2023. Salvaging Empire: Sovereignty, Natural Resources and Environmental Science in the South Atlantic. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2024. “Hydrosocial Imaginaries of Green Extractivism: Water-Energy Transitions and Geothermal Lithium Development at the Salton Sea in Imperial Valley, California.” The Extractive Industries and Society. Vol. 20: 101567 (co-authored with Alexa Britton, Luis Olmedo and Christian A. Torres).
2024. “Lithium and Water: Hydrosocial Impacts Across the Life Cycle of Energy Storage.” WIREs Water. Vol. 11 (6): e1748 (co-authored with Noel Vineyard, Dustin Mulvaney, Alida Cantor, Ali Sharbat, Kate Berry, Elizabeth Bartholomew, and Ariana Firebaugh Ornelas).
2023. "From Watershed Moment to Hydrosocial Movement: Patagonia Without Dams and the Free-Flowing Rivers Network in Chile.” Human Organization 82 (3): 288–303 (co-authored with Grant Gutierrez and Ramón Balcázar M.).
2023. “The Alterlives of Green Extractivism: Lithium Mining and Exhausted Ecologies in the Atacama Desert.” International Development Policy 16 (co-authored with Ramón Balcázar M., Javiera Barandiarán and Amanda Maxwell).
2022. “Tracking Penguins, Sensing Petroleum: ‘Data Gaps’ and the Politics of Marine Ecology in the South Atlantic.” Environment & Planning E: Nature and Space. Vol. 5 (1): 60-80.
2019. “South Atlantic Universals: Science, Sovereignty and Self-Determination inthe Falkland Islands (Malvinas).” Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society. Vol. 2 (1): 220-236.
2019. “Splintered Hinterlands: Public Anthropology, Environmental Advocacy and Indigenous Sovereignty.” Journal of Ethnobiology. Vol. 39 (1): 32-49.
2017. “Settler Indigeneity and the Eradication of the Non-Native: Self-Determination and Biosecurity in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI). Vol. 23 (3): 580-602.
Refereed Reports
2022. “Exhausted: How We Can Stop Lithium Mining from Depleting Water Resources, Draining Wetlands, and Harming Communities in South America.” Report published by NRDC (R: 21-10-A). April 26 (with Ramón M. Balcázar, Javiera Barandiarán and Amanda Maxwell).
Edited Collections
2022. “Negotiating the Crisis: Critical Perspectives on Climate Governance.” Cultural Anthropology: Hot Spots, Fieldsites, June 23 (co-edited with Cynthia Isenhour).
Book Chapters
2023. “The ‘Alterlives’ of Green Extractivism: Lithium Mining and Exhausted Ecologies in the Atacama Desert.” In The Afterlives of Extraction: Alternatives and Sustainable Futures, edited by Filipe Calvo, Matthew Archer, and Asanda Benya. Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff (with Ramón M. Balcázar, Javiera Barandiarán, and Amanda Maxwell).
2022. “Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC).” In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability, edited by Robert Brinkmann. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
2022. “Data Gaps: Penguin Science and Petrostate Formation in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).” In The Nature of Data: Infrastructures, Environments, Politics, edited by Jenny Goldstein and Eric Nost, 251-266. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
2020. “Extractivismo del Litio y el Problema de la Escala: Acción Climática Global y Justicia Ambiental Local.” In Salares Andinos: Ecología de Saberes por la Protección de Nuestros Salares y Humedales, edited by Bárbara Jerez Henríquez, Sergio Uribe Sierra and Ramón Morales Balcázar, 83-95. Santiago: Fundación Tantí.
2006. “Just Garments, a worker-run factory tries to wring the sweat out of the apparel business.” In Current Economic Issues. 10th edition. Boston: Dollars & Sense. Originally published in Dollars & Sense. September/October 2005: 261 (with Daniel Fireside).
Book Reviews
2015. Reseña bibliográfica Todo lo que necesitás saber sobre Malvinas por Federico Lorenz. Páginas. Vol. 7 (13): 231-235.
2014. Review Essay “Recent Studies of Oil in Latin America: Conflicted Consultancy, Peaked Patrimony and Neoliberalismo.” The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Vol. 19 (3): 531-537.
2014. Review of Land by Derek Hall. The Journal of Agrarian Change. Vol. 14 (4): 595-598.
2013. Review of The Invention of the Jewish Gaucho: Villa Clara and the Construction of Argentine Identity by Judith Noemí Freidenberg. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Vol. 18 (3): 539-541.
2013. Review of Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas edited by John-Andrew McNeish and Owen Logan. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFE). Vol. 35 (1): 64-66.
Public Writing and Advocacy
2024. “Water and renewable energy transitions.” The Geographer, Autumn 2024 (co-authored with Alida Cantor, Dustin Mulvaney, Kate Berry, and Noel Vineyard).
2023. "The Falklands/Malvinas and Argentina's Thatcherite Turn." North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), December 13.
2023. "Avoiding Methodological Nationalism in a Disputed Overseas Territory." University of Exeter: Research and Innovation Blog, July 18.
2022. “Plurinational Climate Action: Environmental Governance Beyond Green Extractivism.” Cultural Anthropology: Hot Spots, Fieldsites, June 23 (co-authored with Ramón Balcázar).
2022. “Introduction: Negotiating the Crisis: Critical Perspectives on Climate Governance.” Cultural Anthropology: Hot Spots, Fieldsites, June 23 (co-authored with Cynthia Isenhour).
2022. “Lithium Mining Must Not Dry Up the Atacama Desert.” NRDC Expert Blog. May 12 (with Amanda Maxwell).
2019. “Water Is a Right: The Parallel COP in Chile.” NRDC Expert Blog. December 23 (with Jessica Carey-Webb).
2019. “Revisiting Nahuelbuta (1 of 2).” NRDC Expert Blog. August 9.
2019. “Revisiting Nahuelbuta (2 of 2).” NRDC Expert Blog. August 9.
2018. “International Day of Indigenous Peoples: Free Nahuelbuta.” NRDC Expert Blog. August 9.
2018. “Chile’s River Protector Network Rejects Alto Maipo Complex.” NRDC Expert Blog. July 9 (with Andrea Becerra).
2018. “Indigenous Lands in Canada & Colombia on World Heritage List.” NRDC Expert Blog. July 2 (with Jennifer Skene).
2018. “NAFTA to Canada: Face the Facts on Tar Sands Tailings Ponds.” NRDC Expert Blog. May 10.
2018. “Conservation and Community in Laguna San Ignacio.” NRDC Expert Blog. May 3.
2018. “World Water Day: Chile’s New Wave of River Protectors.” NRDC Expert Blog. April 6.
2018. “Chilean Courts Protect Patagonia’s Puelo and Cuervo Rivers.” NRDC Expert Blog. January 9.
2017. “Tar Sands Tailings Ponds: Out of Canada’s Control.” NRDC Expert Blog. December 21.
2017. “Latin America 2017: Top Three Green Trends.” NRDC Expert Blog. December 19 (with Andrés Anchondo).
2017. “Protect Chile’s Patagonia with Clean Energy Alternatives to Mega Dams.” ESRI Story Map hosted on NRDC Expert Blog. February 7 (with Amanda Maxwell and Andrea Becerra).
2016. “The Limits of Environmentalism at Earth’s End: Reindeer Eradication and the Heritage of Hunting in the Sub-Antarctic.” Engagement, blog published by the Anthropology and Environment Society. December 20.
2016. “Brexit’s South American Ripple Effect.” North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA). August 4.
2014. “Treasure Islands? Oil and Gas in the Falklands.” The Economist. February 28.
2013. “Self-Determined: Argentina, The Falklands and the UN.” The Economist. August 8.
2013. “Referendum rewound: The Falkland Islands.” The Economist. June 21.
2013. “Loud and clear: The Falklands referendum.” The Economist. Print edition, March 16-22: 40.
2013. “Sending their message: The Falkland Islands’ referendum.” The Economist. March 11.