Q. X. Ryan, and B. Schermerhorn, “Students’ use of symbolic forms when constructing equations of boundary conditions”. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 16, 010122 – Published 24 April 2020
J. Yang, S. DeVore, D. Hewagallage, P. Miller, Q. X. Ryan, and J. Stewart, “Using Machine Learning to Identify the Most At-Risk Students in Physics Classes” Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res.16, 020130 – Published 28 October 2020
A. Sirnoorkar, C. Hass, Q. X. Ryan and E. Sayre, “Qualitative Analysis of Students’ Epistemic Framing Surrounding Instructor’s Interaction”, Physics Education Research Conference Proceeding, AIP press, July 22-23, 2020.
C. Hass, Q. X. Ryan, E. Sayre, (2019). “Teacher Noticing and Shifting of Student Epistemic Framing”, The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) conference proceedings, Vol. 4, 2335-2336 Published June, 2020.
Q. X. Ryan, Darwin Agunos*, S. Franklin, M. Gomez-Bera, and E. Sayre, “Question characteristics and students’ epistemic framing”, Physics Education Research Conference Proceeding, AIP press, July 22-23, 2020.
Q. X. Ryan, Darwin Agunos*, Armando Villasenor*, Homeyra Sadaghiani and Alexander Small, “Evaluating students’ performance on the FCI at a minority serving institution”. Physics Education Research Conference Proceeding, AIP press, Provo, UT: July 24-25, 2019
Q. X. Ryan, S. Pollock, and B.Wilcox. “Student difficulties with boundary conditions in the context of electromagnetic waves”. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020126 (2018) - Published 13 December 2018.
Q. X. Ryan, T. Chau*, H. Sadaghiani, and G. Passante. “Investigate Students’use of Boundary Conditions using Symbolic Forms”, Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, AIP Press 2017, 344-347- Published March 30, 2018
C. Baily, Q. X. Ryan, C. Astolfi, and S. J. Pollock. “Conceptual Assessment tool for Advanced Undergraduate Electrodynamics”. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 13, 020113 – Published 5 September 2017.
Q. X. Ryan, C. Baily, S. Pollock. “Multiple-response Assessment for Electrodynamics”, Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, AIP Press 2016, 284-287.
Q. X. Ryan, E. Frodermann, K. Heller, L.Hsu, and A.Mason. “Computer problem solving coaches for introductory physics I: Design and usability studies”, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 12, 010105 (2016) - Published 16 February 2016
J. Docktor, J. Dornfeld, E. Frodermann, L. Hsu, K. Jackson, A. Mason, Qing X. Ryan, J. Yang, K. Heller. “Assessing Problem Solving in the Classroom: A Problem- Solving Rubric with Application to Introductory Physics”. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 12, 010130 (2016) - Published 11 May 2016
Q. X. Ryan, S. Pollock, and B.Wilcox. “Student difficulties with boundary conditions”. Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, AIP Press 2015, 283-286- Published 18 December 2015.
B. Wilcox, M. Caballero, C. Baily, Homeyra Sadaghiani, S. Chasteen, Q. X. Ryan, and S. J. Pollock. “Development and Uses of Upper-division Conceptual Assessments”. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 11, 020115 – Published 23 September 2015
Student Projects:
Student presentations:
“Teaching Free-Fall to a Non-Expert Audience”, presented by Benjamin Urbach at the 9th Annual Student RSCA Conference on Saturday, March 6, 2021.
“Statistical Analysis of Students’ Performance on Research-based Inventory”, poster presented by Darwin Agunos (undergraduate), Armando Villasenor (undergraduate) at College of Science 14th annual Research Symposium, April 26, 2019, Cal Poly Pomona.
“Evaluating Gender and Racial Gaps on the FCI (force concept inventory) at A Minority Serving PUI (primary undergraduate institution)”, poster presented by Armando Villasenor(undergraduate), Darwin Del Agunos (undergraduate) at PERC (Physics Education Research Conference), 7/24/2019, Provo, UT.
“Statistical Analysis of Students' Performance on Research-Based Inventory”, by Darwin Del Agunos* and Q. X. Ryan, poster at Cal Poly Pomona Creative Activities & Research Symposium (CPP CARS), August 8th, 2019.
Q. X. Ryan, T. Chau*(undergraduate), H. Sadaghiani, and G. Passante. “Investigate Students’ use of Boundary Conditions using Symbolic Forms”, Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, AIP Press 2017, 344-347- Published February 2018
“Next Generation of Computer Coaches”, poster presented by J. Santiago* (undergraduate student), Q. X. Ryan, J. Laverty, Physics Education Research Conference (PERC) 2016, July 20-21, Sacramento, CA
“Baseline Data on Student Performance in Introductory Physics”, poster presented by J. Santiago* (undergraduate), Cal Poly Pomona College of Science 11th annual Science Symposium, May 26, 2017.
“Developing the Next generation of computer coaches”, poster presented by J. Santiago* (undergraduate student), Cal Poly Pomona College of Science 11th annual Science Symposium, May 27, 2016. (in grey because it is before 2017)
“Next generation of computer coaches”, talk presented by J. Santiago* (undergraduate student), Physics & Astronomy Education Seminar, May 12, 2016. (in grey because it is before 2017)
Senior Projects:
“Teaching Free-Fall to a Non-Expert Audience”, senior project by Benjamin Urbach in spring 2021.
“Analysis of student performances on FCI at Cal Poly Pomona”, Q. X. Ryan, Alex Small, Darwin Del Agunos (undergraduate) and Armando Villasenor(undergraduate), will be presented at the end this quarter at the Physics & Astronomy Senior Project Poster Session 2019.
“Evaluating Gender and Racial Gaps on the FCI (force concept inventory) at A Minority Serving PUI (primary undergraduate institution)”, poster presented by Armando Villasenor(undergraduate) at the end of spring 2018 at the Physics & Astronomy Senior Project Poster Session.
“Comparison of and students’ perception of class”, senior project of K. McCondichie (undergraduate), posted presented at the end of spring 2018 at the Physics & Astronomy Senior Project Poster Session.
“Baseline Data on Student Performance in Introductory Physics”, poster presented by J. Santiago (undergraduate), Physics & Astronomy Senior Project Poster, June 2, 2017.