fearless campus

Fearless Campus®

 A Fearless Campus is an environment where students, staff, faculty and leaders can bring their whole self to learn, teach, and work. One that is supportive, equitable and safe both physically and psychologically. A Fearless Campus is one where people feel included, safe to learn and contribute, and safe to challenge the status quo in a respectful way. This initiative is directly aligned to Cal Poly Pomona's strategic plan, vision, and values.

Learn about the Fearless Campus Project History

Fearless Campus Conceptual Model

This image represents selected campus programs, departments, and administrative functions within the Fearless Campus environment. The illustration is not limited to what is included with more areas to be added as the project grows.

Each triangle has a remaining white space at the tip that represents barriers to a completely fearless campus environment. The notion is that as each area continues to drive out behaviors that create fear, the fearful white space will be reduced.