Department of Art

Minor: Studio Arts

jumbo_art_degreeandadmissions_minorinstudioarts_1.pngA student completes her charcoal artwork. Below: An art graduate declares her career path the Walt Disney Company: "I took finger painting to the next level." (Tom Zasadzinski)

Ever want to indulge your passion for creating? The Studio Arts Minor program in the Department of Art is the perfect complement to all majors in which effective visual communication is critical, and to enrich an understanding of how visual and artistic traditions inform the way our diverse global community processes ideas and complex messages. 

art-commencement-cap.jpgUndergraduate students in the program must complete 24 units of courses in visual communications design and art history and satisfy both general education (GE) C1 and the Lower Division Art History requirement with  a C1 Art History GE course offered by the department within the College of Enviromental Design.

Students must select a concentration within the area of Studio Arts: Print Making, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture, or Drawing by repeating one the following courses outlined in the Curriculum section below.

Studio Arts Minor Program Contact

Kevin Moore
Assistant Professor, Department of Art

Studio Arts Minor Flyer (Studio Arts Minor.pdf)

Required for All Studio Arts Concentrations.
Take all three courses (9 units).
Catalog Number Course Name Units
VCD 1311A Foundations in Drawing 3
VCD 1321A Foundations in 2D Design 3
VCD 1331A Foundations in 3D Design 3
Lower Division Art History. Select one (3 units).
Catalog Number Course Name Units
AH 2301 World Art: Prehistory through Medieval Europe  3
AH 2302 World Art: Renaissance through Modern Europe and U.S. 3
AH 2303  World Art: Asia Prehistory to 12th Century  3
AH 2305 World Art: Oceania and Native America 3
Upper Division Art History. Select one (3 units).
Catalog Number Course Name Units
AH 3311  Art of Ancient Egypt and the Near East 3
AH 3313 Art of the Classical World 3
AH 3315 Art of the Middle Ages 3
AH 3317 Art of the Italian Renaissance 3
AH 3319  Art in the Age of the Baroque  3
AH 3331 Art of the United States 3
AH 3333 History of Design 3
AH 3335 Modernism in Visual Art 3
AH 3337 Contemporary Art 3
AH 3341  Art and Architecture of India Art 3
AH 3343 Arts of Korea 3
AH 3345 Arts of Japan 3
AH 3351 Art of Mexico, Central and South America 3
Studio Art Courses. Select three (9 units).
Catalog Number Course Name Units
VCD 3361A Studio Arts: Life Drawing 3
VCD 3362A Studio Arts: Painting 3
VCD 3363A Studio Arts: Print Processes 3
VCD 3364A Studio Arts: Ceramics 3
VCD 3365A Studio Arts: Sculpture 3

View 2024-2025 Catalog

A student may not declare a major and minor in the same degree plan, with the exception of some interdisciplinary minors. They must satisfy the minor requirements listed in the Cal Poly Pomona University catalog at the time they declare the minor or at the time of graduation.

Students are encouraged to declare a major as early as possible in their academic career, but no later than the fifth week of the term in which they plan to graduate.

Note: Students may not continue enrollment to complete the minor after completion of their major program.