Class of 2025
Ali Ahmadi, Ph.D.
('71, Aerospace Engineering)
Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona
David R. Alexander
('80, Mechanical Engineering)President, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Tim Kippen
('89, Engineering Technology)Co-Founder & CTO, Diversified Technical Systems, Inc.
David H. Klyde, Ph.D.
('87, Aerospace Engineering; '90, Aerospace Engineering MS)Tech Fellow, Flight Controls, Virgin Galactic Holdings LLC
Paul A. Kristedja
('85, Construction Engineering Technology)Founder & Chief Operating Officer, KPRS Construction Services, Inc.
Jes Pedersen
('85, Construction Engineering Technology)CEO & President, Webcor Builders
Scott R. Schork
('87, Civil Engineering)Principal & Vice President, BKF Engineers
Michael P. Smith
('84, Engineering Technology)Director of Engineering (Ret.), CBS Radio/CBS, Inc.
Leanne Swanson
('01, Electrical Engineering)Director, Southern California Edison
Elias Wilson
('04, Aerospace Engineering)Chief of Technology, Exquadrum