Zeynep Aytug

Zeynep Aytug

Associate Professor of Management, Management and Human Resources, College of Business Administration


Research interests:
Multicultural experience and performance, Conflict management and negotiation, High-impact practices in management education.

Recent publications:

Rua and Aytug (2023). Teaching Virtual Presentation with a Theory-Based Feedback Intervention: An Experiential Class Project for the Post-Pandemic Era. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. https://doi.org/10.1111/dsji.12307

Rua, Aytug, and Lawter (2022). NegotioPoly: A holistic gaming approach to negotiation teaching. Organization Management Journal, 19(4). https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OMJ-02-2021-1160/full/html

Rua, Aytug, Simarasl, and Lin (2021). How traditional gender roles hurt both women and men: Negative processes and outcomes in mixed-gender negotiations. The Gender in Management: an International Journal, 36(2). https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/GM-05-2019-0065/full/html

Guthrie, Aytug, and Kumar (2020) The Assessment Cow: A Cause-Related Marketing Approach to Building Assessment Culture. Business Education Innovation Journal, v.12, issue 1.

Aytug, Kern, and Dilchert (2018). Multicultural Experience: A Multidimensional Perspective, Scale Development and Validation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 65, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2018.04.004

Kumar, Myers, Aytug, and Preiser-Houy (2018). Purposeful Assessment Design: Aligning Course-Embedded Assessment with Program-Level Learning Goals, Business Education Innovation Journal. Volume 10, No. 1.

Aytug, Rua, Brazeal, Almaraz, and Gonzalez (2018). A Socio-Cultural Approach to Multicultural Experience: Why Interactions for Creative Thinking but Exposures Don’t. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 64(2018) 29-42.

Rua, Aytug, Kern, Lee, and Adair (2018). Hidden influences in International Negotiations: The Interactive Role of Insecure Cultural Attachment, Risk Perception, and Risk Regulation for Sellers Versus Buyers. Thunderbird International Business Review. 2018: 1-14 10.1002/tie.21981

Aytug, Rothstein, Kern, and Zhu (2017). Is There Social Consensus Regarding Researcher Conflicts of Interest? Ethics & Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1080/10508422.2017.1402683

Other select work: 

Highly cited in research methodology:

Aytug, Rothstein, Kern, and Zhou (2012). Revealed or concealed? Transparency of procedures, decisions, and judgment calls in meta-analyses. Organizational Research Methods, 15(1), 103-133.


Kern, Lee, Aytug, and Brett (2012). Bridging social distance in inter-cultural negotiations: “You” and the bi-cultural negotiator. International Journal of Conflict Management, 23(2), 173-191. Winner of the Emerald Literati Excellence Award, 2013.