Alexander Mitchell

Alexander Mitchell

Assistant Professor, International Business and Marketing, College of Business Administration

Professional Biography

Dr. Alex Mitchell is an assistant professor of marketing in the International Business and Marketing department at Cal Poly Pomona. He researches and teaches in the areas of marketing strategy, branding, marketer-consumer dynamics, and qualitative methods. His published work has appeared in the Journal of Social Marketing, Consumption, Markets & Culture, as well as the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. His ongoing research has been presented at the annual conferences of the Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association, the Consumer Culture Theory Consortium, and the Academy of Marketing Science. Prior to academia Dr. Mitchell worked in the software industry for fourteen years in technical marketing and user community leadership roles. Dr. Mitchell received his Ph.D in marketing from the Smith School of Business at Queen's University in Canada.


Research Interests
Brands and Branding; Consumer Culture; Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Social Change; Meso-level Theory


Teaching Interests
Marketing Strategy; Consumer Behavior; Qualitative Marketing Research; Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation


Select Grants, Scholarships, and Awards

2017 Invited Emerging Scholar, Consumers and Consumption Symposium at Yale
2016 Doctoral Fellow, AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium at Notre Dame
2015–’16 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Scholarship