Victoria Gonzalez

Victoria Gonzalez
What is the most significant thing that has happened to you since graduating?
Getting a full-time job and writing about Sesame Street.
What is your favorite memory or CLASS CPP experience?
The Poly Post and the day we got to pie our professors on their faces.
Why did you choose to study at CLASS?
CPP is an amazing school.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Getting to consume and create great content.
What is your advice for current students?
Get to know your professors, apply for internships and write for the Poly Post.
What are you passionate about in your work?
Providing equitable access to quality content.
How has your CLASS degree helped shape your success?
It gave me a strong foundation.
How are you making a positive impact on the world?
Using my time to work in public media where we’re committed to making sure educational content and enlightening stories reach as many people as possible, for free.