Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE)
IMPORTANT: In-person or phone support for Canvas and other learning technologies support will be available by appointment only during Spring Break (March 31 – April 4, plus weekends). Service requests and emails will be answered as usual; please make a request or send email to set up an appointment. CAFE will be entirely closed on March 31 for the observance of Cesar Chavez Day.

Technology QuickStart Tutorials

QuickStart: Zoom (Video Conferencing)

Use Zoom for synchronous online lectures and virtual office hours.

Tutorial Format
How to Create Zoom Account (1m 00s) Kaltura video
How to login to Zoom with CPP SSO (2m 22s) Kaltura video
Scheduling a Zoom Meeting (4m 51s) Kaltura video
Using Zoom - Managing an Online Classroom (8m 24s) Kaltura video
Zoom Video and Audio Conferencing (KB0015279) eHelp page
Zoom Polling (3m 04s) Kaltura video
Zoom Breakout Rooms (3m 25s) Kaltura video
Whiteboard in Zoom (3m 25s) Kaltura video
Whiteboard without a Tablet (3m 09s) Kaltura video
Zoom Waiting Room (2m 11s) Kaltura video

If you wish to record your Zoom lectures and share them with students, upload your videos to Kaltura, CPP’s official video streaming platform:

Tutorial Format
How to Create a Kaltura Account (1m 26s) Kaltura video
How To Record and Manually Upload Zoom (4m 58s) Kaltura video
How to Record Zoom Directly to the Cloud and Add Videos to Canvas (4m 51s) Kaltura video
How to Record Asynchronous Video (2m 02s) Kaltura video
Tips for Teaching with Kaltura and Zoom (3m 20s) Kaltura video
Video Quality - Tips and Tricks (3m 03s) Kaltura video

Also view the following video for a quick tutorial on using security settings in Zoom:

Tutorial Format
Adding Security and Managing Participants (8m 46s) Kaltura video

Students can access these How-To Guides for using Zoom:

Tutorial Format
How to Join a Zoom Session (pdf) Kaltura video
How to Host Your Own Zoom Session (pdf) Kaltura video
Using the Zoom Whiteboard (pdf) Kaltura video
Storing and Sharing Files in OneDrive (pdf) Kaltura video
Zoom eHelp Documentation (pdf) Kaltura video

These video tutorials are also available for students:

Tutorial Format
Starting a Zoom Account (58s) Kaltura video
Learning Zoom (LinkedIn Learning) (1m 22s) Kaltura video
Store and Share Files Easily with OneDrive (LinkedIn Learning) (46s) Kaltura video
OneDrive Quick Tips (LinkedIn Learning) (38s) Kaltura video
Zoom from a student perspective (3m 35s) Kaltura video

QuickStart: Kaltura (CPP's Video Streaming Server)

Use the Kaltura Lecture Capture software to pre-record and share lectures with students.

Tutorial Format
How to Create a Kaltura Account (1m 26s) Kaltura video
Downloading and Installing Kaltura Capture (1m 23s) Kaltura video
Using Kaltura Lecture Capture (5m 52s) Kaltura video
Uploading Content to Kaltura (2m 58s) eHelp page
Tips for Teaching with Kaltura and Zoom (3m 20s) Kaltura video
Video Quality - Tips and Tricks (3m 03s) Kaltura video
Edit Kaltura Captions (2m 33s) Kaltura video
Educational Video and Media Technology at CPP - Using Kaltura (KB0015282) eHelp page
Whiteboard in Kaltura (2m 37s) Kaltura video
Kaltura Quiz (7m 42s) Kaltura video

QuickStart: Security and Privacy for Teaching Remotely

When using Zoom for teaching remotely keep privacy in mind. Protect your student's privacy and your own by using the following tips:

Tutorial Format
Start or schedule a secured meeting with a password: Meeting Passwords eHelp page
Don't show meeting passwords on your calendar invite: Using Your Outlook Calendar Securely with Zoom eHelp page
Allow participants to only join the meeting after the host: Disable the "Join Before Host" Meeting Option eHelp page
Lock a meeting after all your students have joined: Lock Your Zoom Session eHelp page
Expel a participant or all participants: Remove a Participant from Your Zoom Meeting or Webinar eHelp page
Mute/unmute a participant or all participants: Mute All And Unmute All eHelp page
Enable/disable a participant or all participants to record: Managing participants in a meeting eHelp page
Meetings and Webinar recordings can be stored on the host's local device: Local Recording eHelp page
Upload to Kaltura (read Kaltura's privacy advantage over Youtube): Secure Your Meeting Recording eHelp page

Also view the following for quick tutorials on using security settings in Zoom:

Tutorial Format
Adding Security and Managing Participants (8m 46s) Kaltura video
Securing Your Zoom Meetings eHelp page

Quickstart: Smart Classrooms

HyFlex Classroom Equipment and Software:

HyFlex Classrooms or Hybrid Flexible Classrooms are learning spaces configured to support a flexible teaching and learning environment that can include video conferencing, lecture recording, and a variety of screen-sharing options to deliver a high-quality experience for students.

Tutorial Format
Hyflex Orientation and Demonstration (9m 16s) Kaltura video

In-Room Amplification for Most Classrooms:

There is great news for our faculty struggling to be heard through your masks! Thanks to MediaVision & IT's Classroom Technology Support group, Cal Poly Pomona is now offering in-room voice amplification for all PC smart classrooms. The in-room amplification utilizes classroom’s built in speaker system but does require that you bring your own device (BYOD) for the microphone.

Although any usb microphone will work, headset style is strongly recommended. MediaVision's pick is the FIFINE Wireless Microphone K031B.

Tutorial Format
Setting Up Classroom Voice Amplification (1m 52s) Kaltura video
Classroom Voice Amplification Guide (pdf) PDF Download

Webcams and Document Cameras in Classrooms:

Many classrooms at Cal Poly Pomona now feature both a webcam and a document camera that can be used for in-person lectures or with Zoom.

Tutorial Format
Recording In-Person Classes with a Webcam (5m 50s) Kaltura video
Switching to the Document Camera while on Zoom (doc) MS Word Document