Graduate Programs

Course Completion Roadmaps (1-year vs. 2-year)

For full-time students, students are able to finish the program by following either the one-year or two-year completion road-map. Typically, the one-year roadmap requires students to take 12 semester credit units for 12 months (i.e., Fall, Spring, and Summer), while the two-year roadmap entails taking about 6 credit units each term for two years. Students who are working full-time or have part-time internship jobs (20 hrs or less) are strongly advised to follow the two-year completion roadmap. For questions about this, contact us at

Semester No Courses Credits Sum
Fall 1    IBM 6010 (Digital Marketing)                                           3 12
2    IBM 6500 (Customer Insights Methods and Survey Research) 3
3    IBM 6510 (Foundations of Customer Analytics) 3
4    IBM 6200 (Online Consumer Psychology and Behaviors) 3
Spring 5    IBM 6100 (Search Engine Marketing)** 2 12
6    IBM 6150 (Database Marketing)** 2
7    IBM 6520 (Market Forecasting) 2
8    IBM 6530 (Marketing Analytics) 3
9    IBM 6400 (Current Issues in Digital Marketing)** 1
10    IBM 6800 (Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategy I)** 2
Summer 11    IBM 6540 (Marketing Data Science) 3 10
12    IBM 6300 (Retailing in Digital Economy) 3
13    IBM 6600 (Text Analysis for Digital Marketing) 2
14    IBM 6950 (Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategy II) 2
Total 34

Note: *All admitted students should register and finish DWV 100 (Data Wrangling and Visualization certificate) prior to their first semester.

** These courses will be scheduled on the same day.

First Year

Semester No Courses Credits Sum
Summer 0 DWV100*
Fall 1    IBM 6010 (Digital Marketing)                                           3 6
2    IBM 6510 (Foundations of Customer Analytics) 3
Spring 3    IBM 6100 (Search Engine Marketing)** 2 6
4    IBM 6150 (Database Marketing)** 2
5    IBM 6520 (Market Forecasting) 2
Summer 6    IBM 6540 (Marketing Data Science) 3 5
7    IBM 6300 (Retailing in Digital Economy) 2
Total 17

*All admitted students should register and complete DWV 100 (Data Wrangling and Visualization certificate) prior to the first semester.

 ** These courses will be scheduled on the same day.


Second Year

Semester No Courses Credits Sum
Fall 8    IBM 6500 (Customer Insights Methods and Survey Research)  3 6
9    IBM 6200 (Online Consumer Psychology and Behaviors) 3
Spring 10    IBM 6530 (Marketing Analytics) 3 6
11    IBM 6400 (Current Issues in Digital Marketing)** 1
12    IBM 6800 (Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategy l)** 2
Summer 13    IBM 6600 (Text Analysis for Digital Marketing) 3 5
14    IBM 6950 (Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategy ll) 2
Total 17

 ** These courses will be scheduled on the same day.