Advising + Forms
General Advising + Forms

General Advising Links:
Most necessary academic forms can be found on the Registrar's form page; questions about processes and forms should be directed to the student's cohort level advisor or the graduate coordinator.
Financial Aid questions should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid.
Students in need of assistance can reach out to:
For GE-specific questions please contact ENV Student Success Advising Retention and Graduation Specialist:
- Michelle Martinez (
- Students are encouraged to meet with Michelle for any general academic advising.
- See other advising services and resources on official ENV Student Success Advising Center page at
Specific BSLA and MLA documents and advising information can be found on the tabs on this page.
- From an on-campus phone: University Police Department Dispatch call 911.
- From your cell phone: University Police Department Dispatch call 909-869-3070.
Studio/Lab Facility ( Applies to both Graduate and Undergraduate Studios )
- All aisles and doorways are to remain clear.
- Fire extinguishers are at specific locations in the studio/lab. Become familiar with where they are located and know how to use them. All fire extinguishers must be keep clear of obstruction at all times; minimum 5" radius.
- All studio desks and tables must be covered by the end of the first-week of studio. It is the student's responsibility to cover their entire table(s), edge to edge, with thick chipboard, a cutting mat, masonite or other protective surface. Any student not in compliance will not be allowed to continue working in studio until in compliance.
- Do NOT bring personal furniture or appliances into the lab. All non-CPP owned furniture or appliances can be removed at anytime. Any student in need of material accommodation will be accommodated and should be coordinated through the department office.
- Everyone using the lab is responsible to assure that floors are free from trip or slip hazards. Desks or other furniture are to be arranged so that people cannot trip over floor monuments or extension cords.
- Students may not construct personal studio partitions studios spaces. No partition or individual's studio desk may be covered overhead with a semi-permanent or temporary structure of any kind.
- Any student found responsible for damaging individual studio tables, shared studio tables, studio equipment, outdoor work surfaces, outdoor floor surfaces or any other university owned property or facility will be referred to the ENV Dean and Student Affairs.
First Aid & Personal Protective Equipment
- First aid supplies available in the studio/lab. The kit is inspected periodically by ENV staff. If you use the supplies in the kit please notify a staff member so that it can be re-stocked.
- It is the responsibility of each student to provide their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while working in the studio/lab. PPE may include, but not limited to eye protection, gloves, long sleeve clothing, closed shoes, respirators, etc. It is also the responsibility of each student to keep their PPE in good condition and to wear such equipment wherever and whenever appropriate. Open-Toed Shoes are NOT allowed in the studio/lab.
Hazardous Materials & Chemical Safety
- Spray products or aerosol propellants, including spray mounts cannot be used indoors.
- Chemicals or chemical-based products being used in the lab must be in the manufacturer's container, with an accurate label and an SDS must be on file. All material that off-gasses may only be used in designated outdoor work spaces. Any treated material (included but not limited to paint, polyurethane, stain, etc.) may not be stored indoors.
- Concrete cannot be stored, mixed or used indoors.
- Do not dump waste concrete mix or rinsate from containers in the dirt or planters. Use only approved waste collection containers.
- There is a limited list of hazardous materials that can be brought to campus from home. These materials must be in the manufacturer's original container, have the student's name on the container and have the manufacturer's Safety Data Sheet (SDS). The manufacturer should provide the SDS, but it can also be found on the manufacturer's website.
The material must be stored in the appropriate storage locker designated for the type of material. Remember, you can't use it safely, please do not bring it on campus.
If there is waste material a hazardous waste manifest must be completed and Environmental Health and Safety disposal procedures followed. (Call EH&S at x4697 for more information). It's best to be Green!
Any hazardous material left in a locker at the end of the class term will be destroyed of appropriately.
Tool and Equipment Maintenance & Safety
- Electrical/Ethernet floor, wall or hanging monuments and other outlets are not to be overloaded or damaged. Multiple plug adapters cannot be used, and (for outdoor outlets) weatherproof covers must be in place.
- Electrical extension cords must NOT be brought from home. Use of an extension cord is only temporary, less than 1-day. Prior to each use check for any damage. If frayed or tampered with in any way do NOT use. When in use prevent trip hazards. Extension cords should be stored when not in use. Report damaged cords to a Studio/ENV staff member or to your instructor.
- All tools (hand and power) and equipment are to be maintained per manufacturer's instructions and be in good working condition. All manufacturer's guarding must be in place at all times during use. All electrical equipment must be grounded. All tools must be used for their intended purpose and must not be left unattended at anytime. Report any malfunction, damaged or missing guards to a Studio/IDC staff member or to your instructor.
- No power or sanding tools shall be used indoors except in the ENV Model Shop and Art Wood Shop. A Studio/ENV staff member or a designated student assistant must be present when such tools are in use.
- Hand and/or power tools brought from home should not be shared with/used by anyone other than the person who owns the tools. As in #16 above, the tool must be in good condition, guarded and used only for its intended purpose. Personal tools that are used improperly or in prohibited locations may be confiscated. They will be returned to the student to remove from campus.
- If you have questions and/or if you need training on any of the information discussed, please notify a Studio/ENV staff member or your instructor prior to working in the lab.
Safety Inspections & Reporting Concerns
- ENV staff will perform periodic, scheduled safety inspections of the studio/lab facility and equipment.
- If you see something say something. Report any and all safety concerns including but not limited to: equipment malfunctions, missing guards, improper use of equipment, hazardous material spills, etc., promptly to a Studio /ENV staff member or to your instructor.
- Report all injuries and/or near miss incidents to a Studio/ ENV staff member or to your instructor.
- Reporting of safety concerns can also be made anonymously to the Environmental Health & Safety Office.
General Housekeeping
- RECYCLING: The College supports recycling. Bins are made available for a variety of materials. When using these bins, please take care not to contaminate one sort of material with another; contaminated materials often cannot be accepted for recycling. If necessary, students may be asked to help move student-owned recyclable materials to a recycling center.
- REUSABLE MATERIALS :In an effort to reduce waste, all ENV Departments encourage the reuse of project materials such as cardboard, Styrofoam, model bases, castors, basswood and other wood products. This reusable material will be collected and sorted and will be available free to students. Please confirm with your with studio staff the location of reusable modeling, and other art and design products. Please coordinate with your studio coordinator on how to acquire such reusable material.
- STUDIO CLEAN-UP SCHEDULE: Students are required to clean-up the workspace and general studio areas of the Studio every Wednesday at the beginning of their studio times for the duration of 20 minutes throughout Fall, Winter and Spring quarters. Each individual student is responsible for inside and outdoor areas and needs to use sound judgement in storing or disposing waste material. If you have questions in this regard, ask a Studio /IDC staff member or your instructor.
- Every individual course coordinator or instructor is asked to help with the coordination and execution of this clean-up schedule in a safe and disciplined manor.
- This regular schedule is in addition to other ordered clean-up events as per studio faculty and department office.
General Policies
- Students are requested to respect the studio environment of others. Do not create a condition where your colleagues cannot work safely in the studio environment. Reporting of safety concerns can be made anonymously to the department office, the ENV Dean's office or the Environmental Health & Safety Office.
- Students are requested to respect the studio environment of others. Do not use other student's desks, tables or studio spaces without direct consent- please ask. The department often has to share studio space for different courses; please be respectful of the person who occupies the desk you sit at.
The MLA program runs student advising through the graduate coordinator. This method ensures year-level continuity as it accommodates specific individual advising required of each graduate student.
- Students are encouraged to email the grad coordinator to set up appointments. Email is the official form of university communication.
- Students are encouraged to discuss academic plans with any MLA faculty members but all decisions must be coordinated through the graduate coordinator.
The first year of the MLA curriculum consists of 24 semester units and is considered preparatory for first professional degree students.
The second and third years of the MLA Curriculum consist of 48 semester units. Students should be able to complete their MLA degree taking 12 units per semester.
Students must complete a cumulating experience to fulfill the terminal requirement.
This section summarizes advising forms used by MLA students or graduate students in general. This section may not include all forms needed and the forms listed here may not be the most updated. Please always check the dates on the form before usage. Students may check with the graduate coordinator or administration coordinator before usage.
Below through the link to Advising forms from CPP Graduate Studies, you can find the following forms and their respective user guides:
- Report of Cumulating Experience
- Graduate Academic Petition
- Petition to Change/Add Graduate Degree Objective
- Request by an Undergraduate for Graduate Credit
- Leave of Absence
- Application to Graduate
Through the University Strategic Enterprise Risk Management, you can find the field trip forms.
Also other department and program level forms are attached on this page for your reference as pdfs.
The BSLA uses a cohort advising structure: each year-level cohort has a faculty advisor assigned to that year.
- Students are encouraged to email advisors to set up appointments. Email is the official form of university communication.
- Students may work with another advisor upon agreement with the faculty advisor.
Undergraduate Program Advisors:
- First Year
Rennie Tang ( - Second Year
Lorena Garcia ( - Third Year
Keiji Uesugi ( - Fourth Year
Claire Latané (
ENV Retention and Graduation Specialist (Student Success Advising Center)
- Michelle Martinez ( Students are encouraged to meet with Michelle for any general academic advising.
The BSLA Curriculum consists of 120 semester units:
63 LA Major Core units
9 LA Directed Elective units
48 General Education (GE) Units
BSLA Curriculum Sheet 2020-24 (2020-24 BSLA_Curriculum Roadmap.pdf)