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EODA/Human Resources Operations

Equal Employment Opportunity Program

CSU Executive Order 1088 reaffirms the CSU’s commitment to maintaining and implementing employment policies and procedures that comply with applicable equal employment opportunity action laws and regulations. CPP engages in equal employment opportunity and proactive actions to ensure broad outreach and recruitment, equitable and non-discriminatory treatment of all applicants and employees.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist (EEO Specialist) is responsible for establishing, evaluating, monitoring, and updating CPP’s Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEOP) annually and in accordance with federal regulations. The EEOP is a working document outlining CPP’s policies, responsibilities, priorities, and programs for ensuring equal employment opportunity.

A copy of the CPP’s Equal Employment Opportunity Statement is available for review by appointment at the EODA/HR Operations Customer Service Center in the Student Services Building West: 121-West, Suite 2700 or by using the first link below:

General Inquiries

Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM I Email: I Phone: 909-869-3733
3801 W. Temple Ave, Pomona, CA 91768
Student Services Building 121, Second Floor
Map and Directions to our office

Submit an Internal Inquiry (CPP Credentials Required)


Submit an External Inquiry (Public Users Only) 


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