James J. A. Blair

James J. A. Blair

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Geography and Anthropology, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

Awards and Honors

External Grants, Fellowships and Contracts

2023-2027 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-G2022-STAR-F2, Early Career: Drivers and Environmental Impacts of Energy Transitions in Underserved Communities Research Grant ($649,456 total amount, $115,000 allocated to Cal Poly Pomona as subrecipient with: PI Alida Cantor, Portland State University; Co-PI Kate Berry, University of Nevada, Reno; and Co-PI Dustin Mulvaney, San Jose State University).

2024-2025 Hewlett Foundation ($150,000 allocated to Climate and Community Project / Tides).

2023-2025 11th Hour Project / The Schmidt Family Foundation ($235,000 allocated to Climate and Community Project / Tides).

2023 U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Indonesian Academy of Sciences, Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellowship, sponsored by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

2023-2024 Comite Civico del Valle, consultancy contract as lead PI for Lithium Valley Equity Technical Advisory Group.

2023-2024 Imperial County, California, Community Engagement and Outreach Grant: Salton Sea Renewable Specific Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report ($363,000 allocated to Comite Civico del Valle to establish the Lithium Valley Equity Technical Advisory Group).

2022-2025 National Science Foundation, BCS Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences (HEGS) Research Grant ($399,876 total amount, $84,000 allocated to Cal Poly Pomona as subrecipient with: PI Alida Cantor, Portland State University; Co-PI Kate Berry, University of Nevada, Reno; and Co-PI Dustin Mulvaney, San Jose State University).

2021-2022 Campus Compact Engaged Scholar Award.

2019-2020 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), consultancy contract.

2017-2019 Mellon/ACLS, Public Fellowship ($140,000, appointed as International Campaign Advocate, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)).

2016 Anthropology and Environment Society, Next Generation Award.

2014-2015 National Science Foundation, SBE Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant ($17,703, co-funded by the Cultural Anthropology and Science, Technology, and Society (STS) programs).

2014-2015 Fulbright-IIE, All-Disciplines Postgraduate Award to United Kingdom (‎£12,000).

2013-2014 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Dissertation Fieldwork Grant ($20,000).

2012 Social Science Research Council, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF), Governing Global Production subfield ($5,000).


Internal Grants and Fellowships

2024 CPP Golden Leaves Author Award for Salvaging Empire: Sovereignty, Natural Resources, and Environmental Science.

2022-2023 CPP Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Grant (SIRG) (with Co-PI Ali Sharbat and Co-PI Monique López).

2022-2023 CPP Impact Grant, Center for Community Engagement (CCE).

2022-2023 CPP PolyX Mini Grant, Learn Through Discovery (LTD) Initiative.

2022-2023 CSU Graduation Initiative 2025 Student Assistant Allocation.

2021-2022 CPP Provost’s Teacher-Scholar Award.

2021-2022 CPP Impact Grant, Center for Community Engagement (CCE). 

2021-2022 CPP PolyX Mini Grant, Learn Through Discovery (LTD) Initiative.

2021 CPP Assessment Practice and Discovery Mini Grant.

2020 CPP College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) Supplemental Travel Award.

2018-2019 CPP President’s Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Award.

2018-2019 CPP Service-Learning Faculty Fellowship, Center for Community Engagement (CCE).

2015-2016 CUNY Graduate Center, Dissertation Year Fellowship.

2015-2016 Baruch College-CUNY, Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Fellowship.

2014-2015 The University of Manchester, School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED), Visiting Research Fellow in Geography.

2013 CUNY Graduate Center, Fred A. Mayer Travel Award.

2012 CUNY Graduate Center, Doctoral Student Research Grant.

2010-2014 CUNY Graduate Center, Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellowship.

2006-2007 Boston College, Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Romance Languages.