Modern Physics and Introduction to Quantum Mechanism
History Of Physics, Upper Division Synthesis Ge
Upper Division- Sophomore, And Introductory Recitations
Calculus-Based Introductory Physics
General Physics Laboratory
Physics Concepts and Activates – Science For K-8 Preservice Teachers
Learning Assistant (LA) Seminar Course
The University of Washington, Physics Department (2005-2007)
Physics By Inquiry, Electric Circuit
Physics By Inquiry, Kinematics And Dynamics
Physics By Inquiry, Light And Colors, And Mechanical Waves
Tutorials in Physics, Mechanics
Tutorials in Physics, Electricity and Magnetism
Tutorials in Physics, Waves and Oscillations
The Ohio State University, Physics Department TA (2001-2005)
Introductory Algebra and Calculus-Based Physics Labs and Lectures
Physics By Inquiry, Properties Of Matter
Upper-Level Undergraduate Quantum Mechanics
Physics and Mathematics Teacher (2004-2005)
High School Physics and Physical Science teacher, Columbus Torah Academy
Learning Assistant Program (2010-present)
Professional Development Courses For future high school teachers
Build CPP Learning Assistant (LA) Program
Designed and taught pedagogical courses for Las
Assisted faculty in Biological Science and Mathematics and Statistics departments in launching and adopting the program
Professional Development Research-Based Courses For K-12 Teachers CPP (2007-2017)
CPP ReSPECT Math & Science Partnership (MSP), Summer Institute (2014-2019)
Noyce Master Teacher Fellow (MTF) teacher prep and leadership development Summer Institute, 6- 8 weeks (2011-2016)
West Ed curriculum, Understanding Force and Motion, teacher-prep Institute (2009)
Developed Early Field Experience courses for pre-service teachers (2009-2015)
Developed Wave and Optics curriculum for high school physics teachers (2008)
Professional Development, Summer Institute for In-service Teachers University of Washington (2005- 2007)
UW Summer Institute is a nationally known, intense six weeks long NSF granted program in the physics department of University of Washington for K-12 In-service teachers
Physics by Inquiry, Heat & Temperature, Lead instructor (2007)
Physics by Inquiry, Electric Circuit II, Lead instructor (2007)
Physics by Inquiry, Light an Geometrical Optics, Lead instructor (2006)
Physics by Inquiry, Properties of Matter (2006)
Physics 407, 408, and 409; A three quarters long discovery-based course (in laboratory environment) for Pre-service science and mathematics teachers
Supervised and scheduled teaching assignments for over 65 physics TAs quarterly
Designed and developed of TA Seminars, The Ohio State University (2000-2005)
Facilitated University TA Orientations, Topics include, Cross-Cultural Communication Skills in the Classroom, Active Learning in Science, Teaching in the Lab, and leading a class discussion (2002-2004)