Meera and Jasvant Modi International ConferenceConference

Ahimsa (Nonviolence) and the Quality of Life

Apr 28, 2006 to Apr 29, 2006

Location: Cal Poly Pomona, Bronco Student Center, Ursa Major


Conference Description

Ahimsa is nonviolence rooted in courage and compassion, fearlessness and forgiveness. It connotes reverence for all life, promotes trust and civility, and is the key to lasting peace and happiness.

The second international conference of the Ahimsa Center at Cal Poly Pomona will explore how ahimsa enriches life at personal, interpersonal and social levels. The conference will bring together broad range of scholarships and experiences to provide compelling insights from multiple perspectives into the relationships between ahimsa and quality of life.

Issues and Questions

Presentations and discussions at this path-breaking conference will address issues and questions such as the following

  • How ahimsa promotes human wellbeing in both material and spiritual spheres, and contributes to enduring happiness and joy in life.
  • How violence diminishes the quality of life and contributes to unhappiness.
  • What role can compassion play in expanding the human potential? How can compassionate behavior positively transform interpersonal relationships?
  • How gratitude and forgiveness contribute to human empowerment.
  • In what ways is trust central to one’s own sense of security? How can trust reduce tensions and conflict in social settings?
  • How reverence for life helps individuals relate to other individuals as human beings transcending ethnic, linguistic, religious, and racial boundaries.
  • What is the connection between ahimsa and mindfulness?
  • In what ways the reverence for life can be extended to reverence for the environment, and how that can have positive impact on the quality of life.