Homeyra Sadaghiani

Homeyra Sadaghiani

Professor, Physics & Astronomy, College of Science

Honors & Leadership

Provost fellow

Dean Fellow New faculty Success Program or https://www.cpp.edu/sci/newsletter/pdf-newsletter/newsletter-september-2021.pdf

Physics  Astronomy LA program

I have secured an external APS/ NSF founding to launch a PhysTEC program at CPP in 2012. This program aims to address a national shortage in number and quality of high school physics teachers.  As part of this program, I build the CPP Learning Assistant (LA) program in 2012. The primary goal of the LA program was to increase the number of physics graduates who pursue a career in high school physics teaching, which was successful in this regard with many of the LAs going on to teaching careers showing the lasting impact. Furthermore, the LAs help initiate and sustain course transformation by facilitating student collaboration in the large-enrollment science courses.  LAs are successful undergraduate students, completed the introductory courses with A or B grade and are interested in teaching and helping others. LAs work 6-10 hours a week and receive modest stipends.

Success: Aa result of this program many CPP physics majors have decided to follow teaching careers and have become outstanding educators; Many faculty implemented more engaging activities to their courses. The program is an effective strategy that provides a more personal learning experience for students in large lecture courses. Not only it has shown to improve students learning experience, but also has increased their engagement and confidence in asking questions.

Sustainability: the program has been very successful  and sustained beyond the three years of the PhysTEC external funding. The success of the program has allowed me to secure university, college, and department resources to support the program. In fact, other departments such as Biology and math have adopted the LA program after observing the success and popularity of this program.



Learn Through Discovery

Flip it Physics link>

FLC <link>

APS professional skills link>

Faculty fellow Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (CEMaST)