English & Modern Languages


No Knowledge of the Language

If you have not studied the language in high school or college and do not speak it at home, the appropriate course for you will be the first course in the sequence:

  • Chinese: CHN 1111
  • French: FRE 1111
  • German: GER 1111
  • Spanish: SPN 1111

Placement Exam

If you have had some previous language study at either the high school or college level, or if you speak the language at home but are unsure of your abilities, you should take the placement exam.

WebCAPE 2.0 Placement Exam (Chinese, French, German, and Spanish)

The exam is online, unproctored, available 24/7, and you can take it from home. There is a$10 charge for taking the exam, which you pay directly to the company that administers it. You will receive your results immediately upon completing the test.

This is a self-placement option. It is well worth the effort to get it right the first time, making sure you are placed in the appropriate level for you. This keeps you from wasting time and money, and potentially ending up with a lower grade than you might like.

If after taking the placement exam you are still not sure which section to take, please contact the appropriate language coordinator:

  • Spanish: Dr. Isabel Bustamante-López
  • French: Dr. Liliane Fucaloro
  • German: Dr. Isabel Bustamante-López
  • Chinese: Dr. Daan Pan

Please note that the placement exam does NOT grant academic credit, and it does NOT exempt a student from any language requirements. It is for placement purposes only. We recommend that incoming students complete the test prior to attending the Academic Orientation Program.

More Than Two Years of High School Spanish

Students who have completed 2 years of Spanish in high school with a B or better may enroll in a 2000 level course without taking the placement exam: SPN 1130 or 2120 for those who are native / heritage speakers of Spanish speakers, and SPN 2111 or 2112 for those who are not native speakers of Spanish. Students with AP courses should contact one of the Spanish advisors.

Native/Heritage Speakers of Spanish

If you grew up in a Spanish-speaking household please do NOT register for SPN 1111, as this course is not appropriate to your needs. We have a native/heritage speaker track for you: SPN 1130 and SPN 2120. These courses will address your linguistic needs much better and more efficiently than classes designed for second language learners.

Exam Scores Interpreted

You will receive your score immediately upon completing the exam. Please note or print your score, and use it to determine the appropriate language course for you according to the following tables (click links for tables).

Exam Score Appropriate Language Course


SPN 1111, Elementary Spanish I


SPN 1112, Elementary Spanish II


SPN 2111, Intermediate Spanish I

428 or above

SPN 2112, Intermediate Spanish II

Exam Score Appropriate Language Course

300 or below

use non-native scores, above


SPN 1130, Spanish for Spanish Speakers I

441 or above

SPN 2120, Spanish for Spanish Speakers II

Exam Score Appropriate Language Course


FRE 1111, Elementary French I


FRE 1112, Elementary French II


FRE 2111, Intermediate French

403 or above

see advisor

Exam Score Appropriate Language Course


GER 1111, Elementary German I


GER 1112, Elementary German II


GER 2111, Intermediate German I

493 or above

see advisor

Exam Score Appropriate Language Course


CHN 1111, Elementary Chinese I


CHN 1112, Elementary Chinese II


CHN 2111, Intermediate Chinese I


CHN 2112, Intermediate Chinese II

512 or above

see advisor