apply; award amounts; how to maintain eligibility. A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid, except under certain circumstances. Find out why you might have to repay all or part of a federal grant. 

Impact of Enrollment on Pell Grant Awards 

Cal Poly Pomona awards Pell Grant funds based on the expectation of full-time enrollment (12 units) in coursework required by the state of California to receive a credential. Only those courses required for your Credential can be factored in when determining your enrollment status for the Pell Grant.   Enrollment in coursework outside of your credential program plan may result in a reduction, or cancellation, of your Pell Grant.

As you add and drop units, your Pell Grant will increase or decrease based upon your enrollment status. The final amount of Pell Grant that you will receive in any semester will be based upon your official enrollment as measured at the Grant Recalculation Date (the day after the end of the Add Period)

Generally, your final Pell Grant payment for a semester is based upon the following:

Impact of Enrollment on Pell Grant
Enrollment Status Number of Units  Impact on Pell Grant 
Full-Time  12 or more units  Full award eligibility 
Three-Quarter Time  9.0 – 11.9 units  Pell Grant adjusted/prorated to 75% of initial offer
Half-Time  6.0 – 8.9 units 
Pell Grant adjusted/prorated to 50% of initial offer
Less Than Half-Time 
1.0 – 5.9 units Pell Grant canceled  

Eligible students can receive Pell Grant funding for up to 12 semesters of full-time enrollment (600%) or the equivalent. This total includes Pell Grant received at all institutions attended (including as an Undergraduate) – and is retroactive. You cannot appeal this federal regulation or request an extension. Log in to to review the total amount of Pell grant you have received. 

Additional Resources

Federal Student Grant Programs Factsheet (PDF) 

Students in the Education Specialist Credential program are not eligible for Federal Grants.

The TEACH Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who intend to teach full time in a high-need field at a public or private elementary or secondary school that the U.S. Department of Education has designated as having a high concentration of students from low-income families. The Grant is available for selected credential programs, and requires you to agree to fulfill certain teaching obligations – or risk having the grant will converted to an unsubsidized loan.

In order to be considered for the TEACH Grant, you must have filed a FAFSA; been fully admitted to your credential program; and be working on your initial credential.

Agreement to Serve (ATS) 

Each award year, a TEACH Grant recipient must sign an Agreement to Serve (ATS) that explains that the recipient must teach for four years within eight years of completing (or ceasing) enrollment in a TEACH Grant eligible program as a full-time highly qualified teacher in a low-income elementary or secondary school in a high-need field.  According to contractual obligations, a minimum of fifty percent of classes taught must be in a high-need field. The grant will convert to unsubsidized loan in the future if contracted teaching obligations are not met. If this happens, interest accrual will be effective as of the date of the first TEACH disbursement.  

The TEACH grant is not included in the initial financial aid package, but can be offered retroactively to eligible students during the award year. Specific eligible education programs have been determined in conjunction with the College of Education & Integral Studies.  Check with the college on whether your credential program meets the criteria for the TEACH Grant.

Impact of Enrollment on TEACH Grant Eligibility

Generally, your final TEACH Grant payment for a semester is based upon the following:

TEACH Grant Eligibility
Enrollment Status Number of Units  Impact on TEACH Grant 
Full-Time  12 or more units  Full award eligibility 
Three-Quarter Time  9.0 – 11.9 units  TEACH Grant adjusted/prorated to 75%
Half-Time  6.0 – 8.9 units 
TEACH Grant adjusted/prorated to 50%
Less Than Half-Time 
1.0 – 5.9 units TEACH Grant canceled

How to Apply for the TEACH Grant

  • Request an appointment with Renee Samaan, Credential Services Coordinator at to obtain approval on the TEACH Grant Certification Form
  • Submit Completed, Signed certification form to the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Complete TEACH Grant counseling after requirement appears on Bronco Direct
  • Sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve after requirement appears on Bronco Direct
  • Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships will verify completion of required documentation and award funds. After census (last day to drop without a Petition), TEACH grant will be reviewed, adjusted and disbursed based on program eligible units enrolled.

There are conditions to receiving this grant that are not placed on other grants. Please make sure you understand these conditions prior to receiving any funds.  Review the Federal Student Aid website for more information about the TEACH Grant Program and its requirements for recipients.

NOTE: The U.S. Department of Education estimates that 80% of the students who receive this grant will not be able to fulfill the teaching obligation and their grant funds will convert permanently to an Unsubsidized Direct Loan. Students will then be charged interest from the date the grant(s) disbursed.

California State Grants are available to FAFSA and DREAM Applicants. 

Priority filing deadline for CA State Grants for 2024-2025 is May 2nd!

State Grants are available for California residents only – or those who meet the AB540 eligibility criteria; eligibility for these grants is determined by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).   Your residency status is determined by the Office of Admissions at the time of your application, or you may submit the AB540 affidavit (PDF) once you’ve been admitted to Cal Poly Pomona. 

State Grants are only available to those students who are pursuing their initial Teacher Credential and who file their FAFSA or Dream Application by the priority deadline. 

CSAC contacts students via email regarding their eligibility and awards; WebGrants 4 Students (WGS) is your portal for California State Grants It is critical that you keep your email information current on your WGS account. 

Grants are released according to the number of units you are enrolled in each semester. The final amount of State Grants that you will receive in any semester will be based upon your official enrollment as measured at the Grant Recalculation Date (the day after the end of the Add Period)

Current California State Grants available to students pursuing a Teacher Credential:

California Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) 

The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) program is designed for Credential students with family incomes and assets (each) up to $201,000. Scholarship amounts are based on a sliding scale according to your family’s income and the other kinds of support you receive. For more information about the program and eligibility requirements, visit the California Student Aid Commission's site about the Middle Class Scholarship.

The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will begin notifying eligible students beginning on October 7th. Eligibility information is sent to Cal Poly Pomona and no further action is required from students. Cal Poly Pomona anticipates that MCS awards will be posted on December 1st – students will receive an email to review their aid package at that time.

Basic Eligibility Requirements

You must meet all of the following requirements to be considered eligible for the MCS:

Annual Amount

The MCS amount will vary by student and school, as it is based on each student's individual circumstances:

  • Amounts will be based on your individual financial aid cost of attendance budget, and the following requirements, which collectively are referred to as a student's Available Resources:
    • Other gift aid that you are eligible for (i.e., federal, state, institutional grants or scholarships)
    • A self-help student contribution of $7,898 (applied to all students), and
    • A parent contribution for students with a household income of over $100,000.
  • Your available resources are deducted from your total cost of attendance to determine your MCS amount.
  • MCS amounts may be reduced at any time during the academic year if CSAC determines that the funds appropriated by the state are insufficient to cover the cost of the projected MCS awards across all CSU and UC campuses.

Enrollment Requirements and Grant Recalculation Date: 

Your enrollment status will impact your MCS eligibility, and the Grant Recalculation Date plays a big part. We encourage you to review your enrollment requirements to plan accordingly.

Cal Grant – Extension of Eligibility for Teaching Credential Students

Undergraduates who received a Cal Grant A/B and plan to enroll in a Teaching Credential Program (TCP) may be eligible to renew their grant in the first year of the credential program. Recipients must reactivate their Cal Grant benefits within 15 months of the term for which they last received payment. The Request for Cal Grant Teaching Credential Program Benefits Form (G-44) must be submitted to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to verify eligibility.

Determining Eligibility – Who is Eligible to Apply?

Cal Grant A and B recipients who:

  • Received at least one payment in the Cal Grant A or B program as an undergraduate;
  • Received a bachelor’s degree or completed all required coursework for a bachelor’s degree;
  • Are accepted and enrolled in a professional teacher preparation program at a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing approved institution within 15 months of the end of the term for which the recipient last received a Cal Grant payment;
  • Have not received nor submitted an application for a Teaching Credential, such as a Preliminary or Clear Credential;
  • Maintain financial need for a Cal Grant renewal.

If you meet the above criteria, submit the G-44 form to the California Student Aid Commission as soon as you have completed your Aid Application.

Impact of Enrollment on Cal Grant: 

The Amount offered for the Cal Grant is based on full-time enrollment (12 units).  The number of units in which you are actually enrolled may impact the amount of the grant you receive.  Review the chart below for details: 

Impact of Enrollment on Cal Grant Eligibility
Enrollment Status Number of Units  Impact on Cal Grant 
Full-Time  12 or more units  Full award eligibility 
Three-Quarter Time  9.0 – 11.9 units  Cal Grant prorated to 75% 
Half-Time  6.0 – 8.9 units 
Cal Grant prorated to 50%
Less Than Half-Time 
1.0 – 5.9 units Cal Grant canceled

Final enrollment for a semester is measured at the Grant Recalculation Date (the day after the end of the Add Period). Financial Aid grants are revised for students enrolled less than full-time to match eligibility based on the actual number of units in which students are officially enrolled. The student's enrollment and grant is then locked.

Cal Grant Award Information

Award information is available online at WebGrants for Students. To set up your account (if you haven't already done so), log in and click on "Cal Grants."

If you believe you have been awarded a Cal Grant and do not see it on your Cal Poly Pomona aid package, please check the following items before contacting our office:

  1. Create your account on CSAC's site WebGrants for Students and make sure Cal Poly Pomona is listed as your school of attendance.
  2. Check your WebGrants for Students account to see if your award is on hold. There should be instructions regarding how to release the hold.
  3. Check your Cal Poly Pomona To-Do list.  If you have been selected for verification, submit the requested documents as soon as possible as we are not able to confirm eligibility for your Cal Grant and award it until after verification is completed.

Any federal, state, or institutionally administered student financial aid grants or fee sponsorships or waivers received by an eligible student may impact the amount of the Cal Grant received.

 Creating your WebGrants 4 Students Account

Additional Resources

Cal Poly Pomona Grants are available to FAFSA or DREAM Applicants. 

Cal Poly Pomona Grants are available for California residents only – or those who meet the AB540 eligibility criteria.  Your residency status is determined by the Office of Admissions at the time of your application, or you may submit the AB540 affidavit (PDF) once you’ve been admitted to Cal Poly Pomona.  By filing the FAFSA or Dream Application by the priority deadline, eligible students may be considered for a Cal Poly Pomona Grant.   

Grants currently available from Cal Poly Pomona include: 

State University Grant (SUG):

The State University Grant is available only for your initial credential. 
SUG awards are available only to California residents (or eligible AB540 students) working on their initial credentials, who filed their FAFSA or Dream Application.  Eligibility is determined by the FAFSA or DREAM Application – including meeting the Priority Filing deadline.

Eligibility for SUG

The State University Grant (SUG) is a state grant awarded by Cal Poly Pomona to California residents, or those with an approved AB540 status who:

  • Have an eligible Student Aid Index (SAI). For 2024 – 2025 the eligible SAI range is -1,500 - 4,000.
  • Have submitted your financial aid application by the Priority Filing Deadline
  • Submit any required documents by the priority document submission deadline.

SUG grants are not available to students who are not charged the State Tuition Fee, to students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree, or to students who already have an initial credential.  If you will be receiving another financial aid award designated to pay the tuition fee (scholarships, tuition/fee waivers, vocational rehabilitation, etc.) may not be eligible to receive a SUG.

Due to limited funding, not all eligible students will receive a SUG.  Funds are offered on a first-come, first served basis. 

Impact of Enrollment on SUG Awards:

SUG award amounts are based on enrollment in 7 or more units. 

  •   If you are enrolled in 7 or more units, you will receive the full amount offered for the semester.
  •   If you are enrolled in 6 units, your SUG award will be adjusted to reflect the lower Tuition Fee
  •   If you are enrolled in less than 6 units, your award will be canceled for the semester. 

Review our Understanding SUG page for more information about SUG eligibility.

CA Dream Loans are available to Dream Applicants. 

The California Dream Loan Program is a subsidized loan program that provides eligible AB540 Credential students, who filed their Dream Application by the priority filing deadline, with the option to borrow a loan to help cover the cost of attending Cal Poly Pomona.  The Dream Loan is borrowed money that you must repay with interest.  You must attend at least half-time (6 or more units per semester) in order to receive the CA Dream Loan. 

The CA Dream Loan is available only for your initial credential

Interest Rate, Deferment, and Grace Period 

The interest rate for CA Dream Loans disbursed after July 1, 2021 is 6.53%. The interest rate for the CA Dream Loan corresponds with the interest rate on Federal Direct Subsidized loans and is subject to change for new loans annually. The CA Dream Loan does not accrue interest while you are enrolled at least half-time, during periods of approved deferment, and during the 6-month grace period before you enter repayment. You will be responsible for the interest charged at all other times. 

Repayment of Loans 

CA Dream Loan borrowers have a standard repayment and income based repayment plan available. You can pay off your loan earlier without penalty. You begin repaying your loan at the end of a 6-month grace period; the grace period begins once you graduate, leave school, or enroll less than half-time. 

For more information visit Under Download Forms, search for California State University (Dream Loans). 

Loan Limits 

The CA Dream Loan is subject to annual, semester, and aggregate limits set by the state legislature, the CSU Chancellor’s Office, and Cal Poly Pomona. The annual loan limit is $4,000 and the semester limit is generally $2,000. The aggregate limit of $20,000 is the maximum that you can borrow from the CA Dream Loan program at Cal Poly Pomona.  

Eligibility for the CA Dream Loan 

You must file your Dream Application by the Priority Filing deadline in order to be considered for the Dream Loan. 

Because funds are limited, you will be notified by the Financial Aid Office if you meet the eligibility criteria for the CA Dream Loan. The application process will be explained in emails sent to your email account, and in the To Do List items in your MyCPP Student Center. 

You may decline the loan offer or accept less than what is offered to you, but you may not be able to increase your loan at a later time. Students who accept the CA Dream Loan must complete a promissory note and entrance counseling. If you fail to complete all the required steps to receive your loan disbursement by the assigned deadline, we may cancel the loan offer. Funds are limited and you may not be awarded the funds again at a later date. 

You must attend at least half-time (6 or more units per semester) in order to receive from the CA Dream Loan. Receipt of funds in one year does not guarantee availability or receipt of funds in subsequent year. 

Federal Student Loans are available only to FAFSA Applicants. 

Low interest Federal Student Loans are offered as part of financial aid awards. Loans offered through the Direct Loan program are for Credential students enrolled at least half-time in coursework required by the state of California for their Credential. The loans you receive will be either subsidized, unsubsidized, or a combination of both.  The amount offered to you will not be more than the amount allowed for your established cost of education.  Your FAFSA application will determine if you are eligible for subsidized or unsubsidized federal loans. 

  • subsidized loan is offered on the basis of financial need. Interest on subsidized loans is paid by the federal government while you are enrolled at least half-time. 
  • An unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the basis of need. You will be charged interest from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full. You may opt to allow the interest to accumulate while you are in school or during other allowable periods of nonpayment. This interest will be added to the principal amount of your loan, and additional interest will be based on that higher amount. 

For current interest rate and origination fee information please visit the Federal Student Aid website. 

Direct Loan Limits for Credential Students

Eligibility for Federal Direct Loans for Credential Students is the same as for Undergraduate Students classified as seniors:

For more information on the annual and aggregate limits for subsidized and unsubsidized loans, review the chart below : 

Annual Direct Loan Limits by Class Level 

Direct Loan Limits for Credential Students
Borrower's Academic Level Dependent Student  Independent Student
Senior or Teacher Credential Student (60+units) $5,500 
If qualified, up to $5,500 may be in subsidized loans
If qualified, up to $5,500 may be in subsidized loans
Aggregate (or Lifetime) Borrowing Limit for Credential Students (includes amounts borrowed as Undergraduates) $31,000 
If qualified, $23,000 may be in subsidized loans
If qualified, up to $23,000 may be in subsidized loans

For Credential Students who are considered to be Dependent Students for financial aid purposes, Federal Loans are also available for parents to cover the student’s remaining education costs. PLUS (Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students) are Federal Direct Loans in which the parent of a dependent student is the applicant/borrower.


Impact of Enrollment on Direct Loans: 

In general, Direct Loans are not pro-rated based on enrollment.  However, you must be enrolled at least half-time (6 units) in coursework required for your credential program in order to be eligible to receive funds from the loans.  Your enrollment will be reviewed at Census; if you are not enrolled in at least 6 units of coursework required by the State of California for your credential program, you will not be eligible for your loan funds – and your loan will be canceled for the semester.

All staff members of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at Cal Poly Pomona adhere to The California State University Student Lending – Code of Conduct (PDF), which restricts activity that may lead to conflicts of interest in the area of student lending 

Additional Resources:

Federal Loans for Parents are available only to FAFSA Applicants. 

The Direct Parent PLUS Loan is available to parents (including adoptive or stepparents) of dependent undergraduate students who filed a FAFSA Your parent may borrow an amount up to the cost of attendance minus any other aid you are receiving.  Any amount borrowed in excess of university charges through the Parent PLUS Loan will be issued as a refund to the parent. 

Parent PLUS Loans are not included in your initial Financial Aid offer. The loan is not added to the award package until the request has been processed and Cal Poly Pomona receives notification that your parent has been approved. To apply, please visit Student; step-by-step instructions are provided in the Parent PLUS Instruction (PDF).

For current interest rate and origination fee information please visit the Federal Student Aid Website. 

To qualify for the Direct PLUS loan, your parent must meet general eligibility requirements for federal student aid and will need to pass a credit check. If your parent has an adverse credit history, the Federal Student Aid website for parent borrowers with adverse credit history provides guidance.  

Complete details on the PLUS Loan are available for Federal Student Aid.  

To Apply for a Parent PLUS Loan:   

  1. The student must complete and submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  2. The parent must go to the Parent PLUS Loan application on the Federal Student Aid website
  3. Your parent must log in with their Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) - not yours
  4. If prompted, accept the terms and conditions of the platform
  5. Complete the application, review the information for accuracy, and submit

Review our Parent PLUS Instructions Guide (PDF) for step-by-step instructions (including screen captures).

The application usually becomes available in late March or early April for the upcoming academic year.

Tips on Applying:

  • Make sure you select the correct Award Year at the top of the application (example: Fall 2024 and Spring and Summer 2025 would be the 2024-2025 year)
  • Carefully read the options about in-school and post-enrollment deferment
  • Make sure the loan is sent to Cal Poly Pomona - School Code/Branch 001144 - not other schools with similar names such as Cal Poly)
  • Choose the right Loan Period:
    • To apply for both Fall 2024 and Spring 2025, it would be August 2024 through May 2025
    • For Fall 2024 only, it would be August 2024 through December 2024
    • For Spring 2025 only, it would be January 2025 through May 2025
    • For Summer 2025, it would be May 2025 through August 2025

What Do I Do if My Parent's Credit Is Denied?

If the Parent PLUS Loan is denied due to credit history, the U.S. Department of Education will send the parent information about appealing the credit decision or using an endorser/cosigner. Review our Parent PLUS Instructions Guide (PDF) for more information on the steps involved if the parent is credit denied. The Federal Student Aid website for parent borrowers with adverse credit history provides additional guidance.

If the parent does not pursue these options, the student may be eligible to add up to an additional $5,000 to their Unsubsidized Loan.

All staff members of the Office of Financial Aid at Cal Poly Pomona adhere to The California State University Student Lending – Code of Conduct (PDF), which restricts activity that may lead to conflicts of interest in the area of student lending 

Additional Resources: 

Students are encouraged to find jobs whose wages can cover indirect expenses that occur each term such as textbooks and laundry.

Federal Work-Study (Available to FAFSA Applicants only) 

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a federally funded program that provides employment opportunities to students who filed a FAFSA and have the highest financial need. The amount a student may earn will be listed on the student's award summary. The FWS offer ranges from $3,500 - $5,500 per academic year.   A Federal Work Study Offer does not guarantee placement in an actual position. 

Work experience is not required to secure a FWS position. The money earned is yours to use for out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, books, and personal care items. Cal Poly Pomona students typically work 10-12 hours per week. Work-study funds do not reduce your bill with the university. 

Impact of Enrollment on FWS: 

FWS offers are not pro-rated based on enrollment.  However, you must be enrolled in at least 6 units per semester in coursework required by the state of California for your Credential in order to be eligible to receive funds from FWS.  If at any time during the semester your enrollment drops below 6 units, you immediately lose eligibility to continue receiving FWS funds for the semester. 

Student Employment & Other Options 

Cal Poly Pomona has student employment jobs that are not part of the Federal Work-Study program. A part time job provides students with the opportunity to gain work experience, even if you are not eligible for a Federal Work-Study position.  

Visit the Career Center for more information.  

For more information on the Federal Work Study program at Cal Poly Pomona, visit our Federal Work Study page.

Loan forgiveness and cancellation programs are intended to encourage individuals to enter and continue in the teaching profession.

It is important to be aware of the options available to you – as well as the requirements of each, so that you can better plan for the financing of your credential program:

Private loans are loans made by a lender such as a bank or a credit union, not the Department of Education. These loans are typically borrowed by students who are not eligible for, or do not qualify for, federal loans or who have exhausted their federal loan, or Dream Loan, eligibility. If you have not yet borrowed your full Federal loan eligibility, consider doing so before borrowing a private loan.   

For students who are eligible for federal student aid, think FAFSA first!  We strongly encourage students to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine their eligibility for federal student aid and Federal Direct Loans before considering alternatives. While there is a great range of private educational loans available, we do not make specific recommendations for private loans, as they do not have the beneficial aspects of Federal Direct Stafford Loan programs. If you need to pursue a private loan, make sure you get all the facts. 

Approval of a private loan is typically based on your credit rating and debt-to-income ratio and may require a co-signer.  Private loans often carry higher interest rates and fees than federal loans and may have less attractive repayment terms. The interest rates are variable, meaning they can change on a monthly basis, and are determined by the information in your credit report. Find out more about the differences between federal and private loans on the Federal Student Aid website. 

If you have exhausted all sources of federal funding and decide to borrow a private loan, compare lenders to ensure you are making the best choice for you.  Visit to learn more about private loans It is your responsibility to research private education loan resources, select a lender and apply for a private education loan via the selected lender's process. Once you select your lender and your application is processed, your lender will send the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships an electronic request for certification of your eligibility. 

Truth in Lending requirements: 

The Truth in Lending Act requires lenders who provide private loans to comply with the following:  

  • Lenders must provide three separate loan disclosures to borrowers--one at the point of application, one when the loan is approved, and one before the loan is disbursed. 
  • A waiting period of three business days is required between the time the borrower receives the final loan disclosure and the time that the loan is disbursed.  
  • Students must sign a self-certification form and submit it to the lender before the loan can be disbursed. 

Your lender should provide you with all of the information you need to know about these requirements, but if you have questions, feel free to contact our office. 

Private Education Loan Process at Cal Poly Pomona

  • Apply for a Private Loan directly with the lender of your choice
  • Complete the CPP Private Loan Request Form which is available through our Student Forms Portal.
  • Your lender should provide you with a copy of the required Private Education Loan Self-Certification Form
    • To complete your Private Education Loan Self-Certification Form, you will need to know your cost of attendance and estimated financial assistance.  
    • If you receive financial aid, this information can be found on your Financial Aid Summary in your MyCPP Student Center.  Otherwise, refer to the Costs page on our website.
  • Send your completed self-certification form to your lender. Your loan cannot be disbursed until your lender receives it. 

All staff members of the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships at Cal Poly Pomona adhere to The California State University Student Lending – Code of Conduct (PDF), which restricts activity that may lead to conflicts of interest in the area of student lending. 

Fee Waivers are authorized by the California Legislature or the CSU Board of Trustees and may reduce the cost of attendance for eligible students.  If you will be receiving a tuition or fee waiver, you must notify our office as we are required to coordinate the waiver with your other financial aid.

The Cal Grant, Middle Class Scholarship, State University Grant (SUG), and most Tuition Fee Waivers are considered fee-paying resources and cover the exact same tuition/fees. Therefore, students are only eligible to receive one during a period of enrollment. students who have been awarded both a tuition-paying grant (SUG, Cal Grant, MCS) and a Tuition Fee Waiver will have the tuition paying grant canceled or returned to the California Student Aid Commission.  Additional financial aid may also be affected by the waiver, up to the amount of the waiver, including grants and loans. 

Approved Fee Waivers Can Only Be Applied to State-Funded Courses

Approved Waivers are only applicable for state funded courses during the Regular Academic year (Fall and Spring terms). Fee Waivers cannot be applied to courses that are offered through CPGE (Open University, Extension Programs) - including Summer.

Below is information about the most frequently used waivers.  More information about Tuition and Fee Waivers is available from the CSU Chancellor’s Office.

Cal Vet Tuition Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependents

This is a waiver that covers the systemwide tuition fee at Cal Poly Pomona.  The Waiver does not cover the mandatory (auxiliary) campus fees which include student union fees, student health service fees, among many others.

If you are eligible for this waiver, you will not be eligible for California State aid (Cal Grant, Middle Class Scholarships, State University Grant).

For more information, contact your local County Veterans Service Office. You can also contact Samuel Kim, the VA Certifying Official for Cal Poly Pomona.


CSU Fee Waiver and Reduction Program

The California State University (CSU) Fee Waiver and Reduction Program (Fee Waiver) is a program designed to reduce or waive state fees for eligible  employees to take classes at a CSU campus in order to improve current job skills/abilities (work-related training) or to obtain the education needed to pursue CSU career goals (career development).

Employees eligible to participate in the Employee Fee Waiver & Reduction Program may transfer their fee waiver benefit entitlement to an eligible dependent (spouse, domestic partner, or dependent child).

A Fee Waiver application must be submitted for each semester participation is requested in the program for both new and continuing participants. Applicants are responsible for reapplying each semester.

Approved Fee Waivers Can Only Be Applied to State-Funded Courses

Approved CSU Fee Waivers are only applicable for Regular Academic Session (state-funded) courses and cannot be applied to courses that are Open University/Extension Programs. 

Fee Waiver Submittal When Enrolling at Cal Poly Pomona

If you (or your eligible dependent) are enrolling at Cal Poly Pomona, the timelines to submit your completed Employee/Dependent Fee Waiver forms to our campus are listed on the benefits website.

Review Cal Poly Pomona’s Educational Benefits page for more information about the Employee Fee Waiver and Dependent Fee Waiver