
Rediscovering Gandhian Wisdom: Building a Peaceful Future

Oct 17, 2008 to Oct 19, 2008

Location: Cal Poly Pomona, Bronco Student Center, Ursa Major




Conference Description

The third international conference of the Ahimsa Center at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (in Los Angeles area) will focus on rediscovering Gandhian wisdom grounded in Ahimsa and Truth to help us chart a more peaceful and more harmonious human future. This conference will bring together from all around the world leading Gandhian scholars and exemplars of Gandhian values. Collectively we will celebrate Gandhi’s gifts to humanity, and explore how we can apply his wisdom to find enduring solutions for the vexing political, social and personal problems we face.

The special significance of the conference lies in its timing which is close to two important centennials associated with Gandhi’s life and work. In 1908 Gandhi first launched his revolutionary satyagraha campaign in South Africa, and in 1909 he wrote Hind Swaraj--widely regarded as his seminal work, which argues for a civilization based on values such as nonviolence and truth. Inspired by the soul force, satyagraha became Gandhi’s modus operandi for combating political oppression and socio-economic injustice. Several movements in the twentieth century followed the Gandhian paradigm and some are continuing to do so in different parts of the world.

This conference will be a forum to explore the timely relevance of Gandhi’s thought as well as his methods. At the intellectual level, we will examine the implications of Gandhian concepts, ideas and strategies for disciplines such as history, political science, psychology, economics, law, business and environmental studies. At the practical level, we will examine how Gandhian models of education, economic development and political action have been employed world-wide.

The lessons derived at the conference will be vital for fostering a culture of nonviolence and promoting social and political change through nonviolence. The conference will also provide a major impetus for education about nonviolence in schools and colleges.