Hyungchul Han

Hyungchul Han

Associate Professor, Department of Animal & Veterinary Science, Huntley College of Agriculture


Caldera, E., B Weigel, V. N. Kucharczyk, K. S. Sellins, S. L. Archibeque, J. J. Wagner, H. Han, J W. Spears and T. E. Engle. 2019.   Trace mineral source influences ruminal distribution of copper and zinc and their binding strength to ruminal digesta. J. Anim. Sci., 97:1852-1864.

Velasquez-Munoz, A. Manriquez, D. Paudyal, S, Han, H., Callan, R.,  Ryan, E.P, Pinedo P.  2019. Effect of prebiotic supplementation with stabilized rice bran in milk of pre-weaned organic Holstein calves.  BMC Veterinary Research. 15:53.

Velasquez-Munoz, A. Manriquez, D. Paudyal, S, Solano, G.,  Han, H., Callan, R.,  Ryan, E.P, Pinedo P.  2019. Effect of a mechanical grooming brush on the behavior and health of recently weaned heifer calves.  BMC Veterinary Research. 12:284.

Hahm, J. Park, K. Park, Y. Son, H. Han. 2016. Extracts of Opuntia humifusa fruits inhibit the growth of AGS human gastric adenocarcinoma cells. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science 21(1):31-37.

Gordon, S. Hahm, J.J. Wagner, J.S. Jennings, T.E. Engle and H. Han. 2016. Aspergillus oryzae α-amylase supplementation on rumen volatile fatty acid profile and relative abundance of mRNA associated with nutrient absorption in ruminal and duodenal tissue from beef steers. Professional Animal Scientist. 32:448-454.

M. Warner, S. Hahm, S. L. Archibeque, J. J. Wagner, T. E. Engle, I. N. Roman-Muniz, D. Woerner, M. Sponsler and H. Han. 2015. A comparison of supplemental calcium soap of palm fatty acids versus tallow in a corn-based finishing diet for feedlot steer. Journal of Animal Science and Technology 57:25

M.E. Field, R.V. Anthony, T.E. Engle, S.L. Archibeque, D.H. Keisler and H. Han. 2015. Duration of maternal undernutrition differentially alters fetal growth and hormone concentrations. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 1-

J. Hornig, S. R. Byers, R. J. Callan, T. Holt, M. Field, H. Han. 2013. Evaluation of a point-of-care glucose andhydroxybutyrate meter operated in variousenvironmental conditions in prepartumand postpartum sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res. 74:1059-1065.

Han, H. So, E. Domby and T. Engle. 2012. The relationship of pulmonary artery copper concentrations and genes involved in copper homeostasis in cattle, swine, and goats. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 25(2):194-199.

T.R. Hansen, L.K. Henkes, R.L. Ashley, R.C. Bott, A.Q. Antoniazzi, and H. Han. 2010. Endocrine actions of interferon-tau in ruminants. Society of Reproduction and Fertility. 67:325-340.

Han, H., T. E. Engle and S. L. Archibeque. 2009.  Characterization and identification of hepatic mRNA related to copper metabolism and homeostasis in cattle. Biological Trace Element Research 129:130-136.

Smirnova, N., A. Ptitsyn, K. J. Austin, H. Bielefeldt-Ohmann, H. Van Campen, H. Han, A. van Olphen, and T. R. Hansen. 2009. Persistent fetal infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus differentially affects maternal blood cell signal transduction pathways.  Physiological Genomics 36:129-139.

Han, H., Hansen, T.R., Berg, B., Hess, B.W. and Ford, S.P. 2008. Maternal undernutrition induces differential cardiac gene expression in pulmonary hypertensive steers at high altitude. Am J Physiol- Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 295(7):H382-H389.

Smirnova, N., Bielefeldt-Ohmann,H., Van Campen, H., Austin, K.J., Han, H.,  Montgomery, D.L., van Olphen, A.L. and Hansen, T.R. 2008.  Acute non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus infection induces pronounced type 1 interferon response in pregnant cows and fetuses. Virus Research 132; 49-58.

Ford, S.P., B.W. Hess, M.M. Schwope, M.J. Nijland, J.S. Gilbert, K.A. Vonnahme, W.J. Means, H. Han, and P.W. Nathanielsz. 2007. Maternal undernutrition during early gestation in the ewe results in altered growth rate, adiposity and glucose tolerance in male offspring. J Anim Sci 85:1285-1294.

Hansen T.R., Pru J.K., Han H, Rempel L.A. and Austin, K.J. 2007. Failure of Uterine-Conceptus Interactions in Cattle.  J Reprod Develop. 52, S111-120.

Han, H., K.J. Austin, L.R. Rempel and T.R. Hansen. 2006. Low blood ISG15 mRNA and progesterone levels are predictive of non-pregnant dairy cows.  J Endocrinol 191: 505-512.

Han H., K.J. Austin, S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz, M.J. Nijland, and T.R. Hansen. 2004. Maternal nutrient restriction programs gene expression in ovine fetal heart. J Physiol 558 (1): 111–121.

Han, H., H.S. Hussein, H.A. Glimp, D.H. Saylor, and L.W. Greene. 2002. Carbohydrate fermentation and nitrogen metabolism of a finishing beef diet by ruminal microbes in continuous cultures as affected by ethoxyquin and(or) supplementation or monensin and tylosin. J Anim Sci  80:1117-1123.

Tanner, J.P., H.S. Hussein, D.H. Hanks, H. Han, and S.L. Lake. 2002. Growth and reproductive performance of heifers as affected by ruminal degradation of supplemental protein.  The Professional Animal Scientist 18:337-342.

Han, H., Lee, S.H., and Son, Y.S. 1994. In Situ and In Vitro evaluations of some feed proteins heat-treated by different processing methods. Korean J Anim Nutr Feed 18: 491-498.

Son, Y.S., Yu, B.W., Han, H, Lee, C.J., and Kim, K.S. 1994. A field study on the ruminal pH of lactating cows according to feeding system in Korea. Korean J Dairy Sci 16:326-334.