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7 Tasks Every Leader Must Master

By Chris Mayfield • Entrepreneur • August 8, 2022

7 Tasks Every Leader Must Master: This important article highlights a number of the qualities emphasized in a Fearless Campus and a Fearless Classroom: the climate, trust, respect, empathy, and humility

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How Can You Be Sure Someone Has Exceptional Leadership Skills?

By Marcel Schwantes • INC • August 6, 2022 

Communication skills typically include oral and written communication skills however listening, most importantly being an empathetic active listener, is a critical leadership skill. This article focuses on 2 important words "active listening" as part of being empathetic

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Humility is a virtue. But can humble people be successful in the modern world?

By Lena Burton • UK Daily News • October 5, 2022

Humility Is a Virtue. But Can Humble People Succeed in the Modern World? see attached for the full article. The link does not show the full article as it requires NY Times access.  Here's my introduction:

Philosophers consider humility to be a virtue. In the modern world we may find it to be an important quality and even more so in leading in a fearless environment. The author's contrast of capitalism in Adam's Smith mind and business today is interesting- Who wants to do business with a jerk? Who wants to work for or with a jerk as described in the article. Being humble, being respected and respectful, building trust and being trusted, in essence being humble is a virtue for success.

DEI Gets Real

By Dagny Dukach · Harvard Business Review · January–February 2022

It’s easy to view the corporate world’s growing emphasis on DEI—diversity, equity, and inclusion—with cynicism. Too often attempts to address discrimination seem to be more about optics than about real change, with business leaders’ being quick to issue statements of support but sluggish when it comes to taking meaningful action. And if you’ve ever rolled your eyes at a buzzword-laden corporate diversity training, you’re not alone...[Continue Reading]

Empathy Is The Most Important Leadership Skill According To Research

By Tracy Brower · Forbes · Sep 19, 2021

Empathy has always been a critical skill for leaders, but it is taking on a new level of meaning and priority. Far from a soft approach it can drive significant business results. [Continue Reading]

The surprising thing Google learned about its employees — and what it means for today’s students

The conventional wisdom about 21st century skills holds that students need to master the STEM subjects — science, technology, engineering and math — and learn to code as well because that’s where the jobs are. It turns out that is a gross simplification of what students need to know and be able to do, and some proof for that comes from a surprising source: Google. [continue reading...]

How Google builds the perfect team

Charles Duhigg, journalist and author of "Smarter Faster Better," explains the insights he gathered while spending time with Google's Project Aristotle, a research team assembled to analyze how teams work.

Beyond The Classroom - Not Light, But Fire-Matthew Kay

Utilizing ZOOM conferencing technology during the COVID-19 Crisis, host Diana Ahl welcomes teacher/author Matthew Kay to discuss the essential elements of his book Not Light, But Fire, a guidebook for having diversity conversations in the classroom.