Federal Government Contract Property Law and Management
Recent Publications:
Wyatt III, John B. “An Informational Report Can Be GFP, But Is It Suitable for Intended Use?”, Journal of Property and Asset Management, Vol. 6 No. 1, August 2022
Wyatt III, John B. “Progress Payments Acquired Property - The Government’s “Convenient Chameleon”, Journal of Contract Management, Vol. 15, Fall 2020
Wyatt III, John B. “To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine, But How Much Forgiveness Is a Prime Contractor Afforded for the Loss of Government Property in FAR Part 14 Fixed Price Contracts Awarded by Sealed Bidding Under FAR Part 14?”, Journal of Property and Asset Management, Vol. 5 No. 1, August 2020
Manuscript Under Current Review:
Wyatt III, John B. and Rodriguez, Hannah, “The Relationship of Government Property with FAR’s Cost Principles, Progress Payments Financing Provisions, the Cost Accounting Standards, and their Associated Contract Clauses” submitted and under peer review to the Journal of Property and Asset Management, (anticipated acceptance 2025)