Chantal van Esch

Chantal van Esch

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Management and Human Resources, College of Business Administration

Select Publications

  • van Esch, C., Luse, W., & Bonner, R. L. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Concerns and Gender on Mentor Seeking Behavior and Self-Efficacy. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
  • Edelson, S., Lo, K., Nelson, T., Stark, G., Stratton, M., & van Esch, C. (2019). From the Shadow of Overconfidence into the Light of Humility: Reflections on Experiential Learning Activities Gone Awry. Journal of Management Education.
  • Jané, S., van Esch, C., & Bilimoria, D. (2018). “Why’d You Wanna Study That?” A Process Model of the Under-Legitimation of a Research Topic. Academy of Management Learning and Education.
  • van Esch, C., Hopkins, M.M., O’Neil, D.A., & Bilimoria, D. (2018). How Perceived Riskiness Influences the Selection of Women and Men as Senior Leaders. Human Resource Management.
  • Sugiyama, K., Cavanagh, K. V., van Esch, C., Bilimoria, D., & Brown, C. (2016). Inclusive Leadership Development: Drawing from Pedagogies of Women’s and General Leadership Development Programs. Journal of Management Education, 40(3), 253-292.