Xuguang (Steve) Guo

Xuguang (Steve) Guo

Professor of Human Resources & Chair, Management and Human Resources, College of Business Administration

Select Publications

Guo, X., Chen, W., & Iurchenko, D. (2022). Impact of college education on incorporated and unincorporated self-employment: variations among African Americans and Hispanics. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25(1): 70-90.

Guo, X. & Wadhwa, P., 2022. “Work-Family Decisions: Exploring the Role of Racial Variation”, 2022. Gender in Management: An International Journal. 37(5): 679-697.

Guo, X., Chen, W., & Iurchenko, D., 2022. “Impact of college education on incorporated and unincorporated self-employment: variations among African Americans and Hispanics”, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25(1): 70-90.

Guo, X. & Werner, J., 2016. “Gender, Family, and Business: An Empirical Study of Incorporated Self-Employed Individuals in the U.S.”, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 8(4): 373-401.

Guo, X., Chen, W. & Yu, A., 2016. “Is College Education Worth it? Evidences from Its Impacts on entrepreneurship in the United States”, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 28(1): 1-26.

Guo, X. & Tao, R., 2015. "Health Benefits Downward Rigidity: Employers' Responses to Rising Insurance Costs”, Risk Management and Insurance Review, 18(2): 217-241.

Guo, X. & Burton, J.F., 2012. “The Growth of SSDI Recipients: A Spillover Effect from Workers’ Compensation,” Social Security Bulletin, 72 (3): 69-88.

Guo, X. & Burton, J.F., 2010. “Workers’ Compensation: Recent Developments in Moral Hazard and Benefit Payments,” Industrial and Labor Relation Review, 63(2): 340-55.