Ways to Give
There are numerous ways to enhance the Cal Poly Pomona experience and at the same time receive generous tax breaks and savings opportunities. However, these gift strategies require careful forethought. We look forward to meeting with you and your advisors to structure a gift that best fits your personal, financial and charitable goals.
More information is also available online at www.polylegacy.org.

Cash and Pledges
Cash is often the most convenient and easiest form of giving. Most supporters make gifts by writing a check or using a credit card. Pledges enable you to plan a gift that is both convenient and tax-wise. A pledge allows you to consider a more significant gift and is payable over five years.

Securities may be contributed as outright gifts or as a pledge payment. When you make a gift of long-term appreciated securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have grown in value), your income tax deduction is equal to the current fair market value of the securities, and you may avoid capital gains taxes on the transfer.

Gifts of Business Interests
Many of Cal Poly Pomona’s most successful supporters consider gifts of business interests, such as closely held stock, S-Corporation stock, LLC interests and shares of professional corporations. These sophisticated giving methods require careful planning and coordination with a donor’s tax and financial advisors.

Real Estate
Real estate can be contributed as an outright gift or a gift through your estate. It also may be given to fund a deferred gift, such as a charitable remainder trust. Other gifting options allow for continued use of the property for your lifetime or for lifetime income. Any gifts of real estate, including your residence, farm, undeveloped land, vacation home or commercial property should be discussed with legal or financial representatives.

Bequests naming the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation in a will or living trust are the easiest and most popular deferred gift plans used by supporters. Donors may name the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation as a percentage beneficiary, for a specific dollar amount or specific assets, or as a residual or contingent recipient. Assets can be designated to support Cal Poly Pomona for the purposes you have documented.

Retirement Plan Designations
Retirement accounts often are exposed to income and estate taxes, which may be avoided or reduced through a deferred gift. Naming the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement account can provide a meaningful gift for Cal Poly Pomona and produce significant tax savings for you and your heirs.

Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable trust to benefit Cal Poly Pomona is established when you transfer assets (cash, securities or real estate) to a trust and the assets are then invested to pay an annual, lifetime or term-of-years income to you or other beneficiaries. When the trust matures, the remaining trust assets are distributed by the trustee according to your wishes. A wide variety of charitable trusts are available to meet your individual needs.

Life Insurance
A paid-up life insurance policy makes an effective charitable gift. Many people own life insurance policies they no longer need. Cal Poly Pomona can take a policy’s cash value or retain the policy for its death benefit. To receive a current income tax deduction, the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation must be named as owner and beneficiary of this type of policy. Cal Poly Pomona representatives will explain how to determine the value of the income tax deduction.